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Morning crept through the windows of Sam's bedroom shining over the bed creeping over the sheets and finally falling upon two figures in bed. Bodies practically tied together both of them being huge cuddlers they are. Gabriel was laid on his side legs tangled with Sam's longer ones and Sam's fingers were laced in Gabriel's mess as they were semi covered with blankets but didn't seem bothered by the light chill of the fan in Sam's room as they were warm in one anothers arms.

Sam was the first to awaken face to face with Gabriel who was still knocked out. His breathing was fairly quiet and his breath smelt of sweet sugar. It was intoxicating. Sam decided to get up untangling from the body of Gabriel that didn't want to let go. His hands gripped at Sam's back cladding his fists in Sam's shirt but Sam pried and Gabriel pouted turning over and grabbing onto a pillow to wrap his limbs around. Sam smiled at the sight.

Sam left the room to go to the kitchen. He grabbed a pan, bacon, eggs, cheese, a bowl, and a whisk and not forgetting the spatula. He even got an apron and tied it around his waist as he started to cook.

The smell of food cooking was enough to wake Gabriel up too. Eyes fluttering open he looked around  not feeling the bed dipping as he felt it before. Gabriel sat up looking around the part of the room his back was facing and saw the door wide open. Hair was brushing against his face and Gabriel crawled to the edge of the bed reaching his short arms out to shut it off. Gabe got up from the bed stumbling down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. Sam was putting the food on plates and pouring orange juice in glasses afterwards.

Gabriel made his presence known as he pulled out a chair and sat down making a floorboard underneath him creak.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Sam said turning grabbing the plates and placing one infront of Gabriel and one across from him and then he placed their glasses down and took a seat himself.

They ate in silence for a few until Sam broke the silence. "You should fix your hair" Sam suggested with a chuckle as Gabriel's hair was going in every direction.

Gabriel attempted but just made his hair even more messy than before. He was not a morning person so he literally gave up almost crying. "I'm not strong enough to-" He brought his hands up to his hair but dropped them back at his side. "I give up my handsies aren't working" He laid his head forehead first against the table.

"What you need me to feed you since your hands aren't working?" Sam asked taking a bite of his scrambled eggs with cheese.

"No... I no baby" Gabriel pouted which Sam thought was seriously cute.

"Then eat or I will feed you" Sam said finishing his food and big bites.

Gabriel tried to eat and it succeeded for a while until the fork dropped to the plate. "Is the offer still open?" Gabe asked innocently.

Gabriel wasn't trying to sound like a needy baby or anything but he couldn't help it. Last night he had the best sleep ever and he was still at the edge of tipping over into a ball of sunshine because in all honesty he's never been over at someone's house. Like a friends house or anything.

"Where's Dean?" Gabriel asked Sam now sitting at his side feeding him small bites of his food. They were extremely close

"He went out last night probably either on a date or a strangers house. Really doesn't change that he hasn't returned." Gabriel nodded getting fed his last spoonful of eggs and last sip of orange juice.

Gabriel and Sam took showers next. Sam went first coming out in just sweatpants. Sam was shirtless. HOLD THE PHONE, WHY AM I NERVOUS? well he is hot YEAH BUT shut up your in love

Gabriel went next and the shower was amazing. Hot water hitting his back and his neck which were being massaged by the water. Of course he had to borrow another one of Sam's shirts he tied his hair in a loose ponytail and he and Sam started to watch TV together. Gabriel had texted Cas that he was at Sam's if he ever wondered where he was. Cas of course texted back explaining how he figured Gabriel had gotten laid or something. Gabriel turned his phone off after getting  all flushed hanging up leaving him to tell Sam the tale. Sam made fun a little but didn't go far.

"He shouldn't be speaking... He hasn't dated anyone in years..." Which made Gabriel think harder "Well I did just make the first friend I've ever had" Sam was surprised a bit hearing that.

"Same" Sam held his hand up ready for a high five. Gabriel slowly high-fived and they continued there journey of channel surfing. It was nice and filled with laughter watching shows like 'impractical jokers' and a little 'skin wars'.

"What if I painted your body?" Gabriel asked not prying from the screen.

"That would be a lot of paint you'd have to get" Sam said looking over to Gabriel who was still stuck looking at the painters.

"So? Just for fun" Gabriel looked over to Sam eyes locking.

"How about later?" Sam said poking Gabriel's thighs. "But I get to paint you too"

"Oh hell no"

"Then you can't paint on me" Sam smiled.

"That's not fair" Gabriel whined.

"Oh it is"

This argument kept going on even before Gabriel had gotten home. It was five in the afternoon he was still wearing Sam's shirt but had his jeans and shoes. Sam had dropped him off at home and Gabriel walked in to a trashed kitchen with his brother covered in flour from head to toe.

"Um..." Gabriel made his presence known as he looked around his kitchen. "What the hell?!"

"Gabe my dearest brother, you're back!" Cas said with a messed up innocent smile.

"You're cleaning this up. Not me" Gabriel went up the stairs to his room.

"Got it" Castiel said starting to look at the mess he made. "Why is pie so friggin' complicated to make?!"

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