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It's the last month of school and Niall and Harry still weren't happy with each other. There wasn't a day that goes by when Niall doesn't feel sad.

Prom was coming up soon and Louis already had Eleanor, Zayn was on good terms with Liam now and was planning on asking him to the prom. Last year Niall went with Harry because both didn't have dates and decided to just go together.

Niall didn't want to go alone so planned to just stay home and watch reruns of his favorite shows.

"Is this alright?" Louis asked showing Niall a different tux

"Louis, all of these tux looks the same. The only difference is the tie." Niall said rolling his eyes

"Someone's bitchy today, I swear if Harry asked you to prom again this year you would be freaking out about which tux like last year." Louis said chuckling

"I was not freaking out." Niall said shaking his head

"Alright, Alright. You know, I thought you two would make up by the end of the week but you proved Liam, Zayn, and I wrong." Louis said walking over to the ties

"He's been a real douche towards you and a lot of people actually. He's been telling people embarrassing stuff about you, he's been a bitch to us. You really change him Ni." Louis said nodding

"Okay can we not talk about him? Thanks." Niall said sighing

"What color did Eleanor say her dress was going to be?" Louis asked

"She specifically said champagne color." Niall said chuckling remembering how strict Eleanor said about the color

"Ah yes I thought she was going to cut my head off if I don't get the right color." Louis said chuckling

"Prom is next week, what are you going to do on prom night then?" Louis asked

"Stay home and watch tv and eat." Niall said shrugging

Louis scoffed and went to the checkout giving the employee his credit card, "I still think you should just come with Liam, Zayn, and I." Louis said

"And be what, the fifth wheel? No thank you." Niall said shaking his head

Niall caught a glimpse of someone entering the store and it had to be Harry, just Niall's luck.

The employee was struggling with putting the tux in it's bag so it won't get wrinkled and it was quite obvious she was new at her job.

"I'm sorry, I'm new at this." she said her cheeks turning pink

Louis noticed Niall getting quite impatient which confused him but then saw Harry staring at Niall as if he were to burn him alive.

"Niall just calm down. Ignore him." Louis said patting his shoulder

"Well, Well, Well, Niall at a tux shop? Don't tell me you're going to prom, you can barely ask a girl out." Harry said chuckling and approached Niall

Niall rolled his eyes and really tried to ignore Harry but Harry's constant laughing really ticked him off.
Niall raised his fist and at the last second he was going to swing he pulled away and ran out of the store.

"Harry, my douche friend. You should know that Niall has done so much shit for you more than you've ever done for him. Just leave him alone now would you?" Louis said grabbing his tux and went to look after Niall

Harry was quite surprised that Niall wanted to hit him, yes of course Niall has hit him before but only as a joke and it was only lightly.

Harry shook his head while chuckling and continued to do his shopping.

After Louis calling Niall nonstop, he finally found him at a frozen yogurt shop in the mall.

Louis pulled out a chair and sat in front of Niall, "So, how's the frozen yogurt?" Louis asked chuckling

"Eh, they didn't have birthday cake which was kind of sad." Niall said slightly smiling

"You were about to punch Harry." Louis said

"Yes, I know."


"Really? You're asking why? He pissed me off and he was being so annoying." Niall said putting aside his unfinished frozen yogurt

"Yes, but why didn't you punch him? He deserves it, you haven't been a total jerk like him ever since he said he didn't want to be friends with you." Louis said eating the rest of Niall's frozen yogurt

"I'm more calm than he is, and I don't know. I didn't want to hurt him, he may not be my best friend anymore and he may be a jerk but I still don't want him hurt." Niall said tugging his hair

"You're a really great person Niall, you know that?" Louis said smiling

"Yes I know." Niall said chuckling

a/n: a bit of nouis bromance right there for ya ;)

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