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Niall just closing his door until he heard singing and someone playing guitar.

Niall was curious as to who was singing so beautifully and playing guitar with such talent.
Niall knew Ashton sang amazingly but he didn't know how to play guitar so it couldn't be Ashton.

Niall looked at the door in front of him, the place belonging to Harry. Niall leaned closer to the door and smiled when he heard Harry singing and playing.

He wanted to see Harry sing since this was the very first time he's see this from Harry. Niall never knew Harry sang so beautiful.

Niall turned the knob and surprisingly it was unlocked, Harry wouldn't mind if he sang in front of the fake blond.

Niall closed the door and smiled wider when he saw Harry play the guitar as if he was born with this talent.
Niall played guitar also, he liked the idea of playing guitar with Harry.

Niall entered the small living room and say in front of Harry. Harry was a bit shocked but quickly replaced it with a smile and continued singing in front of Niall.

"and that I'll fight my corner, maybe tonight I'll call ya, after my blood turns into alcohol, no I just want to hold ya."

"Give a little time to me or burn this out, we'll play hide and seek to turn this around."

"All I want is the taste that your lips allow." Harry sang the last part slowly

Niall clapped giving him a big smile, he stood up and bowed down.

We laughed and Niall went to grab his guitar, "You sing and play beautifully." Niall said plucking each of the strings

"Thank you, Istarted to learn guitar after we graduated. My mum encouraged me to play an instrument and I thought guitar wasn't so bad." he said chuckling

Niall started playing 'Kiss me' as well from Ed Sheeran and Harry sang the lyrics.

"I didn't know you played also?" Harry said once we finished

"Yea, I played since I was little." Niall said smiling and looking down at the guitar in his hands

"How come you never told me?" Harry asked

"I don't know, I guess I just thought it was dumb to talk about since we were popular. Didn't want people calling me names." Niall said shrugging

"But you would tell me everything." Harry said frowning

"Can we just, leave it alone?" Niall said giving Harry back his guitar

Harry sighed and put away his guitar on a stand.

"I should get going, I just heard music and thought I'd check it out." Niall said slightly smiling

"Oh alright, I'll see you later then." Harry said leading Niall to the door

Niall left and went to go do some grocery shopping. When he came back he saw Louis on top of the counters looking in Niall's cabinets.

"How did you get in and how did you know I live here?" Niall asked

"I have my ways, you have nothing to eat." Louis said getting off of the counter

"That's why I went grocery shopping." Niall said putting the bags on the counter

"Ooooo! Yummy food." Louis said grabbing the nachos and the cheese

"Although, I did not know you live across Harry. Was this planned?" Louis asked eating the nachos dipped in cheese

"No it was just a coincidence." Niall said putting away the food

"Right." Louis said eyeing Niall

Niall rolled his eyes and continued to put away the food he brought.

"Are you two now friends again?" Louis asked after a moment of silence

"Um, I don't know really." Niall said now sitting down in front of Louis and eating the nachos as well

"Are you sure? I saw you leave his place with a smile." Louis said chuckling

"Do you have anything better to do instead of stalking me?" Niall asked freaking out from Louis' behavior

Louis laughed and shook his head, "Nah your life is much more interesting. Kidding, I just wanted to come over and hang out. I bumped into that Ashton kid so he told me and gave me your spare key." Louis said

"So you just let yourself in?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow

"Yes because wherever you are is my second home." Louis said getting up and messing Niall's hair

Niall groaned and fixed his hair, he put away the cheese and leftover nachos and followed Louis to the living room.

"How's Eleanor?" Niall asked sitting next to Louis

Louis froze and stared at Niall, "What?" Niall asked

"Um we broke up, two months ago." Louis said playing with Niall's fingers

"How come you never told me?" Niall said slapping Louis' chest lightly but Louis made a big deal out of it

"I don't know really. Not even Liam and Zayn know, they're too busy in their love life and I don't want their pity looks. So you better not give me yours." Louis said glaring at Niall

"Why? You two were like madly in love when I last facetimed you?" Niall asked

"I still love her, but I was the one that broke up with her. We were just so busy and I think it was for the best." Louis said shrugging

He got up and disappeared into the kitchen and soon coming back with two beers handing me one.

"Louis, you're never busy." Niall said taking a drink from the beer

"Shush my child, you don't know that." Louis said covering Niall's face with his hand

Niall scoffed and shook his head, "Yes I do know, you're here right now." Niall said

Louis rolled his eyes and continued to drink his beer.

An hour later and Louis had ten beers and was slurring his words and stumbling all over the place.

"Louis stop it, you're drunk. Just sleep already." Niall groaned

"Oh my lovely Niall, I love your hair. I've been thinking of dyeing it blond." Louis said giggling

Niall carried Louis over his shoulder and kicked open his bedroom door and threw Louis onto his bed.

"Oooo we're getting freaky eh Horan?" Louis said smirking

"Shut up and sleep." Niall said rolling his eyes

Louis giggled and pulled Niall from his shirt collar making Niall lose his balance, falling on top of Louis.

"I've always thought you were sexy." Louis whispered into Niall's ear

"L-Louis stop." Niall said stuttering

"Party pooper." Louis huffed and let go of Niall

a/n: I always seem to add nouis in my books but it's okay because who doesn't love some Nouis

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