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"What are you going to be wearing?" Castiel asked Gabriel he was leaned up against the door frame staring at Gabriel who had clothes spewed all over the floor catching on the top of his lamp, TV, and even his bedroom door.

"Does it look like I know?" Gabe asked clad in only his fancy pair of boxers and a hair tie keeping his hair out of his face which was covered with sweat.

"Well, hurry, Sam is waiting at the party already" Castiel said.

"This is masquerade themed party! He already got an outfit ready in a couple days?!" Gabriel asked falling onto his bed giving up.

"I'm not going" He said muffled by his bedsheets.

"Yes you are! Last day at club and you can be with Sam" Castiel said picking up his clothes and putting them away efficiently going through Gabriel's closet himself.

"Yeah but he's probably going to leave me, they always do, so why should it matter if I go or not?" Ah, typical Gabriel. Always thinking so low when obviously that's never going to happen. Pretty sure Gabriel is 90% of Sam's thoughts and what he talks about on a daily basis. Castiel would know.

Gabriel goes to the bathroom, "What are you and Gabriel doing later?"

Gabriel falls asleep while watching TV "What do you think Gabriel dreams about?"

Gabriel this, Gabriel that


"Oh my god, I hate you" Castiel said walking out of the room and disappearing and coming back with a full costume. It was a simple tux with a simple golden mask, with that he could just blend in the crowd. The waistcoat though had some designs on it which was also golden and Gabriel shot up to hug his brother.

"You're welcome" Castiel said getting up and leaving.

"This was a bad idea" Gabriel muttered to himself as Cas drove him to the party, they spot the building making Gabriel a little jumpy.

Gabriel pressed his glove covered hands against his thighs trying to separate himself from his bad thoughts. The golden mask sat right next to him and he felt the car turn and saw it pulling in and parking a few feet from the entrance. Castiel sat up and turned to Gabriel who's hands were probably clammy.

"Gabriel" Cas said softly, Gabriel thought he had imagined it but knew it was real when his older brother's hand clasped his hand thumb rubbing over the silk gloved knuckles. Gabriel switched the AC on for a bit to dry his hands and cool him down but pretty sure the cold made his head hurt and he quickly shut it off and grabbed the mask next to him and slid it on.

"I'm fine, Cas" Gabriel said calmly trying to be brave for his brother. "I'll catch a ride home with Sam or something, if not I'll text you" Gabriel said unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door feeling his brothers warmth slip off his hand  and Cas nodded starting the car up and Gabriel closed the door and stepped away as Cas drove out and Gabriel watched his beige car drove away and disappeared in the dark of the night.

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