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When Niall arrived to Ireland he couldn't help but feel happy to be in his hometown. It's been so long since he's been here and it brought so much memories.

When Niall entered the all too familiar house he saw that it was remodeled and way different.

"I'm home!" Niall yelled out

Greg came running downstairs and Niall opened his arms for a hug but Greg ran past him to hug their mum.

"Mommy!" Greg yelled hugging Maura

"Sweetie, it's so nice to see you again." Maura said hugging her older son

"I missed you so much." Greg said smiling

"Did you forget that you have a brother? That loves you very much?" Niall said pouting

"In less than a minute you're going to hit me but yes I missed my annoying little brother." Greg said giving Niall a quick hug and messed up Niall's hair

Niall slapped Greg's arm and soon heard Bobby's voice, "About time, we missed you two so much." Bobby said giving Niall and big hug which Niall thought he was going to die at that moment from lack of air

"Niall you're much smaller and thinner than I remembered." Bobby said patting Niall's back hard which almost made him fall

Bobby walked over to Maura and hugged her too and gave her a long kiss on the lips.

Niall and Greg rolled their eyes playfully and both went upstairs.

Niall opened the door to his old room quite happy seeing that Greg didn't change it or mess it up.

"How's London?" Greg asked sitting on Niall's spiny chair

"It's beautiful, I'm actually moving back after a year or two. Mum doesn't want me to live on my own just yet." Niall said unpacking his clothes

"Any girlfriend?" Greg asked smirking

"Nope, just one night stands." Niall said turning bright red

Niall didn't really like talking about his sex life but here Greg was asking questions.

"Wait, you're not a virgin?" Greg said while gasping

Niall laughed and shook his head.

"What about boyfriends?" Greg asked

"I-I'm not gay." Niall said confused about Greg's question

"Really? You seem like a person that would be." Greg said looking at Niall's choice of clothing

"The day-" Niall started but got cut off

"Yes yes I know the day that Ryan Gosling asks you out you will be gay. You've told me that many times." Greg said rolling his eyes

Niall chuckled and put away his suitcase. He grabbed his carry on bag and opened it up taking out his laptop and phone and plugging them in their chargers.

"Well I have to be somewhere, see you later." Greg said messing Niall's hair again

Niall groaned and fixed his hair again. Niall closed the door after Greg left and got out the envelope that Louis handed him.

He took out the many pictures and looked through them. He smiled at the recent ones when he went to the carnival with the three other lads.

Niall kept looking at the pictures and one caught his eye which made him double check if Louis actually took a picture of it.

It was the day of Harry's surprise party, Louis had taken a picture of Harry and Niall when they were dared to kiss.
Niall was on Harry's lap, straddling him and his fingers tangled in Harry's hair while Harry's hands were placed on his bum.

Niall blushed remembering exactly that kiss but then cringed when he remembered that he slept with, what was her name? Barbie? Bianca? Barbara! Barbara was her name.

Niall put the pictures away in his drawer and turned on his phone since it died when he was on the airplane.

Niall saw that he got eleven texts, eight from Harry and the rest were from Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

Louisbigbotty🤔🔥: text me when you get there bitch!

BigdaddyLiam: you better call/text me everyday, if you miss a day I'm going to fly over there and slap you. love you :)

ZaynIsHot😛: don't replace me, you better not. We'll be here waiting for you :)

Niall smiled at all the messages they sent him and he quickly sent them a reply. He then went to the texts that Harry had sent him. He frowned and rolled his eyes seeing how stupid Harry was being.

Niall went downstairs and told his parents he was going to meet up with some of his old friends.

Niall walked five houses down from his and knocked on the door waiting for it to be opened.

Soon the Australian lad appeared and instantly smiled when he saw Niall.

"Niall! You're here!" Ashton said giving Niall a hug

"I'm here." Niall said smiling and returned the hug

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