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It was the end of the school day and Harry walked over to Niall's locker and saw Liam and Niall laughing at something.

"Hey Niall, are you coming over for footie practice?" Harry asked leaning against the locker

"Oh hey Harry, um not today. I'm hanging out with Liam, we want to catch up on some things. Maybe tomorrow?" Niall asked closing his locker

"Oh yea sure, tomorrow then. See you tomorrow." Harry said giving Niall a fake smile

Harry walked home alone this time, it's always been Niall with Harry after school and now it's just weird without Niall.
Harry sighed and walked inside his home, every single day Niall is over at Harry's and Harry just doesn't know what do, it all felt different and weird without Niall.

"Hey sweetie, Niall didn't come today?" Anne said coming in Harry's room

"No, he's catching up with some old friend." Harry said laying down on his bed

"Well I made you a snack, I'm going shopping with Maura. Do you want me to bring you anything?" Anne asked running her hands through Harry's hair

"No thanks." Harry sighed and got up and went into the kitchen to eat his snack

Harry decided to call Louis or Zayn and see if they wanted to do anything and both boys were surprised that Harry wasn't with Niall but agreed anyway.

Niall and Liam were currently in Niall's backyard playing a quick game of football.

"Hey I didn't know you played football?" Niall asked throwing Liam the ball

(a/n: this is american football not soccer btw)

"I don't, remember Perrie? She taught me a few things. I was thinking of joining football this season." Liam said throwing the ball back at Niall

"Oh you should! It'd be great to have someone like you on the team. You clearly know the drills and all so it wouldn't be so hard on you." Niall said smiling

"Enough of this, tell me what's been up with you." Niall said putting the ball down and they sat down on the backyard chairs

"Nothing really, my life was boring. I guess somehow I fell into the nerd section in middle school and that's where I stayed until now. I didn't have much friends, I only talked to those people in book club." Liam said shrugging and drank from his water bottle

"Wait give me a minute." Niall said going inside the house and minutes later came back with a book

"What's that?" Liam asked looking at the book

"It's last year's yearbook. Show me where you are." Niall said handing Liam the book

Liam grabbed the book and flipped a few pages and stopped when he saw the boy with long straight hair and glasses.
Liam pointed to his picture and Niall was so confused.

"This was just last year, how did you change into like a God?" Niall asked chuckling

"Perrie had asked me many times if I wanted a different look and I always told her no but just yesterday I told her yes." Liam said flipping through the pages and looking at the familiar faces

"Was there a reason why you changed?" Niall asked sitting next to Liam again

"I keep telling myself just because I wanted a change but the truth is I was tired of all the nasty comments on how I look and how I act." Liam said avoiding eye contact with Niall

"LiLi, I'm really kicking myself for ever forgetting about you. You don't know how deeply sorry I am -" Niall said but Liam cut him off

"Listen Niall, that was the past. We're in the present, in the now, we reunited and we're back as if nothing changed. It's all okay now okay?" Liam asked patting Niall's knee

"I love you LiLi." Niall said hugging Liam

"Love you too Ni."

"What do you think of the new and improved Liam?" Louis asked drinking his soda

"He's okay." Zayn said scoffing and was trying to hide his blush

Louis raised his eyebrow at Zayn but then moved on to Harry, "How 'bout you curly. What's it feel like knowing Liam will steal your best friend like you stole Niall from Liam?"

"Liam won't do that." Harry said rolling his eyes

"How do you know? You took Niall from Liam, Liam could take him right back. He already started today." Louis said smirking

Harry didn't want to admit it but he was scared and worried that Niall won't be his best friend anymore. Niall has been his best friend for more than thirteen years, they've been through things together and if that all goes away. Harry wouldn't be able to live without Niall.

"Okay that sounded gay." Harry though

"Don't think too hard Harry. I'm sure Niall won't forget about you." Zayn said patting Harry's back

"Keep telling him that." Louis said laughing

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