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"You look cute..." Dean said face flushed a bit. Sure he knew what Cas was being for Halloween he just didn't know how it was going to look.

His wolf ears were perked up matching his hair down to every strand. His costume wasn't that hard just the add-ons like the ears and tail. He had a spiked collar, a leather vest but no undershirt and some ripped jeans along with some spiked boots. He looked like a stripper but... He thought he looked like a cool big bad wolf.

Castiel looked cute in his big puffy dress, little apron, and red hood. He looked adorable in Dean's eyes along with Gabriel.

Gabriel and Sam had agreed on Cinderella and Prince Charming and even convinced Sam to wear a dress. He looked hot. Of course they were going out to party and it wouldn't be anything major as Sam didn't want to get recognized. So they went out, trick or treating first. Castiel and Gabe were forced to go up since they looked like teens and with Gabe they looked more convincing as they went to old peoples houses. Those old people cant see well, but pretty sure Sam and Dean would get caught being adults since they were taller then their boyfriends.

Gabriel was sure to get the most candy as he knew how to play people and make sure the kids got candy before pouring the entire bowl into his almost full pillow case. They had only been to five houses. Cas was carrying his candy in the small basket he had but it got heavy creating four pillow cases full of candy and they called it a night.

They stopped by Charlie's house for the party she was throwing at the clubs building and so they went dropping the candy inside of Cas's pimp car. No one really paid mind to it so no one would steal anything. They walked in music booming and pretty sure there was only about four sober people and two tipsy. Guessing they were the drivers for their drunk ass friends.

Gabriel walked in immediately getting hit on by men and women but ignoring them all. Even if he didn't Sam was giving them the most scariest death glare ever.  Sam was making sure no one touched his Prince Charming. When they found a table they sat and started to eat from the snack table and even take video of people throwing up and drunk Charlie singing Christmas carols at the top of her lungs while Jo just giggled and gave Gabe fifty bucks if he copied the tape and gave her it. Blackmail I guess. Sam said memories, same thing.

By the time Gabe and Sam wanted to leave they found their brothers in a corner Cas pushed up against the wall while Dean practically devoured him. They weren't drunk either. They separated and hopped in the car  heading to Ma's house(that's what Gabriel called Mary) and when they got there they were surprised to see her dressed up at all. She rocked the whole 'last-minute-cat' costume and when we entered kisses were placed upon our temples.

She really was a sweet lady. Staring at her sons as if they were treasures. And they were. Blonde hair framing her face perfectly with cute ears popping from her locks and her plain black shirt and loose jeans, TV on but nothing but boring news on.

"Wow, you guys did a lot of work!" She commented going to the kitchen with us behind her tail taking a seat in the kitchen.

"Fuck yeah!" Dean said but got a glare from his mother.

"Language, Dean" And Dean's lips fell into a pout but a happy pout.

"Oh, Ma, I got the costume making all on film like you wanted" Gabriel said passing her his camera and she opened it and skimmed through laughing at our pain and she handed it back.

"Thank you Gabe" He nodded and she passed them plates of food. She said to fill our bellies with real food before we go off downing all the candy we got. She was like the mom Gabriel and Castiel never had.

Their mother died when they were children and their father became a drunk yelling at them because they had 'her eyes' they had 'her laugh'. They knew it wasn't their fault. When father left... Then they were blamed by their older brothers(Gabriel mostly) that it was their fault father had left.

When Castiel got old enough, they moved here and Castiel got a small job at a Gas station. He still works there but comes home before Gabriel. Gabriel's job is literally watching TV and telling the boss what they could do to improve the stream and how they can change certain things. It was good pay and a great way to just... Be lazy.

Sam never mentioned a job, and hasn't mentioned him and college again. Dean works at a garage with his uncle Bobby whom the two Novak's haven't met. Mary said he'd visit on Christmas and since Jo is practically Dean and Sam's little sister and she'll visit too on Christmas.

The group stayed in the kitchen with Mary sitting on the counter with a mug full off coffee and they conversed among themselves. But Mary watched her boys. Watched how their eyes brightened up as they looked at the ones they loved, their lips twitching into smiles. Dean bursting in laughter when Castiel had said something that wasn't even funny. Gabriel shared his prank stories and Sam talked about how he pranked people himself. Then both of them went to war about who was better while Dean and Cas were just being so sappy.

When an hour had passed turning their brains to the want of sleep at midnight they gathered in the living room sitting on the couch gathering up now undressed and in Sam and Dean's clothes they leave here(they love spending time with their mom). Mary soon said goodnight giving all the boys hugs and kisses goodnight. It was a great Halloween they wood all say.

Let's just hope they don't cavities from eating all that candy.

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