"Miss me?"

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07.00 am, Mansion, L.A

It's been two months since Yoongi and Jiae live in L.A. Yoongi's project walking smoothly and Yoongi himself didn't stress himself out. It was a very good decision to bring Jiae with him. She has been taking care of him very well. Yoongi often forget to ate his lunch or dinner when he's still busy composing his music, there's when Jiae comes. She'll give him a call to remind him to eat, sometimes she came to his work place with food when she have time.

Jiae learned some new things in here. Since she got nothing to do beside taking care of Yoongi, she work part time in the flower shop near their place. She love spending her times there, it reminds her a lot about her grandma.

Every weekends Jiae and Yoongi spend their time together. Wether it's exploring L.A, cuddling, late night date, cafe date, movie date, name it and they'll do it. Jiae earn some interest in making music since she spent a lot of time with Yoongi.

Their getting strong every seconds. Even if their still the same lazy old folks, but that empty feelings they keeps bugging with are disappearing.




"God dammit! can't I have some peace?" Yoongi groan at his phone alarm. Massing with his fluffy hair after sleep. One of his hands turn of his phone alarm while the other hand slip trough Jiae waist, pulling her close. Cuddling her was his favourite things, and waking up early wasn't.

Jiae chuckle at the way Yoongi whine about the alarm. She hugs him before giving him a peak on the cheek. "It's Saturday Yoongi. You forgot to set off you alarm." She said follow with her small giggles.

"Urgh Thank God. I don't want to leave this bed all day." Yoongi said while crashing her hair, pulling their bed cover up till it's only shows their face. "Let's cuddle all day. Can't we?" Yoongi said while bear hugging Jiae. And before she could answer him. He's back in dream land, making Jiae having no option beside going back to sleep. Knowing that she literally trap between his arms.

They spent 4 hours straight sleeping peace fully, until.



"Hyung open the door!"

"Eonnie! were here! Guys wake up!"

Jiae heard the knock and shouts. Especially when it's in Korean. Which is very rare here in L.A.

"Eonnie open the door!"

"Mijoo?" Jiae open her eyes, adjusting the now shining bright light. Yoongi still in his sleep, move a little, in addition still trapping Jiae. "Noona, Hyung. Open the door!".


"OhMyGosh Yoongi wake up! Mijoo and Hoseok are here, their outside!" Jiae shake his arm, made him groan in dislike, but still obeying Jiae words. He got up rubbing his eyes.

Jiae run down stairs quickly opening the front door.

"It's 12.00 o'clock in the afternoon and you just got up?" Mijoo question here while giving her a warm hug. "I miss you eonnie~ surprise!" . "How are you noona? You like our surprise?"

Jiae giggles, nodding in disbelieve in Mijoo and Hoseok surprise. Until Yoongi voice echo from the stairs "Babe, are they really here?"

"Babe huh?" Mijoo and hoseok said at the same time.

"Yes honey, we're here~" Hoseok shout cutely, mocking Jiae. While they lead their self in to the living room. "I want to say I miss you but that's not swag. And stop with the cute voice. Only my Jiae suit them!"

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