Fix You

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"Jiae wait! Let me help you."Yoongi run with a bucket of flowers and a big teddy bear in his arms. "Jiae stop walking so fast, I know you're excited to go out of the hospital but—"

"Run faster will you grandpa? I need to check my garden!" Jiae drag him out of the lobby. "I'm a free woman~ yeah~" Jiae shout, she could not careless about her surround.

"Cute." Yoongi said, he like this side of her. She's happy and excited. She always smiling and laughing. He can't be more happy to see all of that.

"Let's go." Yoongi lead her to his car. "Get in first I'll get the things in." Yoongi pat her head. Being a good girl she is Jiae drag her legs inside the car, taking her comfortable passenger's sit.

"Okay I'm done." Yoongi said, giving her his gummy smile while taking his sit. He start the engine and drive home.

"I want ice cream." Jiae said, forgetting about her garden.



"Okay princess, ice cream it is." Yoongi turn his car, changing their direction to Jiae favourite ice cream shop.

"Jiae, I'm so happy right now." Yoongi all of sudden. "Nado, haengboghae." (Im also happy) She smile cutely. "You're happy, healthy, and out of all, save in my arms." Yoongi said, moving one of his hands from the wheel to held hers.

Jiae gave him her true smile. It's been a journey for them and it's not surprising for her to hear such a sweet thing from Yoongi. She turn on the radio to light up the mood.familiar melodies reach her ears. beautiful. She thought. She keep thinking hard on when did she hear this melody before, She surely remember hearing it, but not as complete as this.

or perhaps,

"Yoongi, did you—"

"Do you like it?" He asked her nervously. "I love it! OhMyGosh..." Jiae open the car window and shout out loud. "My boyfriend is a genius! He's amazing~"

Yoongi laugh happily watching how Jiae sequel and compliment him about the melodies and lyrics. "So you finish this song while treating me at the hospital?"


"Gosh you're amazing. I don't deserve you, you Genius Min!" Jiae hit his arm with all of her strength. "Stop hitting me we don't want to crash and comeback to hospital aren't we? By the way, you're the reason I wrote this song."

"What's the connection between me and 'Tomorrow'?" Jiae stop hitting him and giving him her 'what do you mean' look. Even though Yoongi focus driving he answer her.

"If you didn't come to my life I wouldn't have tomorrow to think of. I wouldn't have remember future does exist.I would have think that I'll live my life blankly as what I already have. No more dream to reach." He pause ." If you didn't come inside my camera that year, I wouldn't be here.And if you didn't let me know how you feel, I will suffer holding how I feel about you."

He smile lovingly. "We're here." Yoongi said unbuckling his buckle. "Wait." "What is it princess?"

Instead of answering him, Jiae lean her face close to his. "Thank you." She kiss him sweetly. "Thank you Yoongi, I never thought that I mean so much to someone."

"Someone who I treasure as much as he treasure me. Someone name Min Yoongi." She gave him an extra kiss on his cheek."That's for taking care of me." Another one on the other side . "For listening to all that come out from my mouth." And on his lips. "And for accepting me." (Author's dead cause to much sweetness)

They walk in side the ice cream shop hand in hand as if they were a new couple, greet by the workers there. "Good afternoon, what can I help you?"

"Two scoops of chocolate mint and vanilla caramel ice cream in a cup please." Yoongi order. "Anything else?"

"Oh and don't forget two spoons." Jiae add. "Here's the money, take the change as a tip." Yoongi hand him. He seems in a good mood after what happened.

"You're in a good mood~" Jiae tease him as they were taking a sit. "Who won't? I got a lot of kiss from the woman I dream of today so I'm the luckies man in the world~"

"You're exaggerating, it's not like you're getting marry." Jiae laugh at his stupidness. "Are you perhaps asking for my to purpose you babe?" Yoongi tease her back. "N-No I'm n-not, why would I? OhMyGosh Yoongi I'm just joking stop smirking like an idiot!"

"Now you're shuttering? Cute. Here chocolate and mint ice cream, ah~" Jiae blush as Yoongi keeps teasing her.

"It's good..." Jiae said. "Of course it is, Min Yoongi taste of everything is always good~"

"By the way Jiae, why didn't you tell me about, eum... your PSTD?" Yoongi wanted to avoid this kind of conversation but they must talk about it. It's important for both them.

"It's okay Yoongi, now that I already calm down—"

"—When I was on High School. The guy who attacked me, he gave me this trauma. I don't feel like talking about it but, as long as you didn't break me as he did. I'll be fine, and as long as I didn't encore him, my PSTD won't come."

"Jiae, it's okay to not to tell me what he did but, is there any other ways to cure you?" Yoongi feels sad about what happened to her. Yoongi love her so much that it hurts him when she hurts. He wants to help her while he can and he will.

"It takes time Yoongi. It takes time to trusts, and you should be happy. You're the first boy who ever comes to my broken heart after what he did —I don't know why or what happened on summer vacation. When you drag me all around Japan and when we spent time strolling around Disney Land just to find a bench to sit down— the point is. You give me comfort. You give me a shoulder to cry for, hands to hold when I need one. You're fixing me Yoongi." She doesn't know why but her tears wet her cheeks, her smile is soft, sure and so trembling as if she'll break into pieces in a touch. She realize on that day, that hour, that minuet, that second. She love him so much, much more than she used to know, much more than the usual 'I love you Yoongi'.

He stands up from his seat, walk towards her, pulling her right into his hugs, his hugs that she loves so much. Crashing her hair softly, mumbling useless sorry that he doesn't have to. "Sorry, I shouldn't bring that up. I'm sorry Jiae. Fuck I'm so sorry. Please don't cry babe. I'm here, I wont leave you okay? God no, I can't even imagine leaving you. I love you so much, so much that if I could go back trough time I'll kill that fucker for hurting an amazing lady like you."

"No Yoongi, it's fine. You don't have to be sorry. It's tears of happiness. Im crying because of how grateful I'm to meet you. I love you too Yoongi."

Saying I love in beach, Paris, Namsan Tower, or any kind of romantic place you could think is mainstream already. Saying I love you in the predicted time, and planed time is usual for you. But when you saying it at the time you realise it, when you're not in the situation to say it. It's different. I feels like spring comes in the middle of winter. It sounds like the first time someone respond you after screaming in the dark for a long time. It change you, it change you situation. It lift all your weight on your shoulders.

"Let's go home."






hey guys, y'all probably forget about me or removed this book already but, who cares? I'm nuts, crazy, breathing, and sadly alive after all the torture from high school. well y'all know I'm weird and update this story on random time so if y'all want to kill me--



xoxo sheix. 

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