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"Tummy says hungry." Theo says poking Niall's arm to wake him up

Niall looks at the time and sees that it's eight in the morning, "Does tummy want waffles today?" Niall asks smiling

Theo turns around and whispers something and turns back around to face Niall, "Tummy says yes!" Theo says excitedly

"Alright then, let's look for Harry first and then i'll start making waffles."

"Hawwy on couch." Theo says giggling

Niall raises his eyebrow and they head downstairs to see Harry sleeping on the couch.

Niall kisses Harry's cheek multiple times until Harry starts waking up.

"What's going on?" Harry whispers

"Where's Greg?" Niall whispers back

Harry rubs his eyes and sighs, "Theo could you wait for us in the kitchen please?" Harry asks

Theo nods and smiles and makes his way into the kitchen.

"I tried calling Greg and Denise last night again and the machine said that the number is no longer in service." Harry said

"Why would they change their number when Theo is right here?" Niall asked

Harry shrugged and got up from the couch, "How about if we head over to their house later and see if they're there." Harry says and gives Niall a kiss on his forehead

Niall smiles and walks in the kitchen to start on their breakfast.

"When is daddy coming? Miss him." Theo says looking down at his hands

"Don't know love, but how about we go over there and see if he's home once we're done eating." Niall says adding fruits on their waffles

"Yea!" Theo yells and starts kicking his legs back and forth

Niall smiles at Theo's cuteness and once Harry joins them Niall gives each one a plate.

• • • • • • • • •
"Let's just go in. We have, I mean Theo, has been ringing the bell seventy times for the past four minutes." Harry whines

"And it's cold." Harry pouts

Niall rolls his eyes playfully and slowly opens the door which surprisingly was unlocked.

"Greg! Denise!" Niall calls out

no answer.

"Daddyyyyyy!" Theo runs into the kitchen but no one is there

"Mommy?" Theo looks into the room but no one is there as well

"Where's mommy and daddy?" Theo pouts

Niall raises his eyebrow and walks into the bedroom while Harry goes into the kitchen.

"Uh Niall.." Harry says looking at the two envelopes on the counter with Niall and Theo's name on them

"Give me a sec!"

Niall looks into the bathroom but nothing seems out of the normal. He opens the closet doors and sees that Greg's and Denise's clothes are all gone. Niall's eyes widened and shakes his head.

"Please don't tell me.." Niall whispers and backs away

Niall checks into Theo's bedroom and all of his clothes are in there.

"Greg and Denise's clothes aren't here." Niall says entering the kitchen

"What? There's got to be a misunderstanding. Here, it's an envelope with your name on it." Harry says hanging the envelope to Niall

Niall was beyond confused and opened the envelope,

dear Niall,

we couldn't handle it. we thought we were ready but we just couldn't. i didn't know what to do but i figured as you're theo's favorite uncle, he'd be happier with you. i didn't tell you because i know how you're like and we've been planning this for a long time now. all of theo's papers are in a black folder in his room. i know you'll be an amazing parent to him and to any future kids of yours and Harry's and i couldn't thank you enough for this. there's another letter for theo, please let him open it once he's old enough to understand. thank you so much for everything. don't try to look for me or try to contact me, i'll be long gone.

- Greg and Denise x

"How dare he fucking do this to an innocent little kid. Is he an idiot? Is he an actual idiot? He expects me, his younger brother, to be a parent when he's still not ready for such a responsibility!? And how dare he say to give the letter to Theo once he understands." Niall says with anger

Harry quickly reads the letter and tries to calm Niall and hugs him.

Niall yells and holds his stomach and if it wasn't for Harry holding him, he would've fallen on the floor.

"What's going on? Does your stomach hurt? Let me take you to the doctor!" Harry says helping Niall

Niall stays still and takes a few breaths then sighs, "I'm fine, i don't know it was just small pain." Niall says sitting down on the chair

"Let me go pack Theo's things and we'll go home. Stay here." Harry says quickly going into Theo's room

a/n: there's this lady at my house and i have no idea who she is so i decided to hide in my room

what do you think is going on with Niall?

what do you think will be Theo's reaction when Niall and Harry tell him?

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