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When Niall and Harry were leaving school, Niall got a call from Louis.

"What's up Louis?" Niall asked getting in Harry's car

"Can you come to the hospital please? It's an emergency." Louis said sounding desperate

"Yes, are you okay? You're scaring me."

"I'm fine, Zayn on the other hand."

"Okay I'll meet you in five." Niall said hanging up

"Where are you going?" Harry asked

"Can you drive me to the hospital please. I think Zayn isn't well." Niall said biting his nails

"Okay I will but calm down, I'm sure it's nothing bad." Harry said taking Niall's hand in his and driving towards the hospital.

When Harry and Niall arrived to the hospital the nurse gave Niall Zayn's room number and when Niall arrived to his room he saw Louis crying while Zayn was in bed trying to comfort him.

"What's going on?" Niall asked standing on the other side of the bed

"Zayn has lung cancer." Louis whispered

Niall looked at Zayn with teary eyes and Niall was quick to hug him, "Zayn, we told you to take care of yourself." Niall said crying and lightly punching Zayn's chest

Harry pulled Niall into his arms and tried to comfort him but Niall only cried harder.

"Does Liam know?" Harry asked

"No, I didn't want to tell any of you guys. But Louis followed me here." Zayn said

"Liam has to know, for god's sake you can't not tell your boyfriend that you're dying!" Louis yelled

"Shut up! You don't tell me what to do!" Zayn yelled back

"Well if you don't tell him, I will. He deserves to know." Louis said in a serious tone

Zayn tugged at his hair and sighed, "Fine, I'll tell him. Just give me time in how I'll tell him. Last time I came home was the last time I was able to leave. I have to stay from now on." Zayn said

"Liam is going to be worried when he notices you never came home. You have to tell him today." Niall whispered

"Call him."

• • • • •
When Liam came to the hospital he was confused as to why he would be here but went in the room anyway.
Now Niall and Harry were waiting outside the room until they finished talking while Louis went to go get them coffee.

"Here you go." Louis said handing Niall his coffee

"You didn't get me one?" Harry asked

"I only have two hands." Louis said sipping his coffee

Harry rolled his eyes playfully, "I'll be back." he told Niall, kissing his cheek

"Are you two getting closer as friends or?" Louis asked raising his eyebrow

"We're dating." Niall said biting his lip

"How come you didn't tell me!?" Louis asked hitting Niall's arm

"I've been meaning to tell you but with everything going on I never had the chance." Niall said shrugging

"Guess we don't have to pretend anymore. It was nice fake dating you." Louis said smiling

"Do you think it's time?" Niall asked now hearing Liam talk quite loud

Louis nodded and entered the room seeing Liam crying and tugging at his hair.

"We told you! How many times have we told you to stop smoking? Too many to count Zayn and now look where you are!" Liam said shaking his head and leaving the room the same time Harry came in

"I-I'm going to sleep, you guys can leave. I'll see you soon." Zayn said not trying to show his tears and closed his eyes

"I'll stay with you, you two can go home. Don't worry, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Louis said leading Niall and Harry to the door

"And Harry, I will kick your ass." Louis said smiling at him

Harry chuckled and wrapped his arm around Niall's waist.

"Want to stay over the night?" Harry asked once they were in the car

"Yes. I hope Zayn will actually be okay." Niall said sighing

"Me too." Harry said sad about what his former friend is going through

a/n: I'm amazing because I managed to update longer since I felt like the last one was shit

there wasn't much action and it's just boring when nothing is happening :/

trust me, I'm crying along with you about this

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