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Sam got up early like always that morning knowing his task when he left the house. Get Gabriel.

He took a nice hot shower. Washed his hair and made sure he brushed it out evenly(Yeah he stole Dean's brush because he doesn't normally have one)and even made sure to make a good quick breakfast that was easily balanced making him in a greater mood. He made sure he had clean shoes and he smelled good as he made his way down the stairs grabbing his keys with minuets to spare.

"Sammy before you go, come 'ere" Dean called for Sam who was planning on leaving early buy Dean just had to call him.

"What Dean?" Sam asked walking back into his living room, Dean had spent the night on the couch. Sam looked in the living room mirror another time checking his hair once more before turning to Dean.

"Before you take your Sam-Mobile out to pick up your 'Friend'," Dean made hand gestures of quoting "How do you, feel about him?" Dean crossed his arms.

"What do you mean, Dean?" Sam pinched the bridge of his nose sighing while shaking his head he did not have time for this.

"Do you like him yes or no?!" Dean asked quickly freaking out.

Sam rubbed his eyes stressfully. He was absolutely done with his crap. Of course he gave his great, one of a kind, everyday offer. Free samples all around. The BITCHFACE 9,000.

"So what if I do? Why do you care?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, maybe because you're my little brother? Just... Go get 'em tiger" And he was sent off.

Sam chuckled shaking his head as he fixed his shirt so it was in place and walked out to his pick-up truck and hopped in making it to Gabriel's house in a couple minutes. Gabriel seemed to be pushed out of his house as soon as Sam pulled up to park and the door slammed behind Gabe. Gabriel continued to bang on the door but eventually gave up and noticed Sam and nervously smiled walking toward the car. He hopped in buckling in.

"What was that about?" Sam asked hands slipped from the steering wheel.

"N-nothing. Stupid brother stuff" Gabriel avoided eye contact.

Sam understood but not fully but finally took in the sight of Gabriel. Gabriel was wearing nice skinny jeans and a button up shirt. Nice and white and unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up. It exposed his collar bone and seriously SAM STOP STARING.

Gabriel also took in Sam's looks and his perfect hair and his nice flannel shirt.

"So Sam, let's go ONWARD!" Gabriel chuckled and turned the radio on and they started to drive off.

The rest of the day was fine afterwards. They went to club and had fun together even afterwards they went out for lunch parking Sam's car on the side of the road across from Gabriel's house. They talked about their day, people who flirted with them, and even shared books that they currently read.

After wards they left Gabriel's house and walked to a place not planned. A place they stumbled upon. The two ended up near the local park. They sat at a wooden bench eating their ice cream as they watching people play with Frisbee throwing and people walking their dogs.

The two watched with small talk shared between them the sun shinning through their locks of hair and reflecting off their skin. Sam looked at Gabriel a few times and vice versa. In such a small amount of time the two had found their best friend ever. Even without words it's like they know each others every move.

"Gabriel?" Sam said softly breaking the silence his voice cracking through the laughter and chirping of birds with quiet barks of excitement that seeped from the scene in front of them. The sun was slowly starting to set and it created a perfect view for the two.

"Yeah?" Gabriel stared into the distance, staring at Sam would kill him.

"We're friends... Right?" Sam asked he turned his head to Gabriel holding onto a string of hope. It was pretty forward asking a question like that.

"Yeah Sammich, we're friends. You know what friends do?" Gabriel smiled brightly eyes filled with excitement moving closer to Sam.


"Eat. Now let's go" Gabriel got up holding out a hand for Sam who grabbed it and Gabriel pulled him up and dragged him towards a Gas n' Sip and they bought loads of candy and slim jims. They managed to walk to outside of Gabriel's yard once more. The journey was quick as they talked.

"This isn't healthy," Sam said which if Gabriel was a puppy his ears would've fell down and Sam knew and with a smile he moved closer to Gabriel on the grass "So let's be unhealthy together. If we die of too much sugar at least we'd've died together"

Gabriel chuckled, "First time someone has ever said that in response to my eating" Then a pat was placed upon Gabriel's head fingers tangling in his hair. "H-hey! I'm not a puppy" Gabriel went straight to defense mode about earning just a tiny bit of affection.

"To me you are" Sam continued to pat his head and soon stopped to mess with his hair which lead to tackling and rolling around and ending up with Sam hovering over Gabriel's smaller frame them face to face. They froze. Stuck. Locked eyes.

"Hey there" Gabriel choked out grass probably in his hair and grass stains on his white shirt from rolling around in his front yard, he didn't care.

A flash of light came out from the driveway... The porch light and unfortunately Castiel's car. "Gabriel?" His brothers voice rang out and Sam looked up to see a figure standing in the door frame about to walk out blinded by the lights he only saw the outline of the person. Definitely male.

The two on the ground scampered up wiping the grass and dirt off of them. Sam thought the figure sounded amused but couldn't see his facial expressions due to the porch and car lights being on.

"I'm going out... Ahem, bye Sam~" Castiel said Sam's name in a sing-song voice and walked and got into his car and drove away leaving Gabriel to awkwardly stand there a blush evident on his face. There is no way he'd hear the end of it when his brother got home.

"Want to come inside?" Gabriel asked after planning his funeral in his head, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah" Sam said with a small smile and they walked inside and Gabe shut the porch light off. They sat at Gabriel's dining room table they had both a cup of coffee sitting in front of them.

"Sorry that was my brother" Gabriel finally talked after a long ten minute silence.

"He seems nice" Sam said not knowing, force of habit really.

Sam had no idea what Gabriel's brother looked like so in all honesty. He didn't know if he actually nice or anything. Just an assumption his brain made because the two technically live together. Gabriel scoffed and smiled taking a sip of his coffee.

"You'll get to meet him one day" Gabriel kind of hoped.

"I better hang around you more. I'd love to meet your brother" Sam smiled.

Oh lord Gabriel thought it was gorgeous. Makes all the moose ladies go 'Dayuuuuum'

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