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After the whole incident with Sam, Gabriel hadn't seen him around. He missed four days and the only reason he took notice was when roll call came about. Not that he was counting. It was quiet but Charlie didn't seemed worried about Sam's whereabouts she only would say 'Sam's Absent' and carry on. Gabe would've asked where he was or why she wasn't worried but then it would make it seem as if he cared. He didn't.

Even if Sam had said stuff that made him feel welcome he wasn't over the fact that he still felt pitied and was getting treated by Sam like a charity case, Gabe wasn't someone you can treat like a baby. He's strong and can handle a few heartbreaks. Doesn't matter anyway they were bound to happen. Gabriel just isn't ready for a relationship or anything, he's over the childish desire he had of a future with someone. He put that idea down the drain since his ex girlfriend Kali. Dhe was a sweet girl but Gabe was feeling like it was missing a flare. She ended it and even if Gabriel was planning on ending it himself he felt even more like he was missing something. He felt like an old penny: unwanted and unnecessary. Plus what she said...

During the end of project time where you had to draw your dream-self Gabe had drew himself with six golden wings sputtering from his back. That was his dream. To be known as a great thing, something lucky people only had, guardian angels. He just wanted to be wanted. Charlie took it and framed it in the hall of fame where your assignments(If they were good enough) would be hung and framed. Gabriel's work was always there. Guessing Charlie wanted to help him out, chicks dig artists.

Gabriel cleaned up his single table he had alone and put everything back where it belonged. He slung his bag around his shoulders and said goodbye to everyone before heading off outside going back home. It was a ten-minute walk which usually would take four if Gabriel wasn't a slow slug. He liked extra time by himself to think.

Gabe got home to the house that used to be two separate apartments until Gabriel and his older brother Castiel bought it and now live together (They connected them). Gabe walked in the red painted door and shut it behind him after entering the white house. He shrugged his jacket off and toed his shoes off leaving them at the doorway as they should be on the shoe shelf and coat hangers on the wall.

Gabriel walked into his and Castiel's conjoined living room and saw his brother on his laptop rewatching Sherlock.

"Hey Cassie" Gabriel greeted his brother with his usual nickname for his bro.

Cas looked up from his screen and paused it looking at Gabe. "Hey, how was club?" Cas asked patting a seat next to him and Gabriel took the hint and drooped down in the couch.

"It was good..." Gabriel trailed off not wanting to go too much into detail.

"Hmm, I know that face Gabe. What's got you down?" Castiel asked running a finger through his brothers locks which always calmed him down.

"Hmm... Maybe because I'm alone and I live with my older brother-" He stopped knowing there was no use to joking lie to his brother who knew him oh-so well. "Fine, I met this guy who pitied me and he hasn't shown up so I can flip him off and the anger is boiling. His name is Sam... Ugh he makes me wanna GAH!"

"Well" Cas's hands untangled from Gabe's hair and closed his laptop shutting the notification he got halfway. "How about I make dinner and you can put on anything you want to watch, that'll cheer you up, eh?" Gabe nodded and Cas got up and placed is laptop on the coffee table in front of the couch and he went to his own kitchen instead of Gabriel's and that left Gabe to pick something.

Gabriel picked 'how I met your mother' and got himself wrapped up in his candy-patterned blanket turning himself into a human burrito.

Castiel on the other hand had started to cook some mac n' cheese with bacon and chuckled as he heard the familiar opening song of the show he and Gabriel always watch together. He smiled brightly when he heard Gabe sing along to it as well.

Dinner was made fast since it wasn't that complicated. Soon Castiel brought them their plates of food and lemon iced tea and Cassie took a seat next to Gabe and they ate together in silence occasionally commentating or quoting the characters.

This is what a normal day at the Novak house. Eat and watch TV whether it be with each other or alone. Gabriel preferred alone so he could cry when other people fell in love and had a good day but laughed while crying hysterically when it turned out love wasn't in their favor either. It really boosted his self esteem.

They finished dinner together and eventually Cassie fell asleep leaving Gabe to bring his brother to his room. His annoying room. He picked up his brothers limp body and brought him to his room which walls were covered in flowers and bees and the sheets were blue and white stripped with flower pillow cases. His brothers room practically screamed, fruity. He's just glad(as selfish as it is) his brother is a loner just like Gabe. He tucked his brother in and then made it back to the living room after shutting the bedroom door.

Gabe shut the lights off and went back to his comfortable seat with his blanket and he switched the channel to adventure time and subconsciously hummed to the theme song. He was in the dark alone and that's what he liked most. Where he's alone and can think to himself.

Where no one pities him.

But the one thing that's pissing him off and throwing his chill all out of whack is that he cant seem to get the damn guy- Sam- out of his head. He barely knew the guy, his last name he was unaware of, and he hated him for his charity thinking it's helping Gabriel. It's not.

He is not a pity party. If someone tries to make him one well you'll see his wrath. His short... Small... Wrath.

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