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"How long left do we have in this club?" Gabriel's pencil tapped against the paper making light stray marks. Gabriel didn't mind.

"Four more months and guess what?" Sam said moving a few strands out of his hair.

"What" Gabe looked over to Sam his head laying on his crossed arms.

Sam smiled sitting back a little watching his boyfriend through strands of hair. "Last time you'll be here" Which made Gabriel twitch and sit up with blown wide eyes.

Sam smiled wider and he leaned in and kissed Gabriel's cheek.

"That means you can spend more time with me!... C'mere Moosey!" Gabe pulled Sam over to crash their lips together as everyone around them were smiling at the two and a soft click was heard of course it was Charlie and her girlfriend.

When they separated they continued what they were doing. They were writing short love stories of random objects or animals. Gabriel was doing a unicorn and a moose and Sam was doing a tragic love story between a book and a book case.

"The moose and unicorn are getting married now" Gabriel said doodling a small derpy unicorn at the bottom of the page.

"The book is fighting with bookshelf because bookshelf has been carrying other books behind books back so book called bookshelf a whore" Sam smiled finishing his last sentence of the story and drawing book crying(Very badly mind you, but Gabriel thought it was cute)

Sam and Gabe then moved to lunch after handing Charlie their stories both of them hand in hand going toward the cafeteria.

Sam ordered a Salad(of course) and Gabe got a PB&J sandwich along with both of them getting water and they took their seat eating together like they always have. Sam finished his salad quickly and downed his water bottle as when the two ate together they would compete who was faster. Sam always won.

Gabriel finished a minute after Sam. Hey, PB&J wasn't so easy to eat fast. Peanut butter is like Gabriel's worst enemy. Worst sex addition he ever had. Don't ever think spreading peanut butter on yourself and then trying to like it off furnign sex is a good idea. Took freaking HOURS to get the smell and consistency off of you.

Like a clingy girlfriend everyone hates because she's annoying. Peanut butter is practically Gabriel's enemy.

He preferred fluff. They didn't have fluff today.

After lunch the two went back to club room to pick up their stuff and then the two left hopping into Sam's car and speeding off home.

Sam dropped Gabriel off and they kissed goodbye and Gabriel waked inside Sam driving away afterwards.

Gabriel was greeted to a wrecked living room.

"Why is it that I leave and come back and something is messed up?" Gabriel asked taking a seat at the one part of the couch that wasn't covered in clothes. Not just any clothes either. Castiel's full panty collection. Different variations of colors, lace, and cutouts in you know. For easier admittance.

Gabriel stared at his brother who was going insane. This wouldn't be the first time this happened. Last time he didn't know how he should sort them. But now what was his problem?

"What has you going cray-cray brother mine?" Gabriel asked taking off his flannel shirt to reveal! A shirt(Layers galore).

"Dean and I are trying different things, I briefly mentioned I owned panties and he does too-" Gabriel already knew that "So I said I would wear mine on our date but I don't know which one to pick!" Gabriel was used to his brother being a frantic mess, a frantic holy-shit-so-gay mess.

"White, teal trim, bow in the back, heart cutout, GOODBYE" Gabriel said fast as he went upstairs to his room so he could watch some TV in his room.

Gabriel stripped down to his boxers and flipped on his TV to a random channel and he got lost in the colors and pixels as he slowly was falling asleep.

He was awoken slowly by kisses placed on him and he slowly opened his eyes to see Sam there smiling up at him. Sam did that every time Gabriel wouldn't wake up. It worked every time. Gabriel of course asked Sam if he was into stuff like that... Sleep sex... But Sam blushed furiously saying 'No! It's just, you're so beautiful, I've only ever done it with you' Gabe thought it was cute but still asked him sometimes or even bring it into their conversation.

Sam blushing was cute. He's only seen it that one time he topped but Sam doesn't really blush all that much.

Sam flopped next to Gabriel on the bed he was in pajamas himself.

"I was trying to sleep but they were so loud! So I drove here" Sam said pulling Gabriel towards him as they watched TV.

Legs tangled, fingers in hair, hearts beating in sync. If Gabriel was told six years ago that he'd be stuck in a club seeing new people but never befriending them all to just meet Sam and find the love of his life, he'd do it. He wouldn't care. If he was stuck to feel like crap about himself just to have Sam to bring him up he would. He wouldn't change a thing.

Neither would Sam.

Gabriel fell asleep after a couple episodes of Law & Order, hands grasping onto Sam pulling him closer. Sam didn't mind as he pulled the blanket over them and continued to watch TV.

Sam was in love with Gabriel and vice versa. It was the greatest feeling ever knowing all those heart breaks and moving around was worth it.

All that pain and family loss was worth it.

Gabriel's family hating him was worth it.

They were worth it.

"Okay, now they're going to do it against a wall" Charlie said writing the idea down and typing on her laptop. Her bedroom was full of tapping and keyboard clicks.

"I just finished the bondage one" Jo said crossing it off her list of things she was going to write about.

"This is totally what Team Sabriel is doing right now" Charlie said light of her laptop illuminating her facial features.

Well... That's not what was happening at all. Let the girls fantasize though.

What really is happening is sweet cuddles as Sam fell asleep as well both of them balled up together.

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