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The sky was a perfect blue. Shading to a fluffy white and sometimes showing the plane that was flying above. It was a fairly clear day and around them kids were laughing.

But there was something in the air. The smell of misery, depression, and awkward boners because of hot teachers.

"All ze children iz in schoolz today" Gabriel said in the most worst French accent ever.

Sam and Gabriel sat at the park across from the middle and high school which were connected together. They watched as the kids were dropped off by their parents or they drove themselves there.

Teens grouped together talking and some were listening to music and some were trying to pry their parents off of them as they were being attacked by kisses and hugs.

Huffing in annoyance could even be heard as parents grouped up their kids and made them pose for a picture. It seemed it was another long year for them.

"September is my least favorite month... I always hated school"

"I remember loving school when I was younger" Sam said staring at the tall brick building with a smile.

"What happened?" Gabriel asked looking over at Sam.

"We moved a lot and I didn't have a chance. When we finally settled down when my father... left I gained it back and just stopped. I felt like when I was ready, I'd go back to college, go for law again. I had a family that needed me so I stayed. Not like my life is getting wasted. We're both, what, twenty four? I'll go back eventually"

Gabriel nodded pursing his lips in a thin line and let out a breath he didn't know he kept in.

"I got bullied in school. But when I started my first year in high school and I started prank wars and defying the schools rules people stopped. I didn't have any friends still though"

Sam looked over to see Gabriel was happy even after telling him about his past.

"I remember wearing jeans I had cut from on my own so almost my entire leg was showing  and I wore black leather boots and tank tops that showed a lot of skin. The school hated that. Well enough of me and my school experience"

Gabriel stood up and walked from the bench they were sat at and went towards the swings Sam looked over thinking he'd see his gorgeous boyfriend when he realized he left. Sam stood and looked around finally stopping to see him standing by a swing set. Someone was already occupying.

Sam raised a brow at the scene and got closer realizing what Gabe was doing.

"You listen here kiddo, you've been on these swings for an hour, so I think it's my turn now" Gabriel said now standing in front of the child that just kept swinging his short legs back and forth.

"Gabe" Sam said his name standing on the side of them.

"NO. He's not being fair!" Gabriel argued. "Kid I will kick you if you don't get off right now" The kid then stuck his tongue out causing Gabriel to lunge at the child which Sam caught him before he threw the kid down and carried him away even while Gabe kicked and hit his fists at Sam's back.

"KID THIS AINT OVER" Gabriel screamed which the kid just kept swinging when he did something that made Gabriel want to tackle the kid. HE FLIPPED HIM OFF

When they got to a bench on the other side Sam set down the golden haired male down who was pouting. "I wanted to swing!"

"He was eight Gabriel!"

"He gave me the finger!" Gabriel crossed his arms not looking at Sam directly.

But it didn't stop there.

This argument went on even after they reached Sam's doorstep. The two going on an on and on until finally Sam was pushed against the door and pulled down into a furious kiss.

"I love you!" Gabriel yelled.

"I love you too!" Sam yelled back until both of them were backing into the house making out, still mad, and they made it to Sam's room.

Castiel was out of the house with Dean and shot up from the shelf he was currently looking for jeans on.

"What's wrong Angel?" Dean asked.

"My senses are tingling" Cas said looking around but finding nothing off.

"I swear you're going insane. But you weren't wrong about last time" Dean said.

He chuckles and remembers that day his beautiful boyfriend had ran all the way to Sam's house in nothing but Dean's shirt not caring how his ass showed a bit but didn't care. He busted in the living room and saw the two making out on the couch. 'I knew it' he said 'FUCKIN KNEW IT' and now Dean trusted Cas with his senses.

Back to Sam and Gabriel they were sweaty, naked, and laughing.

"Angry sex is nice" Gabriel said catching his breath.

"Over you yelling at a child" Sam said rubbing his eyes with his palms.

"I love you" Gabriel said and pressing his lips over Sam's smile which soon kissed back before whispering against Gabe's lips

"I love you too"


Sorry it's short LOVE U

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