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a/n: so @BrittneyBoutin gave me a good idea. She said to make a chapter in zayn's view but like, he's watching on the four boys and it's in his perspective and i thought it was a good idea so why not.

I seemed to be back in Liam's and I house which was very confusing for me, i thought i was dead. Liam was in bed sleeping with tear stained cheeks which made me really sad.

Why was he crying?

Soon, Louis walked in and I put my finger up to my lips for him not to make much noise since I know he'd be one to wake up anyone with a ruckus.

"Shh he's slee-" i whispered but he just walked by me

How did he not-? Ohhh this makes much sense now, it's like in those movies where the person is dead but the spirit still lingers and can see and hear everything but everyone else can't see the spirit.

Louis crouched down to Liam's level and gently shook him awake. I was surprised, it was the first time Louis was gentle with someone.

"Liam, it's late already and you still haven't eaten breakfast." Louis whispered

"M'not hungry." Liam mumble and turn himself so his back was facing Louis

"Come on mate you have to eat something you know that." Louis groaned and pulled the covers completely off from Liam

"I'm cold, give me the blanket." whined Liam

"I don't care, come eat something. We're going to Niall's later." Louis said trying to pull Liam off the bed which was kind of hard to see

It was like watching a puppy trying to push a horse.

"Okay fine whatever. Just give me a few." Liam said and Louis left the room

Liam got up and went into the bathroom that was connected to our room and did his daily morning routine. I really wanted to be able to hug him, I really wished none of this happened and now everyone is hurting.

When Liam got out of the bathroom, he sighed and picked up the small frame he always had on his nightstand. It was us two on our very first date when i asked him out. That day was amazing, i was so nervous of what'd he say and i was scared of him rejecting me but I was shocked yet glad he did accept on the date.

Liam placed the frame back down and went downstairs for breakfast and met up with Louis at the table. There was already a plate of eggs, bacon, toast and a mug of coffee waiting for Liam.

"Was just waiting for you to come down to start eating." Louis said sitting down at the table as well

"You didn't have to wait for me you know." Liam said graving a fork

"Yea i know, just wanted to wait." Louis said sighing

They ate breakfast in silence, and even Zayn could see the tension between them. When they finally did finish eating their breakfast, Liam and Louis were off to go to Niall's place and Zayn followed.

"Is that all of them? Are you sure you don't have anymore in your place?" Niall asked Harry

"Yes babe i'm sure." Harry said chuckling

"But, it seems that it's very little." Niall said pouting

"Are you serious? I didn't even know we captured so many moments in high school." Harry said hugging Niall from behind

Zayn smiled at how close the two boys have become. It was so weird to think that they were once best friends in high school that would go to parties and get wasted. They were everyone's friendship goals in school and now they're dating. Who would've ever thought.

Louis did. Ever since they started year nine, Louis started noticing things and he was so sure that at least once in their lifetime that Niall and Harry would date and it sure did became true.

Speaking of Louis, where is he and Liam?

"Open up bitches we're here!" Louis said through the door

"How did I get here first than them?" Zayn asked himself

After everyone got comfortable and got snacks, they decided to look through pictures from when they were in high school and middle school and while they were laughing and smiling at the past, Zayn was there with them as well. Smiling and laughing along.

a/n: CAN YOU SMELL THE END COMING GJGASJFOPSjfdasfk. well yea there's chapter forty one. next update in two days :)

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