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Sam did however show up today. Then the next day. And the next. Gabriel paid no mind.

 Gabriel woke up in his bed running a little late since his alarm clock died on him leaving him to check the time on his phone which he rarely uses. Running to his closet he picked out a random Dr.Who Tee and a random flannel and threw ripped jeans on. He wasn't dressing to impress anyone.

Running out of his room he went down the stairs to the front door and slipped on his shoes mud covering them and all and slung his bag on his shoulders and ran out shutting the door behind him. He was not going to miss anymore of club.

When he finally got there he checked the time. He was an hour late. "Crap!" Gabe muttered to himself as he walked in through the door going to the club room and saw Sam there with a little origami unicorn sitting in Gabriel's normal spot where he sat. It looked like circle hour ended and they were working on group experiments to see if the 'Love At First Sight Effect' works.

Basically they pick a partner for you and test to see if anyone falls for their partner and always respects your sexuality, making sure to pair you with the right gender and the person who they think fits you the most. You usually don't really do anything else except hang out and chillax.Why did they pick Sam for me? That guy irks me, makes me feel like stuff is buzzing in my stomach and I don't like it, Gabriel thought.

Gabriel decided to walk in and Charlie was talking to Jo until she saw Gabriel and stopped flirting with the blonde. Pointing to my seat which he knew was Sam I nodded like he didn't care until she looked away and Gabe huffed and regained his posture. He  walked up to the table and set his things down and Sam realized he was there.

Sam looked up at the male before him who took his seat after Sam removed the paper unicorn and they started to work on nothing in particular. Gabe pulled out a sketch book and started to draw a moose but it had Sam's face on it.

Sam read a book but soon got bored and more interested with what Gabriel was doing. "My brother draws too. He's really good at cartoon stuff, you like drawing people?" Sam asked paying no mind that his face was on the drawing.

Gabe was startled and smiled. "Yeah I do..." His posture formatted again, he was supposed to hate this guy but with him being so cute and sweet he couldn't help but smile. Gabe kept drawing. He quickly found his pain with the situation. He knew everyone pitied him and sought his loneliness as nothing but his fault. Then he remembered what she said.

"You don't matter, you never did. You don't deserve love, you deserve nothing at all!" Kali.

He didn't matter to anyone.

It's his fault he was alone and he knew it.

When lunch time came around Sam tried to talk to Gabe. Gabriel ignored him. He sat alone at one of the café tables and pulled out headphones and plugged them into his phone playing the loudest music he had. Sam watched only from afar and even sat at the table with the shorter man but still ignored his presence. Sam knew what he was thinking about. He had seen that expression and those dull eyes.

When clean up came around Sam attempted to talk to Gabe but the guy didn't seem to hear him so he left him be. He would find a way to talk to him. Gabriel wasn't blind with Sam's antics he couldn't take it anymore. Sam following him around like a loss puppy. He wondered, what was his goal? Did he really want to try and make fun of him more by trying to connect with him? He waited for club dismissal and when it approached, he shot out of his seat, grabbed his bag, and left the club room bursting through the crowd of people who tried to walk out the door.

He wasn't alone though.

Sam followed him making sure it didn't seem like he was there at all, he was stealthy. Gabe took turns and finally looked toward a house and walked toward it until he got to his front door. He stopped hand gripping the door nob. Sam froze not moving any further. Gabriel turned around facing Sam who was a couple feet away from him.

"What're following me home now? What next stalking me?" Gabe said annoyed hands on his hips.

"N-no, I just wanted to talk to you"

"For what, huh? To make fun of me some more?"


"Just stop. Don't try to figure out anything about me. You know nothing about me, stop trying to figure it out" He walked up to Sam pulling on his jacket collar bringing him face to face with golden eyes. "Don't start that 'I understand' bull crap, You couldn't possibly understand me" He let go going to the front door about to open it.

"I do understand," Sam said stopping Gabriel from making that move. He's doing it again, what Gabe told him not to do. "I know what it's like to be a freak and disappoint the ones you love. Being blamed for tearing your family apart, that is all my life's been about!"

Gabe let go of the door knob continuing to listen.

"You try so hard to be accepted by people and to find someone to love you for you but it doesn't end up the way you want it to and-"

"How...?" Gabriel interrupted.


"How can you know that about me, without even talking to me?" Gabriel finished not daring to face Sam.

"I was the same way, that's why"

"Sam... Just... Leave please. I need to think" Gabriel's voice was strained.  He heard shuffling and steps until nothing.

He turned the nob and stepped inside his home closing the door behind him before slamming against it and sliding down. Finally, someone understood. Gabe wasn't mad. He wasn't upset. He kind of felt calm. He ran fingers through his hair and let out a laugh. This guy he barely knew, knew him so much more than his brother ever had.

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