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"You looking for someone?" Niall asked Zayn when he noticed that the dark haired lad was looking for someone

"Um yes, have you seen Liam?" Zayn asked fiddling with his fingers

"I think he went upstairs, why?" Niall asked loudly over the loud music

Zayn felt deflated and just shook his head, "I just wanted to tell him something. Never mind." Zayn said going to the bar once again

Niall was confused but didn't pay much attention to it and decided to join the truth or dare circle.

"Let's play a game of truth or dare! These are always quite intense!" their friend Luke said to the circle

"Niall, truth or dare?" Calum asked Niall smirking

"Umm truth." Niall said with a boring look

"Is it true that you fucked Kylie?" one of the girls asked

"It's true, she's number ten." Niall said giving Harry and Luke a high five

"Harry truth or dare?" Luke asked Harry

"I will have to do with dare." Harry said smirking

"I dare you to... umm, kiss Niall for three minutes!" Cara said clapping

"What!?" Niall and Harry yelled out in unison

"Wait, you two never kissed? Not at least once? Honestly the whole school thought you guys did since you're so close but a dare is a dare Harry." Calum said shrugging and chuckled

"Nothing would change alright." Harry whispered to Niall

"Of course not, I'll have to hook up with some girl after this." Niall said chuckling

"Oh also, no homo." Harry said smiling

Harry slowly leaned in and captured Niall's lips within his own. Harry wanted to give the crowd a show and so he pulled Niall onto his lap. There was some yelling, laughing, and clapping altogether.

After the three minutes was up Niall sat back down on the floor and laughed, "Gave them a show eh?" Niall said smiling

"Yea, nice lips by the way." Harry said and winked at Niall

"Thank you, you too." Niall chuckled

"No homo though." both boys said in unison
•  •  •  •  •

After the truth or dare game, Niall went by his own words and hooked up with some girl named Barbara.

As well as Harry, but he decided to sleep with Dylan, praying to God that nobody would find out but Harry really didn't want to sleep with some girl.

Harry couldn't say that he hated kissing Niall because that would just be lying. Harry admits that he liked it and would want to do it again but that would never happen.

Harry doesn't want anything ruining Niall's and his friendship that's why he swears to himself that he'll never have any feelings towards Niall.

The next day everyone else had left, Harry had woken up and found Niall sleeping on the floor.

He chuckled and went to the kitchen to get a few Advil pills and water and decided to clean up the whole mess.

After Harry finished Niall was still sleeping on the floor and Harry decided to wake him up.

"JOHN CENA!" Harry yells into Niall's ear and falls on top of Niall making him scream

"You're going to have to drive me to the hospital, you might've broken my back what the fuck?"  Niall groaned and tried to get away from Harry's weight but it was useless

"This is taking too long for you to get out, am I really that heavy?" Harry asked chuckling

"You don't know the half of it." Niall said letting out of sigh

Harry got off of Niall and he walked into the kitchen then came out quick looking at the whole living room.

"You cleaned up?" Niall asked looking at Harry

"Yes, while I let you have an amazing sleep on the floor." Harry said smirking

Niall rolled his eyes playfully and went back into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

While Niall drank water a lot of the memories from last night came flooding back and the one that stood out most was kissing Harry.

Niall spit out his water and started to cough, "Are you okay?" Harry called out

"Um yes, Harry I don't mean to sound rude or anything but can you get out." Niall said pointing to the door

"Way to say it nicely. What crawled up your ass?" Harry asked putting on his shoes

"I just want to be alone, please." Niall said opening the door for Harry

Harry stared at Niall confused and left but couldn't help but feel that it was about the kiss.

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