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10.00 am, Yoongi's apartment.




His phone alarm just couldn't cooperate with Yoongi's willingness to sleep all day. He growl, trowing his phone away before finally getting up from his bed.

Taking his phone from the cold floor, checking what kind of damage he made again. 'Well it's still in shape.' He thought, not giving a damn thing about it.

His reminder shows that he got a meeting to be attend, and it's not just meeting, it's an important one, about a new big project.

"Damn it's going to be at 11.00 am" He said by his own before rushing to the bath room, taking a quick shower before wearing his usual casual, but still polite clothes.

'Thinking of wearing a snapback for today.' He grab his black snapback with a word 'Never mind' on it. Making his blonde hair pop out.

He almost left for work by walking, but then he realize that he still got Jin's car for today, so he took the car key before dashing to the basement, going to work by it.

It was 14.00 pm when he got out from the meeting room, dragging himself to his work place with Namjoon, asking his below to grab them coffee before reaching their work place.

"Yoongi-hyung, what are you going to do after this?" Namjoon asked bitterly. "Hey, don't be sad. I still got a week to decide." Yoongi said patting his shoulder.

"Now, how about we work on Taejeong project." Yoongi said, trying to avoid the topic.

15.00 pm, Kinder-garden

Today Jiae brought Yein to help her watching the kids in the kinder-garden. She will start school after Taejeong got married.

Yein having a great time playing with the kids, but something keeps bothering her, and Jiae notice it.

"Yein-ah, gwenchana?" Jiae asked. "Ne?— Oh, gwenchana." Yein said trying to avoid Jiae glance. Jiae know that she keeps spacing out and her eyes getting teary. "No need to lie now, what's wrong?" Jiae being the caring eonnie she is, concern about her a lot. "I miss him eonnie. I miss him so bad, till now that I'm here, close to him but still can't meet him." She said, tears starting to drops.

"I know, I know, now calm yourself up and be the cheerful Yein again, you're going to meet him soon okay?" Jiae said giving her a tight hug.

If Jiae is on Yein position she can't last that strong, she'll broke down not meeting Yoongi for 2 years.

Suddenly, Jiae got a phone call from her one and only Yoongi, ending their sad moment.

"Yeobseyeo, Yoongi?"

"Hey... How's work?" He sound so tired and sleepy.

"Fine, I'm with Yein now. Are you okay Yoongi?" She asked him knowing that something unlikely bothering him.

"Yeah, I'm fine—" lie. "Princess, I'll pick you up after work then drop Yein to Sujeong house and let's go for a date, shall we?"


"Yes, a date. We never had one before for a lot of reason."

"Is this really happening Yoongi?"

"Believe me it is."

Something does change bit by bit.

17.00 pm, restaurant

They're both sitting in the corner near the window, with the company of classic, romantic music. It's not usual for both of them, but here they are, sitting nicely and eating their dinner.

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