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zaynie🤘: Niall I need to tell you something

Niall: vas happenin

zaynie🤘: 😒😒 anyway, I need to tell you in person. please I trust you with this so don't make me regret it !

Niall: and I feel special :')  alright come over whenever you want

Niall wondered what Zayn needed to tell him so badly which kind of made Niall nervous wondering if something bad happened to his friend.

Once Zayn got there, Niall noticed that Zayn looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow

"No, no I'm just really nervous. I never experienced this Niall. Help me!" Zayn pleaded entering in Niall's house

"Okay first calm down, go sit down. I'll make you some tea and then you can tell me what's up." Niall said leading Zayn to the couch and went into the kitchen to make some tea

Niall soon came back with two mugs filled with tea and gave one to Zayn while he sipped his.

"Now dear friend of mine, tell daddy Niall what's bothering you." Niall said smiling at Zayn

Zayn rolled his eyes playfully but placed his mug on the nice table in front of him.

"First of all, I want to know if you're a homophobe." Zayn asked nervously

"Um no? The day that Ryan Gosling asks me out is the day I'm going to be gay." Niall said trying to make the dark haired boy laugh which he successfully did

"Well what would you do if you use to bully this nerd but then you're slowly becoming attracted to them." Zayn said fiddling with his fingers

Once Zayn said that Niall instantly knew it was about Liam. Liam had told Niall about him having a big crush on Zayn but that he would hurt Liam. Niall obviously wanted to yell at Zayn but Liam had told him to drop it and that Liam was starting to lose feelings for him.

"Is this about Liam?" Niall asked

Zayn's eyes widened, "How did you know?" Zayn asked

"I connected the dots. Listen Zayn, I'm going to be a hundred percent completely honest with you since I hate lying to you. Liam used to have a huge crush on you, when you would bully him. He told me about it and honestly I felt like ripping your face apart but he said to drop it because he was starting to lose feelings for you." Niall said feeling sorry for Zayn but also feeling like he deserves it

"What made him change your sexuality though? Because if it's Liam's new look you're a whole new low right there mister." Niall said pointing at Zayn

Zayn felt so guilty, he shouldn't have hurt Liam. How was it that only Liam he hurt but not the rest of those nerds at the library?

"Please Niall help me, I want us to be on good terms at least and right now it seems like he prays for me to get the worst in life." Zayn said biting his lip

Niall sighed and nodded, "I shouldn't be doing this but fine, you owe me. First obviously apologize, be nice! Become friends with him, ask him if he wants to hang out some days. That's just the beginning, and if all that fails then he really hates you." Niall said patting Zayn's shoulder

Zayn sighed hoping this would work.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •

Once Zayn left, Niall went upstairs to his room and he was scared to death when he saw Harry jump out of his closet screaming.

"Do you want me to fucking have a heart attack bitch?!" Niall yelled at Harry placing his hand on his chest and trying to calm down his breath

"Oh my god, you scream like a little girl." Harry said laughing uncontrollably and by now tears were spilling out of his eyes from laughing so much

"And you are one." Niall said smacking the back of Harry's head

"Owie that hurt Nwiall." Harry said rubbing the back of his head

"Oh hey, you finally got a haircut." Niall said walking over to Harry and stood on his tippy toes to run his fingers through Harry's short hair

Harry hummed liking the feeling of Niall running his fingers through his hair.

Niall smiled and couldn't help but feel weird inside. He quickly pulled his hand back and gave Harry a smile.

"Why'd you cut it?" Niall asked

"It gets in the way of things if you know what I mean." Harry said smirking

Niall chuckled but nodded letting him know he understood.

"So why was Zayn here?" Harry asked laying down on Niall's bed

"He likes Liam." Niall said smiling wide

"Really?!" Harry asked now sitting up

"Yeah, you know how before he used to bully Liam? Well now he wants to at least be in good terms with him if Liam doesn't want anything further on." Niall said hoping everything turns out well for the two boys

"And you're not freaked out about Zayn being gay or bi or whatever." Harry asked raising his eyebrow

"Of course not, why would I?" Niall said shrugging

"What about if I told you that I'm actually bisexual?" Harry asked

a/n: surprise update ! aye and I also left at a cliffhanger hehe 😈

do you think Liam will only want to be friends with Zayn?

what do you think Niall's reaction to Harry saying he's bi will be?

hope you liked it :)

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