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two years later

I'm finally going back to London and I'm actually brining Ashton with me. He's always been wanting to go to London and we both have enough money for our own flats.

During the two years I've been in Ireland, I never lost contact with Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Harry had tried to reach me but gave up at the end of the month. It was for the best I wasn't going to answer anyway.

I didn't tell the lads I was arriving today, I told them I should be coming back soon but I plan on surprising them today.

"Wow I even love the airport here." Ashton said giggling

Niall chuckled and called for a taxi. After about an hour or two, Ashton and Niall both worked out the flat thing and Niall went over to Ashton's flat.

"I'm going to meet up with some friends. Want to come?" Niall asked seeing Ashton unpacking

"Um, nah. I'm actually going to take a quick nap." Ashton said laying down on the bed

"You know, for a guy that's really excited to be in London you actually want to take a nap first." Niall said chuckling

"Can't blame me." Ashton said chuckling as well

Niall left their flat and made his way to Louis' house. He saw Louis' car in the driveway and smiled.

Niall grabbed his keys and got the spare key that Louis gave him and opened the door. When he entered he heard the tv on and saw Louis asleep on the couch.

Niall chuckled and turned the tv off, he decided to hide in the kitchen and make noise to scare Louis. He made some noise with the frying pans and saw that Louis instantly woke up.

He decided to make more noise and now Louis seemed scared and grabbed a vase that was near by, probably for self defense as if there was a robber in his house.

Niall decided to stop the noise and as Louis came in he saw the fake blond and was blinking fast.
Louis rubbed his eyes and was confused and walked up to Niall.

"Niall?" Louis asked touching Niall's face

"Louis." Niall said giggling

"Oh my god you're here! Why didn't you call me? I could've picked you up from the airport." Louis said hugging Niall and even picking him up from the floor

"Well I already have my flat and I actually came here with a friend from Ireland." Niall said smiling

"Your hair grew." Niall said touching Louis' soft fringe

"You look exactly the same. Actually, I think you even got younger." Louis said messing up Niall's hair

Niall groaned and thought that he had escaped that from Greg.

"How's Zayn and Liam?" Niall asked sitting on one of the stools

"They're doing good. Oh they're dating now!" Louis said grinning

"About time, I knew they'd be together sooner or later." Niall said

"How's um, Harry?" Niall asked playing with his fingers

"He's doing quite well, he's still talking to Zayn. Not Liam or I, he actually went to HOA college." Louis said nodding

Niall smiled and nodded, Harry never went to the college they've been planning on going and was quite confused on why he didn't go since it was Harry's dream to go to that college.

"Do you want to go to the café? I'll call Liam and Zayn." Louis said not giving Niall a chance to answer

When they arrived at the familiar café, Liam and Zayn were already there and they didn't notice when Louis and Niall arrived.

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