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"Hurry up, I swear you're not any different from a girl." Louis yelled from across the hall

"I'm going! I'm going!" Niall said grabbing his phone and keys

Niall made his way to the living room double checking that he had everything.

"Why do our butts look great in these kind of pants?" Louis said checking himself and Niall out in the full length mirror

Niall scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Let's go already, they're probably there already." Niall said opening the door for Louis

"Um no, tonight's the first night and you're doing everything wrong already! Harry is the kind of boyfriend that would love to treat you like the princess you are. So tonight and anytime we're around him, you show him the kind of bottom person you are." Louis said tapping on Niall's nose

"Now, I need to get into the mood." Louis said taking in a deep breath and slapping Niall's bum making Niall squeal

Louis grabbed the keys from Niall's hand and made their way into the garage and leaving the flat. After twenty minutes of singing to the songs from the radio they finally got to the restaurant they planned on having their date at.

"You know what, I think we should just cancel and not make any contact with them ever again." Niall said wiping his hands on his suit pants

"I did not dress up for nothing, I did not make this plan for nothing, I am not holding your sweaty clammy hand for nothing. So your ass better find some confidence because you are going to make that hot ass yours!" Louis said pointing inside the restaurant

Niall nodded and breathed in slowly then breathed out, "Okay, okay you're right. Let's go." Niall said opening his car door and waited for Louis to come out also

"You're so disgusting." Louis said grabbing Niall's sweaty hand

"I need to use the restroom first, I already know where they are just go." Louis said dancing in place and made a run to the restrooms

Niall sighed and made his way to the couple he can clearly see at the booth.

"Hey guys." Niall said smiling at them and sitting the opposite of where Harry was sitting

"Hey, Harry told me you're dating. Where's the lucky guy?" Luke said smirking

"He went to the restroom, he'll be coming soon." Niall said glancing at Harry and looked at the menu in front of him

"Hey guys." Louis said sitting next to Niall

"Hey Louis, what are you doing here?" Harry said raising his eyebrow

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm on a double date idiot." Louis said shaking his head and scoffed

"You're dating Louis?" Harry asked Niall

Niall nodded and turned bright red.

"Oh, well that's a surprise." Harry said clearing his throat

"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis asked

"Nothing, it's just you used dislike Niall and now you two are dating." Harry said rolling his eyes

"Well it's a surprise that you and Luke are dating after all he's a sweet person, you on the other hand.." Louis said smirking

Niall patted Louis' thigh as a sign for him to calm down making Louis sigh and shake his head.

Although Louis and Harry didn't say anything to Niall, he knew that they both miss the friendship that the two used to have.

The date went quite well, the two couples had a bit of small talk, Niall occasionally catching Harry staring at him and Louis was just ordering all the desserts off the menu.

After a few minutes they all decided to go back home, Harry dropped off Luke at the college he attends to since he has a dorm over there and gave Luke a quick kiss.

a/n: I'm sorry that this is so short but I've literally been adding to this chapter all this week and it's crazy how busy I've been

I've had so many quizzes and tests already I cri. I didn't reread it (not that I ever did) so I think this is shitty I'm sorry

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