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"Hey guys! Are you two going to Kendall's party tonight?" Louis said with excitement and patted Harry's and Niall's back

"I don't think I'm going, I'm still kind of hammered from last night and I can't stand Kendall." Niall said rolling his eyes

"By the ways, footie season is coming up. Harry and I were planning on practicing after school, right Harry?" Niall asked looking towards Harry

"Yes I guess that's the plan. Come on Louis don't tell me you're going?" Harry said chuckling

"Well I'm not a party pooper, I'm a party animal. So, I'll see you guys around." Louis said laughing and raised his middle finger

The bell rang indicating the end of the school day and everyone scurried out. It was nice out so it was a good day to practice football and that's what Niall and Harry did in Harry's backyard.

"Go far!" Niall told Harry and Harry ran across the yard

Niall threw the ball at Harry and Harry caught it but it quickly slipped out of his grasp.

"Come on Harry." Niall groaned

"It's the fifth time." Niall said getting the ball from Harry

"I'm sorry! I haven't played in a while, just a bit rusty I guess." Harry said shrugging

Harry sat down on the bench and grabbed a water bottle and threw it at Niall which hit his stomach, "Ouch! You fucker!" Niall said grabbing the sweaty towel and hitting Harry with it

"Ew! I don't want your sweat, Niall stop it!" Harry yelled out opening his water bottle and poured it on Niall

"Oh my gosh Harry! Look what you did!" Niall said walking slowly to the cooler making sure Harry doesn't notice

"Oh really I didn't notice." Harry said rolling his eyes

Once Harry turned around, Niall grabbed the cooler filled with ice cold water and ice and poured it on Harry.
Harry let out a not so manly scream which made Niall start laughing uncontrollably.

Harry squinted at Niall and Niall smiled at him, "I'm sorry lovely." Niall said chuckling and handed Harry a dry towel

"That was ice cold water Niall! What if I died!" Harry said drying his hair

"I wouldn't let that happen." Niall said pinching Harry's cheek and went inside Harry's house and up to his room

Harry soon followed Niall into his room and changed into dry clothes.
While Harry was changing, Niall stared at his body.

"No homo bro, but you have a nice body. If I were gay I'd tap that." Niall said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows

"Well isn't that flattering." Harry chuckled and rolled his eyes

"You have to say thank you and that I'm attractive too ya wanker." Niall said getting under Harry's covers

"Get out of my bed idiot." Harry said pulling off the duvet and carried Niall bridal style and placed him on Harry's mini sofa

"You're so rude babe, why you gotta be like that?" Niall asked pouting

"Niall your gayness is showing." Harry said fixing his bed and sat on it

"As if, I'll never be gay. The only day I'll turn gay is when Ryan Gosling asks me out." Niall said smiling and getting comfortable on the sofa

"But that will never happen." Harry said laughing

"Then I'll never be gay." Niall said shaking his head

"You don't hate gays?" Harry asked just out of curiosity

"Of course not! My brother is gay and I still love him." Niall said looking at Harry

"Why do you ask that?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow at Harry

"Just asking." Harry said shrugging

Harry has not told a soul about his secret because he's scared of what anyone might think of him. Harry and Niall are the most popular boys in school and their reputations mean a lot to them.

If anyone heard that Harry is bisexual it'd be the end of him. He'd have to move to Mexico and change his name to Pablo.

Harry is over protective of his secret, he doesn't even dare tell Niall even if they've been friends since preschool.

a/n: first chapter ! a bit crappy but I'm trying to introduce everything and I realized that I use a lot of dialogue but I decided to describe things more and write in 3rd point of view :)

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