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3 days later
(there will be quite a few time skips)

Liam and Louis would sometimes stay the night with Zayn. Sometimes they even switched roles, but as the days go by Zayn wasn't getting any better.

It was obvious to everyone and the expressions on the doctor only gave it away.

Louis was falling asleep but before he could close his eyes he felt someone squeeze his hand.

"L-Louis, here." Zayn said coughing and handing Louis four envelopes

"What's this?" Louis asked

"There's one for each of you. When I die, please give it to them." Zayn said slightly smiling

"Zayn don't say that I-"

"Stop, we all know I'm not getting better. No need to sugarcoat it, please just give it to them when I'm no longer breathing." Zayn said closing his eyes

"Okay then." Louis whispered

Louis looked at each of the envelops seeing that Niall, Liam, Harry, and himself each have one.

When Zayn woke up again he saw that Niall was now with him.

"I told Louis to go freshen up and rest. Hope you don't mind my presence." Niall said smiling

"Of course not, come here." Zayn said patting the space next to him

Niall got in bed and tried not to show any sign of sadness.

"You know I love you right? You've always been like a little brother to me and all I ever want to do is keep you safe from any harm." Zayn said hugging Niall

"I know, you're like an older brother to me. But better than Greg." Niall said chuckling

"I want you to know that no matter where I am, I'll still be taking care of you." Zayn said messing up Niall's hair

"Please don't go." Niall whispered

"I'm sorry Ni, but I think we all know I won't make it out alive." Zayn said wanting to be sincere with everyone

A tear slipped out of Niall's eye and hugged Zayn tight, "Meet up with Lucky up there, so you two won't be lonely." Niall said smiling remembering about his dog Lucky from when he was six

"Aw I miss Lucky, I'll see him soon." Zayn said smiling

1 week later

Zayn's process was going faster than what the doctor thought it would be and as the days go by, Zayn gets weaker and weaker.

Liam was currently with Zayn while everyone else was in the cafeteria eating fast food since the food here was terrible.

"I can't do this." Zayn whispered

"No Zayn please, you're strong please you can go through this." Liam said now crying and holding Zayn's hand

"Know that you're always good enough Liam. You're the most amazing person I have ever met and know that I'll always love you." Zayn said taking his last breath and his grasp on Liam loosened

Liam started yelling and the doctor came in checking Zayn's pulse that was no longer there and the nurses covered his body.

Louis, Harry, and Niall soon joined Liam.

Louis decided to stay with Liam because he needs the company now more than ever.

"Um, Zayn told me to give you this." Louis said handing Liam the envelope

Liam wiped the tears and slowly opened the envelope as if it was going to disappear if he didn't handle it with care.

Dear Liam,

i love you so so much. Never forget that. Not only is this killing me but the pain in my heart knowing that I won't be able to physically be with you anymore kills me more.
I always wanted to have a future with you, get married, have kids, grow old together. But it's okay. I had the most amazing time being with you and please find someone else. I want you to continue your life.

I'll see you from above, and hopefully someday we see each other again.

forever yours,
Zayn Malik.

Liam places the letter back into the envelope and heads upstairs wanting to go sleep and hope that all this was a dream and he'll wake up with Zayn in his arms.

Louis sighed and decided to open up his letter,

Dear Louis,

Remember when your goldfish died and you tried to act tough but in the end you cried even though it was only just a goldfish?

It's okay to cry you know? You've been trying to act 'tough' the time I've been in the hospital but it's okay to let it out.

I want to thank you for everything, you've done so much for me and I thank you a lot for that. Go wild, hook up, it's been awhile since Eleanor. Find someone.

Do me one last favor please.. take care of Liam for me. Thanks again.

until then,

Zayn Malik.

"I'm tough. I don't cry." Louis said crossing his arms

Louis looked up to see a picture of Zayn on the wall and instantly started crying.

"It's okay to cry." Louis said smiling at the picture of Zayn


I'm crying too ^ don't worry

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