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It was three in the morning when Zayn finally got home and Louis came out of the kitchen drinking his cup of tea.

"Well, well, well, what brings you here late at night?" Louis asked sitting down

"I should be asking you what you are doing in my home." Zayn said

Niall came out of the bathroom rubbing his eyes, trying to keep them open.

"Finally you're here. Where have you been? You do know Liam knows you lied to him." Niall said starting to get mad

"I can see that, but none of this is your business so please leave because I want my sleep." Zayn said trying to make it pass Niall

"You're not going anywhere until you tell us where you went and why it was necessary to lie Liam about it." Louis said putting his cup down

"It's best if you guys don't know, please just leave or use the guest room I don't care." Zayn said rubbing his eyes

"Zayn, you've been quite distant lately. What is going on? There's even been days where you don't show up at all." Niall said hoping Zayn will just tell them already

"Don't worry about me, I really appreciate it but please don't. I'll see you guys soon." Zayn said finally making his way towards Liam and his room

Louis sighed and laid down on the couch, "You can go home, I'm going to stay here. I'll tell Liam when he wakes up." Louis said closing his eyes

"Are you sure? I could stay here also." Niall asked

"No it's fine, go home loser." Louis said giving Niall a smile

Niall nodded and made his way out to his car.
• • • • • •

The next day was the day that the school project was due and Niall was quite nervous about it since they had no practice whatsoever.

"I think we should go to the bathroom real quick and practice it." Niall said biting his nails

"Ni, trust me I've got it. Just sing the lyrics just how they are." Harry said giving Niall a quick kiss

"Next up, Niall and Harry." Mr. Parker said grabbing his clipboard

Niall started singing when Harry started playing the guitar and in the end, they did better than expected.

"Very proud of you boys. Good job." Mr. Parker said nodding his head

a/n: This is very short I'm sorry but I thought it was time to update

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