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"HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW" Castiel announced.

Sam and Gabriel sighed as Castiel crossed off another day from the calendar than hung on the kitchens wall. Dean had just finished creating his costume. This was the first year he and Sam were actually making their own costumes because their Novak's said it was tradition that they made their own costumes. Dean had went to Comic Con for two years straight with Sammy so they weren't clueless on how to sew and finding cheap fabric and methods for costume creating.

Gabriel had finally finished sewing on the final pieces of his costume and he  laid against the table inhaling the smell of his two weeks full of work. Sam was finally putting his last layer of sheer sparkly fabric on the skirt. Dean got up making some fresh lemonade for the group that stood up all night fixing anything and making it more fitting and comfortable.

"So what were you guys last year?" Sam asked voice hoarse, eyes drooping with slight bags, his costume had been a bitch to sew. He didn't even know why he agreed to it but Gabriel had those big golden eyes that pierced through him and reeled him in.

Castiel who had finished drinking his fifth energy drink had been bouncing off the walls, eyes baggy, hair askew, but no signs of slowing down, had gotten up from the counter he was currently spreading his pieces on for his costume that he had to double check to get the exact poofiness he wanted and left the room. He returned with a thick book album slamming it on the table shooting awareness to all three of them. He flipped through it and pushed it in front of Sam.

"I was a witch and Gabriel was black cat" Cas said with a giggle going back to his little corner to finish sewing one piece together and he would be finished.

Dean then poured lemonade into glasses and set them on the counter. It was so hot this October they were sweating bullets. That plus being sleep deprived, they were practically in hell. They got up yawning taking the cold drink and downing it sighing in relief.

"So we're basically done?" Dean asked placing his glass on the counter.

"Yep" Gabriel said yawning.

The group then filtered out the kitchen to their respective bedrooms.

As soon as they hit the bed sleep overtook them captivating them into sheer black. Their bodies were numb against the sheets that hadn't even made its way to cover them. They were wrecked. They had hand sewn most of their costume until Jo said "You guys know I have a sewing machine, right?"  Which made them almost drink bleach as they hand sewn almost 70% of their costumes.

Their fingers covered in bandages from the accidental thousand stabs. Clothes covered in muck and sweat as they didn't change in two outfits. I believe some stray cats and dogs followed them believing they were their leader.

People also had given them money believing they were hobos. They didn't return it.

They ate small amounts of food and had bottles filled with piss. They didn't have time to waste.

When they woke up from their five hour nap, now eight in the morning they rose from the bed. Rested granted not fully but they felt better.

Gabriel and Sam got up along with Dean and Cas and they all rushed to get to the bathroom first to take a shower. Gabriel was practically naked by the time he reached the bathroom door right before Cas and Dean could.

"HAHA BITCH" Gabriel said opening the door with Sam behind him with the towels and they walked in turning the shower on while Dean and Cas cuddled up on the couch half naked not caring that they were so dirty and sweaty. It was love.

When Gabriel and Sam got out, shaven, new, smelling great Dean and Cas went in after as Sam and Gabriel were just in heaven. The shower pressure had been wonderful and they could feel the sweat and muck washing out and they no longer had their beards they were sporting slightly. They went to Gabriel's room and gotten dressed in pajamas as they were just going to chill.

Dean and Cas got out dressed in nice pajamas as well and collapsed on the couch next the Gabriel and Sam who were just chilling with the TV playing Ridiculousness filled the room with laughter and it was precious.

Gabriel got up though leaving Sam to cuddle with a couch pillow instead and he entered the kitchen and started hanging the costumes on hangers on a bar they had set up and he set out baking ingredients on the table and he started to go to work.

The trio in the living room were to distracted by the TV to notice how long Gabe was gone for but soon realized that it'd been a while as a sweet delicious smell drafted from the kitchen which lured them off the couch and to where Gabriel was.

His cheeks lightly had spots of flour and his hair had been pushed back with a headband and even if he was dirty, he still felt clean. He pulled out the pie from the oven making Dean almost faint from the beauty. He was going to love marrying Cas if he gets a brother-in-law that can fucking bake.

They all gathered at the table for a bite and Sam completely melted. He wasn't a big fan of pie but he might start liking it more. Dean was in heaven. While Castiel was normally eating as Gabriel was normally baking and he almost always tastes his brothers skills.

When they finished everyone gave Gabriel a hug and a kiss on the cheek making Gabe literally beam with delight. He loved his family.

And again they joined on the couch again and calmly just watched TV together. It was a break for what was going to happen tomorrow.

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