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They sat at a large table, eyes closed as Mary and Ellen said grace and they opened them seeing their family, their new family. Eyes scouting out the foods they wanted and then they were allowed to dig in. Dean had six slices of pie on a separate plate apart from his regular food, Sam had his plate filled, Cas ate some not wanting to get full too quickly, Gabriel was practically inhaling food.

They shared stories of past Thanksgiving dinners, Gabriel even opened up and confessed that this was the first proper Thanksgiving he ever had. They all comforted him and it was the best. They discussed many things, embarrassing Dean and Sam. It was amazing.

After dinner they hung out in the living room the parents were bringing out beer and chilling on the couch.

"How did you loose your first kiss?" Jo asked the group on the large couch, practically teenagers giggling and messing around. Cas was braiding Gabriel's hair, Charlie was braiding Sam's hair, and Dean was braiding Jo's hair. The three on the floor as the other were on the couch.

"I lost mine... In middle school, eighth-grade, it was fine. I was practically sweating" Sam said remembering it so clearly. It had been at the back of school near the back exit before Sam walked home after art club. Dean was in the bathroom.

"The one you promised to marry if you both were still single at thirty?" Dean asked tying one of the braids at the end deciding to give Jo double braids. Dean remembered the girl, he didn't really like her, but he knew Sam wasn't interested in her, in that way.

"Ruby, yeah... My best friend, well, old best friend" Sam said "Who's next?" He asked.

"I'll go" The redhead said. She thought for a moment, trying to remember it since she tried to forget it long ago.

"I believe I was in fifth-grade, it was to my enemy in the closet. He always smelled like Burger King that's been under heat for two weeks, and a little pickle juice on the side." The group laughed and didn't even notice that there was a camera on them. 

Ellen started as soon as they started braiding, they even made sure to leave the room so they could hear what they said later. They didn't want to disrupt the couples.

"I'll go I guess" Gabriel said as Cas finished Gabe's hair even though he didn't have really long hair, he had enough for a small one that Cas kept restarting as loose pieces kept falling out.

"I was eighteen and kissed my first girlfriend and a week later she left me, I know, I know, depressing" Gabriel said and once Charlie finished tying Sam's hair Sam and Gabe shared a kiss nothing more than a peck.

"Well..." Jo started yawning a bit, "I lost mine in pre-school. My parents forgot I was watching a move with them and this sexy time scene came up and so the next day..." Jo trailed off, clearly embarrassed at what she was about to say next.

"I kissed my teacher and bit her lip like they did in the movie and I was suspended" The group was left in a fit of laughter. Dean laughed the hardest, body shaking, left in a state where he couldn't even laugh but just clap like a retarded seal. He had to be calmed down by Cas.

"Well, since you guys are begging to know," Dean said dramatically "I lost mine to my- I was experimenting to see if I was right- my best friend when I was fourteen, yup, I was definitely Bi and then half my wall was like dudes and shit and the other was hot women" Dean was smiling.

"How about you, angel?" Dean asked Cas who had been the most hesitant to say anything, he didn't even commentate.

Cas's face flushed red his ears even were a red color as he looked around the group as they were all staring at him. "Don't make fun, okay?" He said gathering the courage and they nodded and said 'promise' and he took in a deep breath.

"I lost my first kiss to Dean..." He said covered his face in embarrassment.

"W-wait" Dean took that thought in. He remembered the first time they kissed, it was an awkward day after he had found out about Castiel's kinks he never told anyone(not even Gabriel) and then to make Cas calm down he leaned in and kissed him and after Castiel screeched. Dean was frightened as Cas pointed towards his shoulder and he looked to see a spider just chilling there so they ran and sat on his kitchen counter, for two hours straight.

"I was your first kiss?" He asked just to make sure and when Castiel replied in the positive he went blank, eyes wide, face paling. "I'm so sorry" He apologized not daring to look at the blue eyed man.

"I don't under stand, what happened?" Charlie asked Cas since he was the only one out of the two who seemed to function. Cas explained the story in detail... So much detail it's like they were to there to see the event take place.

"Oh wow..." Jo said with a slight laugh at the end trying to pry Dean out of his state of stone.

"Well I guess that means we can't do anything?" Castiel asked whispering into Dean's ear. No one else heard but pretty sure he said something promising for Dean as color shot to his face and his eyes lit up.

"N-no, we still are, ahem" Dean cleared his throat catching the groups attention. "I'm going to go make up that terrible kiss to my boyfriend. Goodnight" And a hand clasped Castiel's wrist and pulled him from the couch and they disappeared up the stairs.

"Awe Dean was his first!" Gabriel cooed fanboying so hard after hearing that.

"Yeah... That was sweet... I think we should go to sleep as well before we hear the bed slamming against the floor. The rooms are soundproof though, the floors... Not so much" Jo said and they all nodded understanding that maybe they wouldn't want to imagine what the hell their brothers were doing when each bang against the wood was heard. Might as well do it themselves so they didn't have to think those thoughts.

Man they had the best family ever. They all apologized to their parents under their breath as they entered their bedrooms and in sync they locked. BIDNESS was what was going to happen.

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