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Niall has never liked doing things later or at the last minute so the second that he stepped foot in his home he immediately started working on his project.

The problem was that it has been two hours and Niall still couldn't work on the lyrics.
Niall sighed and decided to take a small break. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water along with a small bag of crisps.

"Knock Knock" someone said behind his door

Niall raised his eyebrow and opened the door to see Louis standing there.

"You know you could actually knock instead of saying it." Niall said chuckling

"I know." Louis said giving him a small smile

"How's it going? How's Payno?" Niall asked drinking from his water bottle

"Hasn't changed, I feel so terrible. I really wish I could help, I can't even convince him to eat." Louis said rubbing his eyes

"And i'm so tired, he wakes up each night having a bad dream and I'm not that rude to push him away." Louis said

"Go home today and get some sleep, I'll take care of it this week. It'll be okay he's just grieving." Niall said rubbing Louis' back

"No you have school shit to do. It's fine." Louis said closing his eyes for a bit

"I just recently got a project and I seriously don't know what i'm doing. Nothing comes to my mind and i honestly don't know who to make it to." Niall said

"What's it about?" Louis asked opening his eyes

"We're supposed to write a song about someone I appreciate and care about because we don't take the time to appreciate the things and people we have in life." Niall said sighing

"What about.. Zayn?" Louis said giving Niall a suggestion

Niall thought about it and his eyes widened, "How did I not think about it before? That's perfect! I still don't know what lyrics to put in though."

"How about I help you out?" Louis asked starting to sound excited

"Are you sure? Have you ever even written a song before?" Niall asked

"No but I could try. Come on let me help you I really want to try it out!" Louis said hitting Niall's hand

"Okay fine, hold on." Niall went in his room to get his guitar and his notebook

"Okay let's start." Niall said giving Louis his notebook

• • • • • • • • • •
Later that night Niall went to Liam's house and waited for Liam to wake up.

Meanwhile, Niall started to cook dinner with what Liam had and he hoped that Liam would at least eat a bit.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked entering the kitchen

"Making dinner, you woke up just in time." Niall said serving Liam a plate

"Thank you, i appreciate it but i'm not hungry. Sorry Ni." Liam said shrugging

"Come on Liam, at least eat half of it. You haven't been eating these past few days and you're looking quite pale." Niall said placing two plates of food on the table

Liam sighed and sat down at the table. They started eating and although Liam didn't want to talk at the moment, Niall thought otherwise.

"So, how's it going?" Niall asked

Liam raised his eyebrow and Niall shook his head, "Dumb question." Niall said turning bright red

"Anyway, there's this project i'm doing for school about appreciation and caring about people that have been in my life and i'm writing a song towards Zayn." Niall said

"Louis helped me with the song. So far so good." Niall said nodding

"Can I hear it once you're done?" Liam quietly asked

"Yes, absolutely." Niall said smiling

Once they finished eating Niall looked up to see that Liam's plate was empty and Niall was happy that Liam had eaten.

"Can we go to the park? I want to get some fresh air." Liam said while washing the plates

"Sure thing, i'm just gonna go use your restroom and we'll be heading out." Niall said walking upstairs to Liam's restroom

When Niall passed by Liam's room he was shocked at how destroyed it was. Books were thrown off, blankets on the ground, the mirror was cracked.

Niall shook his head and decided that when they came back, he would help Liam clean up.

a/n: ayeee so far so good at updating :D sorry no narry action :/

i have to study for about five hours today and tomorrow because i did not study at all this past week, why am i like this

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