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so I counted up the votes and I honestly thought Ashton was going to win since it was in the lead but Louis ended up winning.
Don't worry, if you want your lashton, I'll give you your lashton ;) I'm nice in a way

"Louis, it's been a two weeks and every time I see them together I feel mad and sad at the same time." Niall said laying his head on the pillow

"I thought you said it was a small crush." Niall said frowning

Louis sighed and laid down next to Niall, "I say you move back to Ireland and you take me with you. Yea that's a great plan I'll help you pack." Louis said getting up but Niall pulled him back

"No I'm not moving back to Ireland, I love it here. How do I stop having feelings for someone? Ask google." Niall said chuckling

"I don't understand, remember the day when I gave you those pictures and you were leaving and Harry came around and started being a jerk again?" Louis asked

Niall hummed for Louis to continue.

"When I told him you were moving he looked so heartbroken, as if he actually had feelings towards you. But that was before, but when you came back he is literally a different person. When you were gone he didn't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, he would just lock himself up all day. Zayn would check up on him since he's the only one he would talk to, even with Luke he wasn't the Harry he is now. But now that you're here he's so much happier." Louis said

"And? We used to be best friends, we were there for each other, we made each other happy. That's what best friends do. I was upset when I left, I'm happy now that we made up." Niall said shrugging

"Yes but the thing is that you have feelings for him." Louis said smirking

"I doubt that he has any feelings towards me. He's happy with Luke and that's that." Niall said

"I have an idea!" Louis said sitting up

"Oh no."

"No, trust me this is good! You should try making Harry jealous and if it's a lost cause and he has no feelings towards you whatsoever, then I'm sorry buddy. But trust me it won't fail because I'm ninety percent sure that he has at least some feelings for you." Louis said smiling

"I don't know this-"

"Please try it I know that it won't fail, trust me this time!" Louis said tugging on Niall's arm

Niall rolled his eyes but nodded, "How do I make him jealous then?" Niall asked

Niall couldn't help but feel like all this will backfire and he'll just be left with embarrassment.

"You fake date someone."

"Who will I fake date?" Niall asked

Louis thought about it for a while and when he knew, he smirked at Niall.

"What?" Niall asked


"You? Why you?"

"How dare you say that?! And I just think it'd be a fun experience to see what it's like to be your boyfriend and see what Harry is going to have to deal with." Louis said chuckling

Niall pushed Louis off the couch and laughed, "You should be honored to be dating me. But I want you to ask me." Niall said smirking

"My dear Niall, will you be my fake boyfriend?" Louis said getting on one knee and grabbed Niall's hand

"Although I don't want to, I guess I have no choice but to say yes." Niall said chuckling

"Invite him to a double date, that's a perfect way to start." Louis said sitting back on the couch

Niall nodded and made his way to Harry's place, knocking on the door.

"Hey Niall." Harry said when he opened the door

"Hey, um I wanted to see if you and Luke would like to have a double date with my boyfriend and I." Niall said turning bright red

Harry raised his eyebrow, "You have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked

"I-I don't know, I felt like I would be throwing out these things at you and it's just too much. Just taking me time." Niall said shrugging

"And for how long have you two been dating?" Harry asked

"A few days after I came back." Niall said quickly making something up

"Oh, alright. Um what time?" Harry asked

"Is eight alright?" Niall asked

"Yea. Perfect, okay I'll see you and your boyfriend there. Don't tell me who it is, I want to see him myself." Harry said giving Niall a small smile

"Alright then." Niall chuckled

Harry closed his door and Niall sighed making his way back to his place.

a/n: this is so crappy I'm sorry, I'm tired and I have no idea why I woke up early

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