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-Five Years Later-

"Welcome to Lonely Hearts Club! I'm Garth, if you have any questions ask me after class or even in the question submission box near the front desk!"

Those words Gabriel has heard for the last five years being here. He hadn't spent too much time there as he had a life to attend to but when he did those words brought so much nostalgia. Like heat waves they came rippling through Gabe's body.

Garth stepped down from the podium as soon as he saw Gabe and they ran to each other in a big hug ending up Garth being held up by Gabriel which was fine since he was so light. When he climbed down he brought Gabriel up to podium positioning the mic perfectly for Gabriel and everybody took their seat again.

"This is Gabriel Novak everyone-" Gabriel cut him off whispering something into his ear. "Pardon me, sorry, soon-to-be Gabriel Winchester! He's the longest to-" Gabriel showed his ring but didn't pay attention as he saw the tall love of his life leaned against the wall and Gabriel ran down passing by the framed picture of him five years ago with Sam.

Garth didn't mind as he saw why Gabriel had run down and started to talk all high and mighty about the golden haired man's accomplishment. Sam picked Gabriel up and twirled him and they leaned down with a kiss and soon their hands were entwined rings clicking together as they walked out toward their shared pick-up truck and they both hopped in.

"Dean wanted us to pick Mary up from school since Cas is at work and he's at home making something special for Cas. I think those cooking classes really paid off" Sam said staring up the car and giving his fiancé a quick peck.

"Yeah... Oh! How was the case?" Gabriel asked as they made their way to the school.

"Going great actually by the end of the week" Gabriel smiled at Sam wearing his suit all dressed up nicely. He had clearly just came back from the office and he looked so full of energy like he didn't just spend a week prepping for a case, going over evidence, witnesses and things alike. Gabriel didn't know a lot about how law stuff worked but he tried to help Sam out best he could.

After that new years paper Sam started to think about finishing his last year at law school which he took off to live with his family for a while but he was welcomed back like an old friend and already he's been given small and medium cases but Gabriel's pretty sure soon he's going to get big ones.

They parked at the entrance and both walked out toward the front doors and pressed the button so the office could let them in and the went straight for the front desk.

"We're here to pick up Mary Winchester" Sam said and the office nodded pushing the sign-out sheets forward and calling the class she currently was in and they waited after Gabriel slapped down his signature.

They heard squealing come from hall and they looked down to see the beautiful blonde running down and they crouched down to reach her height as she wrapped both her small arms around the two men. She had pigtails today and her new outfit Gabriel had bought her for her birthday.

"Uncle Gabby!" She giggled giving Gabriel a big kiss on the cheek and turned to Sam "Uncle Sammy!" and planted one on Sam as well as Gabriel picked her up and rested her on his hip for a while.

"You're getting big! I swear if you end up taller than me" Gabriel said tickling her before putting her down to hold her hand as the office ladies saw them out and they put Mary in her booster seat in the back seat and then they started to drive back to their house. They had moved in together into a house that wasn't too far from Dean and Cas but far enough so they could blast their music and not get yelled at.

"Where's Papa and Daddy?" She asked playing with her zipper on her jacket she had on.

"Well Papa is at work right now and Daddy is getting things done at the house so you're staying the night over at our house" Sam said making sure to use Mary's name for her fathers. Mary nodded and made a sound making the two in the front understand she understood.

"Wait!" She yelled worried zipping her bag up and slapping it next to her.

"I don't have any clothes!" She said.

"Uncle Gabby picked some up earlier" Sam informed her parking in their garage. How domestic.

They unbuckled and got out of the car.

"Did you get my boots?" She asked tilting her head to the side, something her Papa did. They walked inside before answering.

"How could I forget?" Gabriel said crouching down to slip off her jacket  and help with her really high shoes that had so many laces to loosen. It was like a work out.

Mary smiled and soon they made it to the living room and turned some Law & Order on since she hated other cartoons, the only exception was My Little Pony which her and Uncle Gabby binged watched all the time. Dean had tried to get her into cartoons when she was younger but she wasn't having it. So the two fathers let her pick the type of clothes she wanted to wear(with some exceptions, they had to at least match) and the things she wanted to watch but made sure to pick specific episodes that weren't as bad. It was either that or House M.D

Mary got into her monster truck pajamas and her bumblebee socks and ran to the couch taking a seat and taking her pigtails out and waited.

Gabriel usually got into his pajamas too and had to decide wait to make for dinner and Mary surprisingly for he rage was very patient. She learned things quickly and was already reading which Sam liked of course. They both could spend hours at the library and not get bored.

Gabriel soon emerged from down the stairs all dressed in his PJ's and joined Mary and also brought a blanket. They flipped the TV on.

Everything was happy. Jo and Charlie a year later got married themselves it was on a beach and holy crap they looked gorgeous. Mary was their flower girl, with a tux on and her cute bumblebee striped boots.

Gabriel and Sam had finally gotten married at a bookstore and Sam was happy to see his new husband walking down the isle in that stupid dress he had picked out himself. But why would Sam complain? He was the one who got to strip that dress off of Gabe.

Gabriel had even started his bakery which soon Mary started to help out with when she turned fourteen. Hair short dyed a baby blue which looked cool with her already blue eyes.

Gabriel finally got what he wanted most. Some one to love him, a family who accepted.

Sam gotten something he wanted as well, he got the love of his life who understood Sam and they both helped each other out.

Mary? She watched over her uncles and her fathers and she didn't hide anything. One day though, she will show them her girlfriend. But that might stay a secret for a while.


"She's so into girls" Charlie said peering through the bakery's windows as Mary helped bake and also talked to a girl who walked in.

"Yup, time to write some fanfiction?" Jo asked pocketing another picture from her polaroid which she made sure no flash was shown so she duct taped over it.

"You know it- Shit!" Charlie said.

"What?" Jo asked.

"I ran out of storage"

"We should book it"

Got to love Charlie and Jo. 

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