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(there will be some time passing but i won't tell you how much because then you guys freak out 😂 also did i tell you guys this is mpreg? i don't remember but it is)

"How's little Theo doing?" Harry asked Theo picking him up

"All good uncle Hawwy." Theo says wrapping his little arms around Harry's neck

"Thank you so much for agreeing to babysit Theo while we're gone. We won't take long, we'll be back before you know it." Greg says giving Theo a kiss on the cheek and a hug

"Bye daddy!" Theo says waving

Greg says goodbye and is out the door.

"What shall we do before daddy comes back?" Harry asked Theo putting him back down

"Play!" Theo yells and runs to get his backpack and pulls out toy cars

"Alrighty then, meanwhile we'll wait for uncle Niall to get home." Harry says smiling

Theo claps and starts playing with Harry and his toy cars.

•  • •  •  •  • •
"No I really don't care what you say. I said no, how many times do you need me to tell you?" Niall says on the phone as he goes inside his and Harry's home

"I'm really not in the mood to deal with this, we'll talk about this some other time." Niall sighs and hangs up

"Hey babe, everything alright?" Harry asks Niall hugging him from behind and leaving soft kissing on Niall's neck

"No, remember anthony? yea he's being stubborn and it's really not helping that his song is shit, literally all his songs are amazing but this song is just complete trash and he's insisting for me to make it a single. Also, i've been having a headache all day and feeling nauseous so i'm gonna go lie down and take a nap." Niall says giving Harry a quick kiss

"Alright, make sure to lie on your left." Harry said walking Niall upstairs

"Yea yea i know." Niall said smiling

Harry walked back downstairs and decided to start on dinner and make Niall some tea.

Once Harry was done cooking dinner he served three plates and went upstairs to wake up Niall.

"Niall." Harry whispered

He gently shook Niall awake and once Niall got up, he ran to the bathroom and started vomiting.

"Do you feel sick? You don't seem to have a fever. Is anything hurting? Do you want some advil?" Harry asked touching Niall's forehead as well as holding his hand

"No it's fine, I probably just ate something bad at lunch today. No worries." Niall said smiling slightly

Harry decided not to push the subject any farther so he kissed Niall's forehead and went downstairs to the kitchen while Niall brushed his teeth.

"Already eating without us Theo?" Harry asked seeing that Theo was already eating

"Sorry uncle Hawwy, I very hungry." Theo said smiling

"It's alright love." Harry said smiling back

"How's my favorite little kid in the whole wide world." Niall said entering the kitchen and kissed the top of Theo's head

"Niall! I miss you." Theo said getting up and hugging Niall's legs since he's so small

"I've missed you too buddy. How's papa doing?" Niall asked

"Good." Theo says looking down at his shoes

"Is everything okay?" Niall asks

"Yes, i just miss daddy." Theo says pouting

"Oh it's okay love, he'll be back soon." Niall said and picked Theo up to put him in his chair

"Go on and eat your dinner and then i'll run you a bath before he comes back, how does that sound?"

Theo nods his head excitingly and continues to eat his dinner.

Harry smiles at them both and wondered what it'd be like to start a family with the love of his life.

Once they were all done eating Niall went upstairs to get Theo's bath ready while Harry was cleaning up.

"Alright Theo, are you ready?" Niall asks and Theo nods his head and gets inside the tub

While Niall was washing him up Theo just randomly asks a question out of the blue.

"Do you and Uncle Hawwy yell?" Theo asks

"No sweetie, Harry and I don't yell why do you ask that?"

"Mommy and Daddy were yelling yesterday. It scares me." Theo says popping the bubbles in his bath

"It was probably nothing love. Maybe it was just some misunderstanding don't worry about it." Niall says smiling

Once Niall is done with Theo's bath he changes him into more comfortable clothes since they have a drawer for Theo whenever he sleeps over.

"Go play a little while daddy gets here okay?" Niall tells Theo and he runs off to play with a few of his toys

"Greg should've been here thirty minutes ago. I'm gonna call him." Harry says

Harry went to call him but it immediately went to voicemail. Harry then tried Denise's phone and it went straight to voicemail as well.

"They're not answering. Straight to voicemail." Harry said

"Both of them?" Niall asked

Harry nods and sighs, "It's already time for Theo's bedtime so we'll put him to bed and i'll stay up if they call or come by." Harry says

"Are you sure? I can stay up if you want." Niall says

"No, no it's fine. I want you to rest and I made you some tea it's in the kitchen. Drink it before going to sleep hopefully your headache will be gone." Harry says smiling and gives Niall a kiss

"Ew icky." Theo says shaking his head

Niall laughs and shakes his head, "Come on love, let's tuck you into bed." Niall says grabbing Theo's hand

"Where's daddy?" Theo asks

"He'll be back tomorrow morning you'll see." Niall says smiling

Hours has passed by and it was already two in the morning and Greg wasn't calling or coming by so Harry tried to call him again.

"We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service." the machine operator said and Harry hung up

Harry was confused and tried Denise's phone and the machine operator said the same thing, "Did Greg and Denise change their phone numbers? But what about Theo? This doesn't make sense." Harry whispers to himself

a/n: ooooo plot twist umm so ya

what do you think happened to Greg and Denise?

what do you think about how Niall's feeling?

also, if you want to send me hate comment here because i'm a terrible person at updating ;)

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