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She's standing there like a statue watching Yoongi starting an argument with Jimin for the whole 15 minuets. "Noona~ long time no see! Why are you hanging out with this boring grandpa?" Jimin great her, shaking their hands not even trying to stop . "Stop it." He took her hands away from Jimin and he held it tight. He didn't even realize what he just did. He's jealous and his jealousy blind his mind. He didn't even know that he did those kind of thing, knowing how swag he is. He didn't even realize that he's jealous.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jimin asked in amused.

"Nothing. You wanna join? We're going to Jiae house."He change the topic so Jimin wouldn't tease him. He knows that he just did a wrong move back there. She didn't actually like the idea. It's not like she don't want Jimin to join, but he's annoying like annoying. ANNOYING. She found that hanging out with Yoongi is more fun. They both love saving energy tho.

"Nah, It's okay. Beside I'm going to the mall with Tae and Kook. It's way better than with the old folks." Jimin said before he gave Yoongi an amused smirks and jogged away from them.

"Why is he always a pain in the ass?" He said plainly but hurt as fuck if Jimin heard that. She laugh on how Yoongi said it just. "But he still is your friend." She said while they're walking to Jiae's house. "Yeah, he's pretty lucky that I bare with his attitude." He said follow with his giggles. The sun is starting to get down and cold breeze starting to hit Jiae's arms. Her bun head didn't help her either. It's getting her feel cold until she felt the sudden warmth that came from Yoongi coat. 'Classic' She thought. 'Just like how old folks like it' She continues her thought.

"Thanks." She said while wearing his coat properly. It's a bit too big for her, she can't even see her hands.

"Where are your hands?" He asked pretend to be worried. But we all know that it's just another excuse for him to hold her hand. "Classic Yoongi, so classic." She said in sarcasm. "What? I did nothing." He tried to defence himself. But of course when it's come to Yoo Jiae, she's definitely knows that he's trying to flirt.

"Flirt." She said under her breath, hoping that he didn't hear that. He laugh as she can't hide it and he heard it. "Only with you." He said coldly, trying to be as swag as possible but romantic indeed.

"Stop with the classic will you?" She said follow with her laugh as they are now in front of her house. Jiae took her house key from her beg while Yoongi stand there looking at her from head to toe. 'Cute. My coat suit her so well.' He thought. They didn't even know why are they denying their self for liking each other. At lease their not stoping it, and both of them aware where things are going.

"Wellcome home~" Jiae said with her famous cute tone as they are walking to the front door. He didn't say a thing but he gave her his gummy smile that definitely killed. "Yoongi you starting to smile like a lunatic again.." She said when they enter the house. "Wait, again?" He asked while both of them taking off their shoes. "Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. At the beach when we started the question game." She said plainly, turning on the light and taking off his coat. "Someone remember me well." He tease as he sit on the couch and taking his camera out.

"Said the classic flirt." Before Yoongi start to protest she cut him with a question. "What do you want for drink?" He close his mouth that ready to strike and answer her that he's okay with water.

"Your house is beautiful." He said while taking a pic of the house with his camera while Jiae getting the drinks in the kitchen. The house have that warm and cozy feels that Yoongi love so much, and it's so tidy that you want to mess everything around.

"Thank you,Yoongi...." .

"What is it Jiae?" He asked in such a caring tone but still, he's swag-ness still there. "You've share to me already, can I?" She asked all of sudden and he's pretty caught off guard with her fragile voice.

She suddenly miss her grandma present when Yoongi's come to her house. She used to be company by her grandma at home before she's gone but these past month, she's all alone.

"Tell me." They're now more opens and comfortable around each other. They maybe look like they don't care, but let me repeat it again. They do care. "I miss her. I miss grandma. She used to wait for me to come back home after work, but now—". He suddenly got that sudden urgent to hug her, and it is not swag at all. But watching her teary eyes? He can't. 'Trow all of that swag away, at lease she's not going to cry. now or never.' He thought as he hug her. "Yoongi— I-I can't breath."

Of course she can't. How can she breath when Yoongi is hugging her? He gave her the most comfortable feelings she ever had. She never thought that he'll do such a thing. It's the other side of Yoongi. He's warmth side. He's not that cold, and she loves it.

"I don't care! Just don't cry okay? If I let you go don't cry!" He's trying to be cool again with his demanding voice, and with not saying the excuse why he doesn't want her to cry, but that doesn't necessary. she knows it already. "Okay, okay, I won't cry. I just miss her so much and—" . "I know, you need someone to talk to aren't you? but you don't need to talk to me, because I knew it and I'll comfort you." He cut her before she said more. The reason he cut her is that he didn't want her to end up cry. "You know Yoongi?" He still hug her and crash her back slowly, not swag after all. He hummed for answered and she continues.

"You know me better than anyone, well except my grandma. And we just met yesterday after one and a half years and you're hugging me already." She said hiding her face on his chest so he couldn't watch her teary eyes, bringing back 'Grandma' topic. "Well, maybe it just meant to be that way, now don't cry okay? Hiding it doesn't change anything." He said, probably the kindness thing he ever said to someone. She giggles a little but her eyes still teary so he softly grab her cheeks and wipe her tears away with his cold thumbs.

"I won't cry."

"But you already are pabo."

"Said the Mister not swag anymore."

"Who doesn't want Miss.Yoo to cry."

People can say that it's uncommon when you just met people you barely knew and let them get into your life. People can say that it'd barely impossible for a cute innocent girl and a rude swag boy to have a feelings toward each other. But, love is crazy, they make you do crazy things even if it's impossible, love makes it possible. I know that it sounds weird but hey, that's what love is. Un-explainable and there's no reason for it.

Yoongi decided to sleep over at Jiae house, he couldn't let her all by her self after she cried. They argue a bit because of course being Yoo Jiae she wants Yoongi to get some rest at his apartment cause she knows that he's more comfortable there and she doesn't want to bother him, but Yoongi being him stubborn self decided to sleep on the couch at Jiae house.

"Okay Yoongi I get it. I'm going to sleep okay?" She said desperately tired for another argue. "Okay cutie, dream about me okay?" He said before closing her bed room door. "Flirt."  




Hey I'm going to update again after this, give me 15 minuets to write and re-cheack 

tomorrow is my flight so wait for me until next week 



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