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Monday soon came and the same thing happened like every other day. Girls would try to get the two boy's attention and a few guys here and there would try also.

Niall had closed his locker when Louis was standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want." Niall said in an annoyed tone

Monday's are never Niall's favorite. Everybody hates Monday's of course but nobody should even think about talking to Niall unless they want to be rushed into the hospital.

"So how was my sister Friday night." Louis said now glaring at Niall

Niall chuckled and shook his head, "I don't think a brother would like to hear that information." Niall said smirking

"You don't touch my sister ever again you understand Horan?" Louis said gripping on Niall's wrist a little too hard

"You fucker let me go you're hurting me." Niall said tugging for Louis to let go of his wrist

"Do you understand!?" Louis said face to face with Niall

Some people were glancing at the two and to their eyes it seemed like two small puppies arguing but Niall and Louis thought they looked like big buff guys in an argument.

"Yes I understand, I only do one night stands don't worry." Niall scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Okay now that that's out of the way, how was your weekend buddy." Louis said throwing his arm around Niall's shoulders

Once the school bell rang Liam was excited to go home because today Perrie was going to be there and Liam was excited for his new look.

"Hey faggot, on your way to suck a dick?" Zayn chuckled walking up to Liam

"Um no, I'm going to change how I look! I decided that -" Liam said but Zayn cut him off

"Listen nerd, I don't have a fuck okay? Go talk to someone who cares about you and your shit." Zayn said pushing Liam and walked away

Liam fell and his eyes started to water but he stood up and glared at Zayn, "You'll see Zayn, you'll see."

When Liam got home Perrie was on the couch watching some tv show, "Liam! Hi!" Perrie said turning the tv off and went to give Liam a hug

"How's my favorite cousin doing?" Perrie asked hugging him tight

"I've been okay, Perrie I need help." Liam said placing his books down on the table

"What's wrong love?"

"I actually do want to change how I look." Liam said smiling at Perrie

"Are you sure? They're not giving you a hard time at school right?" Perrie asked patting Liam's hands assuringly

"Uh no I just decided that I actually do want to change how I look." Liam shrugged and smiled sheepishly

"Alright I'm so excited! Let's go to the mall! and don't worry about money it's all on me." Perrie said grabbing Liam's hand and ran out the door

Once they got to the mall Liam felt like they've been to a thousand stores and he was exhausted.

Perrie was holding only two bags while Liam was holding about ten bags, "Can we at least get one button up?" Liam asked hoping Perrie would say yes

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