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before I start, I just love the kind of sibling love Louis and Lottie has like I want that! I wish I had an older brother sometimes
but then my friend tells me what her older brother does to her and then I'm like nvm 😶😂

When Harry woke up he was confused on why he was on Niall's bed and Niall was sprawled out on the floor.

"What the fuck?" Harry mumbled and sat up on the bed

Harry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and kicked Niall's side lightly.
Niall groaned and turned around, Harry sighed and picked Niall up and placed him on his bed.

Harry went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and did his business. When he got out he bumped into Maura, "I'm sorry Maura.." Harry said gently placing a hand on her shoulder

"Oh Harry I didn't know you stayed the night?" Maura said laughing

"I didn't know either, I guess I just fell asleep and wasted my Saturday." Harry shrugged and chuckled

"Is Niall up yet?" Maura asked

"No, do you want me to wake him up?"

"Yes dear please, can you two please start on the breakfast? I have some grocery shopping to do, unless you two want to go grocery shopping?" Maura asked chuckling

"It's fine, we'll do the breakfast. Pancake?" Harry asked hope in his eyes

"Yes dear your favorite." Maura laughed and walked downstairs and out the door

Harry walked into Niall's room and sat down on the bed trying to wake him up, "Niall wake up." Harry whispered and shook Niall
Niall didn't budge

Harry sighed and laid on top of Niall which finally woke him up, "Harry you're a damn cow get off of me." Niall mumbled

"How do you know it's me? I could be Greg." Harry said resting his head on Niall's chest

"Greg is lighter than you." Niall whispered before falling back to sleep

"No Niall wake up! Your mum said for us to make pancakes." Harry said facing Niall only centimeters away from him

"I don't want to get up." Niall said now opening his eyes and screamed when he saw Harry too close to him

"I didn't know you were too close." Niall sighed and got up

"Did I just fall asleep yesterday? Was I really that tired?" Harry asked following Niall into the bathroom

"No I gave you a blowjob and you fell asleep right after." Niall smiled at Harry and shook his head

Harry stared at him wide eyed and choked on his own saliva, "W-What?"

Niall started laughing with toothpaste in his mouth and Harry made a disgusted look, "Oh my god why would you think that if you're straight?" Niall said chuckling and rinsed his mouth

"Get out unless you want to see my dick." Niall said smirking

Harry scoffed and left to go start on the pancakes.

"So what are we making." Niall asked once he came into the kitchen

"Pancakes." Harry smiled wide

"Of course." Niall rolled his eyes playfully

The two boys soon started to mess around with the batter, it all started when Niall dipped his finger in the mixture and got some on Harry cheek. Harry then poured the whole mixture on Niall and now Niall was chasing Harry with flour in his hands.

"Niall stop I just wanted some pancakes!" Harry said laughing

Harry was standing on one side of the table while Niall was on the opposite side, "Just put the flour down and we'll be cleaning this mess and I'll actually enjoy some pancakes." Harry said backing away making sure not to slip and fall from the mixture on the floor

Once Harry was far from Niall he got some eggs and started to throw them at Niall, "Take this you dick!" Harry said laughing at Niall

Niall ran towards Harry and Harry lost his balance causing for Niall to fall on top of Harry.

"Hello there." Niall said chuckling

"And you say I weigh." Harry said rolling his eyes

"I do not weigh." Niall said smirking and moving more so it felt like there was more weight on Harry

"Niall you don't want to do that." Harry said groaning

"Aw am I making Hazzy boo hard?" Niall said his smirk never left his face

Niall laughed and patted Harry head and got off, Harry rolled his eyes and got up from the hard floor. Harry got the mop and wiped the floors whole Niall cleaned the counters.

Once they were done Harry happily sighed and sat down to enjoy his pancakes.

"I make amazing pancakes." Harry said happily

"Hey! I helped too!" Niall said eating from his stack of pancakes

"Yes Niall thank you for handing me the ingredients."

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