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"Niall sweetie when is your graduation?" Maura asked Niall looking up from her laptop

"In about two weeks. Why?" Niall asked eating ice cream from the bucket

"Are you and Harry still planning to go to that college you two been dreaming about?" Maura asked

Niall was quite confused with all the questions but shook his head, "We're still not friends mum, and I only agreed to go there because he wanted me there with him." Niall said feeling sad that he wasn't even going to the same college with Harry

"Oh I'm sorry baby, but I have some news and it depends wether you may take it as bad or good news." Maura said smiling

Niall was kind of scared for the news but waited for his mum to continued.

"We're moving back to Ireland." Maura said clapping

Niall's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "W-What? We're moving?" Niall asked

Maura nodded, "Yes a week after you graduate. I'll give you some space to think, I'm meeting up with Johannah. I'll be back later." Maura said grabbing her bag and keys and soon left

Niall's mum sometimes reminded him of a teenage girl excited to meet her besties.

Niall didn't know how to feel, he was obviously going to miss the lads. Even Harry, he loves London. And of course he loves Ireland but he didn't want to move again.

Niall called Zayn, Liam, and Louis to come over and in an hour they arrived.

"Are you guys doing anything for summer?" Liam asked entering the room with four big bags of chips

"My mum wants me to look into colleges but I don't think I'm going anywhere outside of London." Zayn said grabbing the Doritos from Liam's hands

"My mum's still thinking of going to the states. She's been wanting to go ever since." Liam said sitting next to Zayn and they shared the chips while Louis and Niall had their own

"What about you Ni?" Louis asked

"My summer is going to be busy, boring, and sad." Niall said shaking his head

"Why's that?" Zayn asked

"I'm moving back to Ireland." Niall said giving them a sad smile

"What?!" they all yelled in unison

"What? But why? How? When? You can't leave me here to suffer!" Louis said tugging at Niall's shirt

"My mum thinks it's a good idea to move back to Ireland and be with dad and Greg." Niall said

"Although I do miss them, I don't want to leave here." Niall said feeling like a little kid crying over moving and going to miss his friends

"You won't forget about me again are you?" Liam asked making Niall's heart break

"LiLi, I won't I promise you. Come here." Niall said not moving since Louis was clinging on to him as if he was leaving right this second

Liam joined in on the hugging and Zayn scoffed, "Well I'm obviously the man in this group." Zayn said chuckling

Niall raised his eyebrow and tears started to well up in Zayn's eyes, "Don't give me that look! You're the one leaving!" Zayn said joining Louis and Liam on the hug

Niall chuckled and wiped away a few tears that managed to escape, "I feel like a little kid right now." Niall said sniffing

Louis somehow fell asleep on top of Niall and he chuckled.

"Well, graduation isn't until two weeks from today so let's just try to make the best of it." Liam said patting Niall's back

"Starting tomorrow, my mum wants me home soon. I think we should go to that carnival downtown, what'd ya say?" Zayn asked

"Perfect, I'm guessing Louis is sleeping over so I'll just tell him when he wakes up. See you guys tomorrow." Niall said slowly laying Louis on the bed and lead Liam and Zayn to the door

When Niall got back to his room he saw Louis rubbing his eyes and slowly woke up.

"I just had a bad dream." Louis said smiling

"Let me guess, I was moving away?" Niall asked

"Yes, wow how did you know?" Louis asked so amazed at how Niall knew

"That's because I am, it wasn't a dream Louis. You just fell asleep while you were crying." Niall said sitting next to him and patted his shoulder

"Well now I'm sad." Louis pouted

"Don't worry, I won't lose touch with you." Niall said smiling

"What about Harry?" Louis asked

"What do you mean?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow

"Aren't you going to miss him? Or tell him?"

"Of course I'm going to miss him, but I'm not telling him. He'll just have to find out on his own." Niall said shrugging

Niall didn't want to leave London. But most importantly, he didn't want to leave Harry. They had so much memories, but it didn't matter to Harry anymore.

But to Niall, it meant everything to him.

a/n: relax my children, I know where I'm heading with this ;)

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