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Both Yoongi and Jiae are now sitting on the living room, with a bowl of ice cream that Yoongi brought, watching TV together while trying to call Yein. It's hard to reach Yein, the last time they talk was that time on Yoongi's apartment.

Until an amazing miracle happened. She answered it.

"Yeobseyeo, eonnie?"

"Jung Yein!" She shout in excitement almost making Yoongi drop his ice cream all over his pyjamas.

"Woah woah woah.. slow down eonnie, Is some one getting engage or something?" She said jokingly. "Better! TaeJeong are getting marriage 2 weeks from now!"

"What?!" Yein shout from the other line. "Yes! I know right! They announce their engagement two days after you called, we're tried to contact you but we can't reach you so we try again now 2 weeks before the wedding!" Jiae said happily. "Oh, I'm sorry eonnie, that night is the last night before Gyu keeps my phone away, I'm having a big test a day after that day~" Yein said cutely.

"You naughty lil kid! I wanna talk to Mingyu, and I swear I would not be angry with him, just a small talk." Jiae said.

"Fine~ Gyuuuu...Jiae eonnie want to speak with you~"

'Yeobseyeo?" A man voice speaking, his voice is warm and calm, not harsh like what Yein used to describe.

"Mingyu-ssi, this is Jiae speaking, I'm Yeinie friend from Korea, the thing is, her best friend here is getting marriage 2 weeks from now, would you kindly bring Yein back to us?" Jiae said in pleading cute voice that always make boys heart flatter.

Yoongi eyes widen watching Jiae 'flirting' to another man. Even if she didn't mean to do so. Something inside him is angry, and disagree with it. He's jealous.

Only he got's the right to watch Jiae does that. 'She mine' He thought. He knows that he haven't announce it out loud and he doesn't get the right to mark her as his, but he's so Jealous right now.

He put his ice cream aside and snuggle towards her, trying to hear what they've been talking about. But Jiae's being Jiae, she ignore him and focus talking with Mingyu knowing that asking Mingyu permission for Yein to go back to Korea is more important right now.

Yoongi gave her a puppy eyes, but she ignore it. Yoongi plead like a 5 years old boy, she's ignoring it. Yoongi gave her his best aegyo, She lost. Lost deep trough his cuteness.

"Wait a second Mingyu-ssi, I got a 5 years old boy pleading for something." She said before pinching both Yoongi cheeks and whisper shouting at him. "Stop distracting me with your aegyo! I know your cute but really Yoongi, now it's the best time for you to be Swag!" She said before snatching her phone back walking away from him, continuing her discussion with Mingyu. 

Leaving Yoongi half boiled anger and jealousy alone.

Jiae end the call happily, meaning Mingyu allowed Yein to come back to her home land.

She walks back to the living room, searching for Yoongi.

"Yoongi where are you? Stop with your games! Yoongi—" She stop speaking and moving all around just when she felt a pair for hands hugging her from behind tightly.

"I hate it." he said with a space before continuing. "I hate it when you pleading to someone else. I hate it if you being cute with another boy, man, even a grandpa. You're mine, and I'm the one who can only watch you acting like that. Got it?" Yoongi said with his low voice.

"Possessive much!" Jiae said changing her position facing Yoongi with the 'Stop being possessive' face. Yoongi chuckle watching Jiae cute pout. Leaning closer to her just to peck her nose. "I'm being possessive only towards you."

"Change that, only to you, or maybe our future daughter." Yoongi tease making Jiae face cover with red blush.

"Classic and cheesy! I miss your swag Min Yoongi!"





Small update~ 

I'm preparing for the next chapter, next chapter will be Taejeong wedding preparation BANGLYZ will be there, and KEIMIN will start there. Remember 14 Days love? well, it's going to be really fun for the next 2-3 chapter.     

I gave u hint, use your brain to creak it. 

What do you think about this story? And what's your guess for the ending?

I won't make things easy for you *wink* (LMAO) #NoEmoji

xoxo the most lazy, un-fun, and stupid author that always make u wait and bored. 


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