One Hundred Percent

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The next day they spent the whole day strolling around Amsterdam, Yoongi suggest going to Dam Square because the architecture building there was 'amazing' as he found out from naver.

"There are Royal Places there Jiae, don't you want to see castle, Princess?" One of Yoongi's interest was architecture, beside his love for music and photography this man is good at architecture, it is his fate to lives surround by arts.

"I know Yoongi, I also want to see the royal garden or perhaps there's park there! Also let's rent bike and go cycling there. It said that it was famous there." Jiae suggest while reading articles from Yoongi's tablet.

"Let's do it all, we have a lot of time, two weeks isn't short you know." Yoongi said while patting her head. "Let's do it all then."

A week past by as they made a lot of memories together, from going to museum to museum, going to the theme park, visiting famous building, cycling, until going to the zoo and aquarium, name it and they've been there. Yoongi and Jiae finally spent their last day together before coming back to Korea, or LA for Jiae.

Yoongi capture a lot of beautiful pictures inside his camera, of course it's beautiful for him. As long as Jiae was in the picture, every picture is beautiful for him.

"Yoongi where are we going today?" Jiae asked him. She was helping Yoongi put his beanie on. Yoongi smile and redo her scarf. "That my love willl be a secret. Trust me, you'll love it when we get there."

They spent two hours ride from bus to bus until they were finally there. "Welcome to Keukenhof Garden." Yoongi said as the bus stops in front of the gate.

Jiae was too busy complaining about the long trip until her eyes spot the colourful flowers. "Come on let's go." Yoongi said before Jiae open her mouth.



"It's beautiful."

"Of course it is

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"Of course it is. I found this place just for you." Yoongi said after he snapped another picture of her happy face.

"Thank you Yoongi.. It must be hard looking for transportation here."

"I'll do anything for that smile. Besides, google has everything." Yoongi said while touring her around the place. "Yoongi Netherland's tulips are really pretty!"

"Well of course it is. It's where it comes from right?" Yoongi asked her while snapping another picture. "Correct." Jiae said.

"Tulips are prettier here because it feels like home for them. Yoo Jiae, do you feel at home with me?"

The atmosphere suddenly change between them. The way he asked her seems to be very serious yet so calm and loving. Jiae smile and held his hand. "Of course I do. You're my home."

Yoongi smile lovingly and try to keeps his breath normal after he coughed for a moment. He thinks about this every time and everyday for the past six months. He never done it before so he didn't know how to do it until he said it.

"I love you Jiae. I'm more than thankful to know that you feel the same as me. That you feel home when we're together."

" Almost three years ago, when we met each other. I was so puppy stuck at you, I was in love with you, I still am. Sadly I couldn't make you mine that time. It was a hard time for all of us."

" And when I met you last year at the convenient store I know that it will be my last chance. To have you. To love you. I found out that time that it is not only a crush, or an on set love. I long for you, I fall in love again. And when I found out you feel the same. I can't be more happy than that day. It felt like dream comes true."

"I was beyond happy when we spend our time together, when you are there by my side whenever my job got me stress, or when I'm happy, sad, mad, confuse. You were always there, you still are. I don't want to lose my opportunity anymore. I don't want to watch you cry and did notting at all. I want to stand by you. I want to keep you save, I want to make you smile, I want to love you."

"So, Yoo Jiae. Will you marry me?"

Jiae tears comes streaming down her face. She's smiling but she's also crying. Everything that he said, every words touch her. She has never feel so important to someone rather than Yoongi. She never has feel so loved like this. Every words thrown her back to where everything begun. And she loves every moment with Yoongi in it.

"Hey babe, I don't need your answer now you know? I'm sorry if I make you cry. Please don't cry." Yoongi said while erasing her tears with his thumbs. He's to concerned about her tears to see her smile. She's his first priority, so watching her frail like this, it's more than heart breaking for him.

Jiae hug him tight, drowning herself on his chest and whisper him. "Yes Yoongi, it's a yes."

Yoongi froze for a moment and held her shoulder steady. "Y-yes?" His eyes was shaking, looking for her eyes, hearts beating faster than every.

"One hundred percent yes."

He didn't even waste a second to kiss her after the word yes fall from her mouth. His kisses were soft, as if she's so frail to him. It was long and full with loving. And Jiae returned his kisses.

A few seconds later a beautiful melody can be hear everywhere in the garden.

'Thank God Tony' Yoongi thought, smiling by himself.

It was a melody that reflect Yoongi the most. Jiae smiles knowingly and whisper him. "I love this song."

He doesn't have to tell her that it was his because of course she knew. She knows him so well not to know. "It's not because you made it Yoongi, it's because it is a great song. Once again, you're amazing Yoongi and I love you too."

It is a happy ending eventually. Love does scarifies but, I'll be worth it. You will be loved, and you will feel at home again. like what they said. When you find love you find home.  





I know, I know, IM BAD at making ENDING so..




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