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When Niall got to school he saw Harry talking to Louis while he had his arm around Kendall.
Harry saw when Niall entered and his smile dissapeared.

Louis followed Harry's gaze and saw Niall there and decided to walk with Niall to his locker.

"Hey buddy, you alright?" Louis asked

"Yea I'm completely fine, why?" Niall asked opening his locker

"Harry told me about yesterday so-" Louis said but Niall cut him off

"I'm completely fine without Harry, shouldn't you be asking him if he'll be alright?" Niall asked chuckling

"Are you still going to be throwing that surprise party? You already spent your money on everything." Louis said

"I dont know Louis. Maybe I was exagerrating a bit." Niall said sitting in his seat

"Oh! I know! I know!" Louis said clapping

"What Louis?" Niall asked chuckling

"That should be like a way of you saying sorry. You get me?"

Niall nodded and thought about it thinking that it wasn't a bad idea.

"No throwing parties. No cooking. No annoying the neighbors. And try not to ruin the house please." Maura said giving Niall the last of her suitcase

"Yes, yes I know. Wait then how am I supposed to eat if you don't let me cook?" Niall asked closing the trunk on the car

"You'll burn down the house sweetie. Order takeout or tell Harry to cook you something, but make sure to eat, you're too skinny." Maura said patting Niall's stomach

"Goodbye mum." Niall said chuckling and kissed her cheek

Niall went inside and started getting the house ready for tomorrow because tomorrow, Niall plans on getting his best friend back.

a/n: im sorry this is really short but i really hate updating somewhere that isnt my phone so im sorry if theres some spelling errors also

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