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I'm writing this on a laptop and I'm more used to writing on my phone so I'm sorry if there's some mistakes. 

Harry woke up with the worst headache and he didn't even know where he was. When he took in his surroundings, he noticed Niall was in bed next to him and both boys were shirtless. 

Harry's eyes widened and quickly looked under the duvet and let out a breath when he saw that they were both wearing pants.

Harry didn't even remember how he got to Niall's house. Maybe he called Niall last night, "Niall." Harry whispered

Niall groaned but didn't plan to move. 

"Oh my god there's a bug on you!" Harry yelled out 

"Where?" Niall yelled out sitting up causing for him and Harry to bump heads

"Ow Niall, I was joking no need to fucking hit my head with your head made out of bricks." Harry said rubbing his forehead 

"It's bad enough that I have a headache."

"Not my fault, you're the one that finds their way here and decides to wake me up like that." Niall said squinting at Harry

"Where were you yesterday?" Niall asked getting up and walked into his bathroom to wash his teeth 

"Um, I went to Cara's party." Harry said scratching the back of his head 

"What? Harry I thought we were going to go together?" Niall asked 

"Well in my defense you didn't even text me about it yesterday and also you said you were going to study with Liam yesterday." Harry said rolling his eyes 

"Oh right, sorry. Did you have sex last night?" Niall asked before rinsing his mouth 

"Um yea." 

"Well who?"

"I don't want to say." Harry asked making his way back to Niall's room 

Niall soon followed Harry, "Aw come on, who was it? Tell me." Niall said chuckling 

"Why do you want to know?" Harry asked 

"Don't be a bitch, we always tell each other." Niall said slapping Harry's arm 

"Fine, I um, it was Kendall." Harry said waiting to see Niall's reaction

Niall just stared and Harry, Niall was too shocked to even say anything. Harry waved his hand in front of Niall confused. 

"You what? I thought you said you hated her as much as I did! As much as the whole school does! Harry what the fuck?!" Niall yelled out 

"Yes and I still do hate her, but I really needed a good fuck and she was the only one left so what else was I supposed to do? Why are you acting so jealous?" Harry asked looking at Niall with a bored expression 

"Me? Jealous? Ha! Please, says the one that's jealous of Liam." Niall said laughing 

Harry rolled his eyes and walked over to the door, "You're being so fucking childish over this. I'm so tired of you, not only about this situation but from all the years I've been your best friend, you make a big deal out of everything. You know what, be best friends with Liam, see if I care." Harry said leaving Niall's room and slammed his door shut 

"Since when did you become my wife?!" Niall yelled out making sure Harry heard and Harry turned around and gave Niall the middle finger and drove off 

Niall pulled on his hair and made his way back inside to see Liam smiling on one of the kitchen stools.

"Hey, I'm sorry if we woke you up." Niall said letting out a sigh 

"Don't worry, I wake up around this time anyway. So um, is the plan still on or?" Liam asked raising his eyebrow 

Niall was planning to throw a surprise party for Harry's birthday since it was a few weeks away but now, Niall isn't even sure anymore. That's why Niall 

"I don't know, he'll come around. I hope." Niall said getting some waffles from the fridge.


"Wait, so you basically told Niall that you didn't want to be his best friend anymore?" Louis asked taking a sip of his tea 

Harry thought back on what he told Niall and he nodded. 

"Well you made Liam's job easier my dear friend." Louis said chuckling 

Harry sighed and decided to go home and think how his life is going to be without his best friend. 

a/n: this is shorter than others but I'll be getting a new phone a few days before this month ends so :)

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