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Today at club would be a day Gabriel defined as a bad day.

Sure this day meshed in with the similar situations he'd fell into on April Fools where they tried to get him to crack but it's been a week now. Gabriel was fed up.

Charlie and Jo twenty-questioned him and his whereabouts were when he wasn't in club. Of course he answered 'With Sam' because he was, which rose more questions.

"Why do you smell like him?"

"What's that on your neck, hmm?"

He was getting frustrated. He just wanted to draw in peace but the girls wouldn't budge. Sam had to watch him get questioned and flushed every time they would whisper some thing in his ear or write it down which made Gabriel ball up the paper and throw it. The great thing for Sam was: he had it all on camera.

"Why cant a guy just use the same body wash as another? Hmm?" Gabriel answered continuing to hold up his middle finger trying to shush them as he drew.

"Doesn't explain the marks" Jo taunted.

"You're surprised I'm getting laid?" Gabe asked shocked. When did this title of 'never-getting-laid-Gabriel' start?

"No, but see they're in a pattern meaning someone really wanted to claim you and make sure everyone knew. A one night stand wouldn't really care since they'll never see you again, they'd only leave one possibly" Charlie said writing things down in her little notebook she pulled from her big hood pocket.

Sam could practically feel holes being burned into his skin as he slightly chuckled but regretted it instantly when the girls turned to him and Gabriel turned the camera on him.

"Why do you carry candy with all the time Mister 'I-eat salads-because-it's-healthy'?" Leaving Sam to scowl and explain that Gabe likes candy and often forgets it so he keeps extra just in case.

"Hmm, Sam sounds more convincing than Gabriel so we'll leave you too alone. Just know... We're watching you little shits" And the two walked away leaving Gabe to pout. He'd been questioned so many times and ONCE is Sam questioned for like a MINUTE.

"Awe, you seem grumpy" Sam said.

"I am" Gabe had his arms crossed.

"Oh, my mom loves you by the way. Says she wants you there every holiday if possible. Also Dean wants you to delete those pictures though I'm not sure what he means by that"

Gabriel giggled to himself. "Tell him I said, never. Not until their framed at least. Then they'll be deleted... Off my phone only" Gabriel smiled making Sam shake his head. He didn't know what Gabriel had done but he knew it would end in something greatly funny. Funny because it didn't involve him.

After club the two left together along with Charlie and Jo who went to stalk them. Sam and Gabriel knew however.

"So Gabriel, you gonna bake for me sometime soon?" Sam asked. "Your brother says you're really good"

"Sure, I don't much since I don't really have time but one day"

The two acted as normal minus the hand holding which became routine when they walked home together. They longed for each others touch but left the smace between them linger until they got up to Gabriel's house. The two girls watched intensly writing notes down.

"Sam..." Gabriel said a little higher then he usually sounded.

"Yes, Gabriel?" Sam asked a little too fancy like.

"I love you, Samuel" And the too looked each other in the eyes and Gabriel jumped into his arms in which Sam twirled him and dipped him down.

"Oh Gabe, we shall get married in the morning!" The girls were so confused.

"Why wait? Let's show each other how much we love one another. LET'S MAKE LOVE RIGHT HERE IN THE YARD" The girls felt stupid as they got out of their hiding spot behind the neighbors fence.

"Should've known you guys were going to find out what we were doing." Jo said walking away.

"Bye Asshats!" Charlie ran up to her girlfriend as they tore out the notes they wrote down. It seemed like their OTP would never become canon. Now they're stuck writing fanfics.

When the girls were out of view the two went inside of the home and they did what they normally did. Got into something more comfortable as the two practically lived at each others houses an grabbed something to eat.

But Gabriel wasn't having none of that as he hopped on a counter and pulled his boyfriend forward by pulling on his shirt collar and mashing their lips together. They hadn't touched all day. Not even a single hug which was horrible to the two lovebirds.

"So you want them to know, eh?" Gabriel asked pulling Sam's pajama shirt(which really was just an old worn out gray t-shirt) off of him and kissing and nipping at his chest and going up towards his neck to create some marks of his own making Sam smirk. He knew this would get Gabe riled up if he made his markings on Gabe's blemish free chest and neck. Well... not anymore at least.

"Yeah I want them to know. I just hate went girls and guys look at you like they want to eat you up" Sam said remembering all the time Gabriel was flirted at when they went out somewhere. It boiled his blood.

Gabriel's lips left Sam's body making him cool off a bit and look down "You have some temper don't ya Samoose?" Sam smiled knowingly of his sweet boyfriends attempts at making nicknames for him. It was cute.

"Yeah I do. Especially when it involves you" Sam's pointer finger pressed against Gabriel's chest and was brought up to his chin which Sam pushed up so they could kiss once more but stopped when they hear someone clear their throat.

Sam and Gabriel pulled apart to see Cas and Dean staring at them.

"I just wanted some damn pie but NO, I had to see that" Dean said.

"We could continue if you want if you're into that Dean" Gabriel said with a wink and making kissy faces at Sam who shook his head.

Man did Sam love his Gabriel.

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