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"November... The month of waiting for Christmas" Gabriel said, hair tied back
with a scarf wrapped snuggly around his neck as he was nuzzling into the heat warming his nose as a breeze went past him and Sam. He wore a hood under his jacket with old worn out jeans. They weren't the best at keeping heat in but better than wearing nothing right?

"Yup, and eating" Sam said hands tucked in his jacket a beanie holding his hair but not covering his ears which were flushing red against the cold along with his nose. They watched Castiel and Dean jump into piles of leaves both festively wearing fall colors.

"I'm going to join the lovers" Gabriel said running and cannonballing into the leaves crashing into the pile sending a gust of wind and loose leaves into Dean and Castiel's faces. Sam watched from a distance going through Gabriel's bag he had slung over his shoulder. He dug his hand in passing by sketchbooks, pencil bags, and finally he reached the small black bag that contained his camera. He grabbed it out and opened it and turned it on filming the trio throwing leaves at each other and jumping in. They looked so damn happy.

Sam saw Gabriel digging his way to the bottom of the pile giving a nice view of his ass... So of course Sam filmed it and kept zooming in and out. "OoOoOh" Zoomed in. "AhHhH" Zoomed out. Repeat until Gabriel got up.

Sam laughed closing the camera ad shutting it off then packing it in the bag afterwards. He approached the group with a smile. "Oh I forgot to say," Sam said crouching down to their level. "Mom wants you guys to come over for Thanksgiving" Sam said leaning in to Gabriel who wanted a kiss and he delivered.

"Yeah! We usually eat Chinese food and watch Friends until midnight!" Gabriel said crashing into the leaves laughing.

"We'd love to come, Mary is so sweet" Castiel says with a wide smile getting up and dusting his pants off. Dean helps him pointing out where there are leaves and then Sam gets up from his crouching position and Gabriel gets pulled up by Sam and they're left smiling at each other. Then Sam helps pulling small twigs an leaves out of Gabe's hair while Gabe untangles the leaves and twigs from his scarf.

They all start to walk around the park and start to see school buses pull up and kids flood out of the school like it's a wild fire. They walk past seeing the teens stare them down and holding hands as they walk not caring what stupid teens think of them. They're adults, not in high school anymore. They walked to a small café deciding to go in just for some late lunch it being about two in te afternoon. They'd been outside for a couple of hours, which pretty much was a record for the Novak's as they didn't like the outdoors. Well... I tink it was just Gabe who despised the outdoors.

They walked in warm air brushing against their pink cheeks ad red ears and noses as they took their seat removing their jackets. Soon menus were dropped by and the waiter came to ask what they'd like to drink. They all settled down to just coffee and waited scanning the menu. When the waiter came back they orded eggs and pancakes with some toast and bacon. Brunch motherfuckers! Late brunch BUT WHATEVER.

It was quiet in the café, only about two other people were sitting down eating. When their food arrived they started talking.

"Gabe, since you're coming to Thanksgiving dinner over at mi casa, you should make some pie, Mom's been dying to know how it tastes" Dean says taking a big bite of his pancake finishing it off by vacuuming it in and Cas shakes his head but even so... He does the same.

Gabriel and Sam eat pretty normal, funny, you'd think Gabriel would be the messiest but that's only with sweets. He's pretty chill when it comes to normal food.

"Yeah, I'll make some, you wont shut up about It since the last time I made it" Gabriel finished his last bite of toast. "Maybe if you didn't down it everytime I made it Ma would've had some already" Gabriel said.

"But it's so good" He said as he continued to chow down at his pancake roll with bacon in the middle.

When the group finished they got up and wrapped in bundles they came with and walked out of the café.

"Can't wait to go home and be warm" Gabriel said voice muffled by his scarf he pulled up. They walked down on the sidewalk watching all the people bustling and going into their cars in need of warmth. Bird feeders and signs flapping in the breeze. Dean shivered not being that bundles up like Cas was. So Castiel removed his trenchcoat he wore(with a thick jacket underneath) and set it on Dean's shoulders and sent him a smile making Dean beam at him.

Sam carried Gabriel on his back as his legs were so cold he couldn't feel them anymore so he let shorty hop on as they walked. They were close as they could see their mailbox and practically ran for warmth. Gabe bouncing on the Moose's back as he ran faster than the lovers behind them and they managed to get inside first where Sam threw Gabe on the couch.

Dean and Cas were panting as they got in closing the door and went straight to the couch taking a seat and catching their breath.

"Can't wait for thanksgiving" Cas said.

"Yeah... Gives me a reason to be as fat as I want to be" Dean said.

"You're not fat" Cas grumbled nuzzling up to Dean.

"Yeah I am! I'm pudgy!"


I wonder what their wedding would be like

Sam and Gabriel thought.

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