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When Niall got back home he noticed that Louis had left already and Niall came home late so he expected that.

It was ten at night and Niall yawned making his way to his bedroom. He got ready for bed and was more than happy to get under the covers and have a good night sleep.

• • • • • • •
It was three in the morning when Niall heard loud banging on his door. Niall groaned and got up from the very comfy bed making his way to the door.

Niall looked through the peephole to see Zayn standing there continuing to bang the door.
Niall was scared that if he didn't open soon, Zayn would knock the door down.

"What do-" Niall said opening the door but Zayn instantly got in and slammed the door shut right before Niall could comprehend what was happening

"Shhh!!!" Zayn said placing his hand over Niall's mouth

It was silent for a moment and Niall heard running in the hallway then faded away.

Zayn looked through the peephole and sighed, "I think they're gone." Zayn said

"What are you doing here? Why did you think waking me up was a good thing to do? And what the fuck is going on?" Niall asked getting pissed with Zayn

Niall just wanted to go back to sleep but for some reason Zayn seemed really scared.

"I can't tell you." Zayn said biting his fingernails

"Then go home Zayn." Niall said sighing

"No! Please just let me stay the night here!" Zayn pleaded

Niall sighed and nodded, "The couch is a pullout." Niall mumbled

"Thank you Ni, I owe you!" Zayn said giving Niall a quick hug

"I know." Niall said and made his way back to his room

When Niall woke up he went into the living room expecting to see Zayn but instead saw everything back to normal and no sight of Zayn.

Niall raised his eyebrow and looked everywhere but there was no Zayn around.

Niall: Z did you leave?

ZaynIsHot😛: oh yea, I had to. I know you want an explanation and I wish I can tell you but you're safer this way. Please don't tell Liam, Louis, and Harry. I know you're talking to him again but please.

Niall: fine but you're scaring me, please be safe

ZaynIsHot😛: I will be, don't worry about me Ni.

Niall sighed and decided to make his own breakfast.
It was quite weird and lonely eating and living on your own, he wanted a roommate so it didn't have to be so lonely.

Niall washed his plate and decided to go check if there was any mail and most of it was junk but one caught his eye.

It was a packet from Guildhall and Niall instant smiled, he didn't even waste time going to the elevator and run all the way upstairs.

He knocked on Harry's door, panting from all the stairs he had to run up.

"Niall are you okay?" Harry asked when he saw Niall out of breath

"Guild. Hall. Letter. Me. Got. It." Niall said waving the packet in Harry's face

Harry's eyes widened and ran downstairs to his mailbox, soon coming back up with a packet as same as Niall's.

"Open it!" Harry said seeing that Niall was just looking at the front of the packet

Niall breathed in and opened it, his eyes widened and started cheering seeing that he got in to Guildhall.

Harry smiled and opened his packet as well. After a minute Niall grew impatient, "Harry are you that slow at reading?" Niall asked chuckling

"I've reread it ten times and it says the same thing." Harry said frowning

"I didn't get in." Harry whispered

"What? Give me that, you never knew how to read well." Niall said snatching the packet from Harry and read it to himself

"Harry this says you got in." Niall said looking at Harry and noticed that Harry was smirking

"You bitch, you scared me!" Niall said slapping Harry's chest with the packet

Harry hugged Niall and both were extremely happy that they were able to enter college together. They were finally living their dream.

Niall looked at Harry smiling at him, his eyes flickered down to his lips and back to his eyes.

Harry cleared his throat and backed away, "I'm so happy that we both got in." Harry said smiling

"So am I." Niall said smiling as well

a/n: I hate that I can't update like I used to because of my hectic schedule.

I'll work on the chapters over the weekend and well hope you liked it !

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