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Gabriel had gotten up a little earlier wrapped up with Sam and he didn't want to leave. It was warm wrapped up in a blanket and arms. He had felt this for an entire month. But what he'd never tell another soul was that he wished there was more.

"You're finally up. We kind of threw 'hang out' out of our schedule yesterday" Sam said with a chuckle he pulled Gabriel closer.

"We can hang out today... Or we can go to club and hear about all the people that hooked up with other people"

"And feel like crap? No thanks, I like it here" Sam's hands entwined with Gabriel's. Gabriel liked that idea of just laying here in the warmth of Sam's body.

Gabriel smiled getting up and Sam's grip loosened hands loosely placed on Gabriel's exposed hip and they both got up Gabriel taking a hair tie and loosely putting his hair up. But Sam pulled him back down.

"Sammmmm" Gabriel whined sitting up practically straddling Sam but rolled of getting up again and going through Sam's closet for extra clothes he left here just in case he spent the night.

"Tell me why are you single still?" Sam asked sat up looking at Gabriel who took his shirt off leaving Sam to stare at the pale, blemish free back of his.

"Hmm... Maybe because no one is interested?" Gabriel got dressed quickly. Jeans, red flannel, green jacket, his normal attire. Sam followed after and Sam and Gabriel had a quick breakfast before going to the living room to watch re-runs of House M.D. while just chilling comfortably on the couch feet bare and rubbing against the soft fabric.

"I'd bang House until his shingles literally fell apart" Gabriel said head laying on Sam's shoulder.

"What about me?" Sam said faking a tear. "AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!" Sam pulled Gabriel down to his chest shaking him like a rag doll.

"Baby, baby please. Moose will get a turn" Gabriel smiled brightly. "How about we mess with people at Club? Without attending" Gabriel Said his eyebrows raised and grinning evilly.


They got up from the couch putting socks and shoes on. They left the house after shutting the TV off and they hopped into Sam's truck going to the dollar store and Gabriel grabbed his camera from his bag he left in the backseat. He turned it on filming Sam. Sam didn't even question it as he walked in the store with Gabriel.

They got water balloons and paint along with Candy. Gabriel got hungry. They filled the balloons with paint and they snuck in the back of the Clubs building and went through the back the balloons gathered in Sam's jacket. They giggled and Gabriel set his camera down and the two set the balloons strategically above doors or somewhere if there was a drop or pressure it would explode. The two hid and watched Charlie and Jo walking through the hallway making out mind you. They went against a door which caused the balloon to fall and explode in a hot pink goop on them.

Then they were spotted.

"Shit!" Gabriel whisper yelled as the two walked up to them and they ran Sam grabbing his jacket and slipping it back on as they ran.

"Moose and Unicorn SPOTTED" Gabriel yelled running his hair fell out of his loose ponytail as they made it all the way up stairs to more hallways and ran down a random hall which was pretty dark. They made it to the end of the hall trying to catch their breaths.

"T-that was fun!" Gabriel said finally getting his breath back his back against the wall.

"Yeah" Sam said standing in front of Gabriel he ran fingers through his hair.

Gabriel was smiling brightly and in a swift movement lips captured his own. One hand tangled through his hair the other pulling on his jacket. Gabriel was shocked at first reaction was to push and run. Eyes closing he instead gripped Sam's jacket sleeve melting into the kiss.

It was sweet. Sam's hands slid down pulling Gabriel's waist towards him and Gabriel wrapped his arms around Sam's neck hoisting himself up against the wall getting more into it. Tongues entwined as they brought each other as close as possible. Soon, running out of air they parted becoming a panting mess. Eyes locked, face flushed. Gold mixed with Sea green.

"I'm sor-" Sam started.

"Don't" Gabriel said stopping Sam. "Don't you dare say that like you regret it" Gabriel asked jaw clenching. "Do you?"

"Gabriel, I-"

"HEY!" Charlie yelled stomping heard as she was running toward them. Sam grabbed Gabriel and they climbed off the balcony having only been one floor up. They tumbled in the grass Gabriel running in for his camera Sam going to get his car and Gabriel hopped in and they sped home. The air a tad bit awkward.

If Gabriel had dog ears they'd be drooping down. It was upsetting having thought of the fact that Sam might not even like him regardless of who started the kiss and who didn't end it. Gabriel of course liked Sam and he knew it himself, hell, even Cas knew along with Sam's older brother who both of them teased him endlessly. Gabriel covered it up with cheap jokes and flirting. Deep down he wanted Sam to himself not caring how selfish that sounded.

He sort of had that being with Sam all the time made Sam not noticeable as much. Sam was practically Gabe's. They were covered in each others scent. They already acted as if they were a couple which was a plus for the both of them. Because Sam felt the same. He loved having people scatter away from Gabriel when they went out. They were both selfishly were in love with one another.

They went back to Sam's house walking in silent Gabriel toeing his shoes off he walked off to the living room. Sam followed after taking his shoes and jacket off and sat down next to Gabriel who distanced himself. The TV was off, a blank black screen but Gabriel stared at it intently as if something were playing.

"I don't regret it at all Gabriel" Sam said looking down at his twiddling thumbs. He felt the couch shift and glanced at Gabriel who was sitting up straight not leaning on the side anymore. He was closer to Sam which reassured him that he didn't make a mistake.

Gabriel was happy staring at Sam like he had just won the lottery. He was crushing on him hard like a Highschool crush and you think that one person is the only one for you. He felt stupid feeling the way he did but accepted it anyway.

Sam turned his head to Gabriel who was just looking at him. Sam shifted his body and leaned in softly placing his lips upon Gabriel's and Gabriel moved closer toward Sam trying to get as much as he could afraid that this was his only chance.

Sam pulled Gabe closer and Gabriel climbed into his lap bodies touching. Gabriel tangled his hands in Sam's hair. His body was flushed as Sam's hands roamed but not going as far as to remove any clothing. He didn't want to jump to something Gabe might not even like. Sam was intoxicated by Gabriel. His body was perfect and he in general was angelic with a twist.

When they pulled apart they were locked in on one another just like before.

"Gabe... You know I..." Sam started. But Gabriel finished.

"I like you too"

"Hmm... But do you like like me?" Sam asked a smile creeping onto his face. He knew his question was rhetorical.

"Shut up"

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