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Harry 😝🎉: hey Niall! Want to go to the movies and watch The Purge election year or whatever it's called ?

Niall 😎👀: sorry Harry, Liam and I just watched that movie yesterday. :/

Harry 😝🎉: oh okay. um well want to do something today?

Niall 😎👀: yea sure, I'll come over in a bit.

Harry was a bit sad that Niall had already went with Liam to watch the movie that Harry has been bugging Niall about for a month.
But Harry was soon happy that Niall made some time for him.

After about ten minutes Harry heard the doorbell ring and when he opened it there stood the fake blond smiling.

"Welcome the Styles' home. I'm very glad you can make it." Harry said grinning

Niall laughed and playfully slapped Harry's arm, "Let's order pizza and get candy and ice cream and watch the movie you wanted to watch for a month now." Niall said dialing to order pizza

"Wait, but you saw the purge already." Harry said raising his eyebrow

"So? My best friend has been wanting to watch it with me so that's going to happen." Niall said smiling at Harry

Harry did a small happy dance while Niall ordered pizza. Harry got candy from the cupboard and grabbed the bucket of ice cream.

"The movie just came out, how do you have it on dvd already?" Harry asked looking at the dvd case

"I know a guy." Niall said shrugging

Once the pizza came in, they started watching the move and even though Niall had already seen it, he still jumped and screamed at some parts.

"That was a great movie." Harry said finishing up the bucket of ice cream

Niall hummed and nodded and when Harry turned to look at Niall he was on his phone smiling at something.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked once Niall started to laugh

"Nothing Liam just said a funny joke." Niall said spitting out his coke

Harry rolled his eyes and decided to clean up the living room a bit. Once Harry was done, Niall was still on his phone texting Liam.

"Can you put your phone down while you're here? I actually want to do something." Harry sighed sitting next to Niall

"Okay okay I'm sorry. Are you going to Cara's party tonight?" Niall said putting his phone on the table

"Yes are you?" Harry asked

"Yes, do you mind if Liam comes with us this time?"

Harry was about to rant out on Niall but took in a deep breathe and sighed.

"Yea sure whatever." Harry said shaking his head

"Oh let's talk about your birthday coming up!" Niall said clapping

Harry chuckled at Niall knowing his child side was coming out, "Okay what about it?" Harry asked smiling

"You're about to turn eighteen! Are you going to throw a party?" Niall asked grinning

"Uh, I don't know. But on my birthday I'm going to be with my mum." Harry said taking a drink from his coke

Niall nodded and soon thought of an idea for his best friend's birthday.

The next day at school Harry actually attended class and when the bell rang Niall and Liam came in laughing like the two best friends in the entire world.

Harry didn't want to admit it but he was getting more mad every time they saw Niall and Liam together.

"Told you." Louis sang towards Harry

"Fuck off." Harry whispered to Louis

"Okay class we will be working on a project. It's due next week on Wednesday, you can work with one other person. No more than two people in the group." ms. Garcia said to the class

Harry looked over at Niall to make a sign that they were going to be partners but Niall and Liam were already partners.
When Harry looked over at Louis he was already with Zayn.

Harry sighed and decided to be partners with Josh.

When the class was over Harry walked over to Niall, "Let's skip today please. I don't feel well." Harry said pulling on Niall's arm

"I was going with Liam after school but I'll pick him up after then. Let's go." Niall said chuckling

Once both boys arrived to Harry's house, Niall started texting someone and Harry knew it was Liam.

Harry snatched the phone from Niall's hand and threw it at the wall making the screen shatter.

"What the fuck Harry?" Niall asked getting mad

"Everyday I invite you somewhere or for you to come here, is it wrong to spend some time with my best friend without hearing from him Liam, Liam, Liam?" Harry said getting red from the yelling

"Harry I'm with you basically everyday, I haven't seen Liam since preschool. I've missed him a lot. Don't think that I'll replace you, no one can replace you." Niall said patting Harry's arm

"You don't know that. I took you from Liam, he could easily do the same thing. I don't want you to not be my best friend anymore." Harry said signing and covered his face

"Harry I promise you that you won't lose me. Don't worry about it, if you get to know Liam you'll like him also." Niall said giving Harry a hug

Harry placed his head on top of Niall's head based on their height differences.

"Love you Harry."

"Love you too Niall." Harry said sighing

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