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The two didn't move.


They shifted a bit.


Sam got up waking Gabriel up with him as he reached for his phone on the nightstand and answering the call.

"Hello?" Sam answered groggily. "Y-yeah we'll be there" Then the call ended and Sam nudged at Gabe.

"What?" Gabriel asked eyes closed not daring to open them to the bright room.

"We have to clean club since we released those pigs in Charlie's office" Sam said sitting up and going to his closet leaving Gabriel to curl up on the spot Sam was laying at.

Sam quickly got dressed and even tossed Gabe some clothes from his bag and Gabriel groaned but got up anyway to slip on clothes and walk out towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he finished he tied his hair up.

He left the bathroom put his shoes on and waited for Sam who followed ahead and grabbed his keys and they went in the truck.

"You think she looked hard for the fourth pig?" Gabriel asked head resting in the palm of his hand as Sam drove to club.

"Yeah" When they arrived Sam parked close to the back of the building and they got out making sure Gabe brought his camera. They'd been recording their daily activities and whenever they messed with people.

They walked in Charlie alongside with Jo who had their arms crossed scowling. "Bitches" Charlie greeted grabbing and holding out a broom.

"My office is off limits but everywhere else the pigs roamed is fine" Gabe groaned snatching the broom out of her hand and started sweeping the papers and ripped folders into separate piles the camera set up in perfect view of what they were doing.

"You guys are unbelievable," Jo said running fingers through her hair

"Last month with the paint and now pigs? You guys also haven't shown up as recently as you should. You have missed projects and checkups on your love life. I'm disappointed in you two children, especially you Sam. What happened to you, you used to hate messing with people, practically became my mom when I put saran wrap on the toilet"

Sam shrugged his shoulders which literally was so cute as he awkwardly smiled like 'WTF do want me to do broha?'

Sam and Gabe were then left alone to clean. Sam swept and mopped while Gabriel sorted through the scattered papers and cleaned up all the broken plants that had dirt spilled on the tables and shelves they were originally placed on. When they finished it was really late at night and they were met with Charlie and Jo dressed a little classier than before. They seemed to be going out Gabe and Sam guessed on a date.

"Well, you seemed to do a good job" Jo said entwining hers and Charlie's fingers and they easily laced together something Sam and Gabriel hadn't done even if they've been dating for a month now(a month and a week but who's counting? Gabriel is)

"You know, you guys would be perfect together. Well we have to go or we'll be late. Peace Bitches" And they were gone.  Gabriel got his camera and the two to looked at each other, smiled, let out a laugh, and leave to go back home.

"My house or yours?" Sam asked stopping by a road. One way to Gabe's the other way to Sam's. "Mine" Gabe answered but had a plan.

Sam sadly didn't want to part with his boyfriend. He loved the short cute ball of energy. Sam drove anyway trying to focus on the fact that they'd see each other at club but he was still fairly upset. He was about to park his car on the sidewalk like he always did but Gabe stopped him and just park where Cas usually does and Gabe got his bag and slung it over his shoulders and closed the door. He walked to the other side and pulled Sam out who locked the truck up following behind Gabriel as they entered the house.

Gabe dropped his bag at the door after closing it leaving Sam in blind fear. He didn't understand all the way but knew some of what Gabe was doing.

"I usually stay at your house, Cas isn't coming home until later tomorrow so now you're going to stay the night here" Sam was about to protest. "I brought your clothes and other necessities so don't worry"

Sam smiled at the thought of Gabe stuffing his clothes inside his bag instead of saying a normal 'goodnight'  and leaving. He was happy that Gabriel didn't want to part as much as he dreaded it himself.

Gabriel grabbed Sam's hand pulling him upstairs to his bedroom. Sam followed without a complaint as they made it up the stairs to a white door. Gabe opened it after finally letting go of Sam's hand and Sam smiled as he entered the room. Gabriel had his drawings pinned to his wall along with posters of his favorite videogames and bands. Gabe was a little self conscious about his room. Only Cassie had ever seen it. Even when he was younger his family except Cas were banned from entering his room or ever cleaning it.

They collapsed on the bed together and laughed as they both made the other jump a little at the impact. Gabe and Sam stripped down to their boxers not worrying about pajamas as they were already on the bed and there was no point of getting up to change and lay back down. That's too much work. 

The huddled up next to eachother but didn't shut an eye.

"I love you" Gabe said yawning in the middle finally closing his eyes and Sam watched how his lashed fluttered before the closed hiding the beautiful golden glow. Sam closed his eyes as well before whispering

"I love you too"

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