Working hard

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It has been days since Jiae comes back from the Hospital. Mijoo and Hoseok already went back to Seoul bitting their goodbye bringing a lot of 'exclusive information' that they could share with the rest of Banglyz about Sugae couple.

For example, how Yoongi's deeply in love with Jiae until he forgets his swag almost all the time, how Yoongi and Jiae share bed together, how everyday Jiae always cook them breakfast, lunch , and diner, or how they spend their weekends with dates, and the stupid unnecessary list go on and on.

Since then Yoongi has been busy with works. Jiae spends her day in the house or in the flower shop.She often bring lunch to Yoongi's work place with Tony, or simply call him to ask how's things going, or wether asking if he's already eat his lunch or not. Sometimes Yoongi push himself to far to finish his project as soon as possible knowing that it's not good to stay in L.A any longer, with Myungsoo in the story.

"Yoongi, get out from there please, I miss you." Jiae knocks his studio room in their penthouse, yes. Yoongi bought Tony's penthouse since Jiae loves it so much.

Yoongi has been staying in his cave longer than twelve hours and it's not healthy for him to do so. He usually listen to Jiae and get his butt out of his cave but since Jiae got back from the hospital, He push his ass to work harder, not only because he wants them to get back to Seoul faster but also for something else.

"Yoongi are you okay in there? Please at lease answer me. I need to know if you're okay." Jiae frown. She worries about him a lot. 'It's so unusual for him to act like this'.

The door suddenly opened by the dull, tired and unshaped Yoongi. "Hey, I miss you." Yoongi said while crashing her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you knocking. I was too busy with work, and I'm perfectly fine Jiae. Go back to sleep okay? It's not good for you to be awaken at two am in the morning."

"Look who's talking. You should stop this mess Yoongi. I know you want us to get back to Seoul sooner but, you can not push yourself like this. It's un healthy. You're not fine, look at those eye bangs and red eyes."

"Im sorry Jiae, I really do but, It's the only way. I have to do this this for us." Yoongi said crashing her soft messy hair after waking up in the middle of the night finding Yoongi's not by her side.

"Stop it please, If you do this for us why don't I feel happy for this? I don't want to keep you away from your work but, if you do it this way then I don't have any option." Jiae said, holding his hand still on her hair.

"Okay, fine. I'll leave my work for now. Let's get back to sleep. You're right. If I pushed myself to hard, I wouldn't make a good music anyway." Yoongi said before saving his music and finally stepping his foot out of his cave.

"Sleepy?" Yoongi asked Jiae after she yawned. She nodded her head cutely and fumble with her night wear. Yoongi chuckles at the sigh and lifts Jiae's body in a swift, carrying her back to up stairs where their room is. "You don't have to carry me pabo."

"Im genius, and I have to take care of you. You're mine to keep and save."

"Sure." Jiae whisper before falling a sleep in his arms. She's to sleepy to argue with him any longer.

It was ten o'clock in the morning when Yoongi woke up. He was searching for Jiae to cuddle with but there's no one but himself on the bed. He feels lonely and cold. Seems like he's use to Jiae present. "Urgh...Where is she?" Yoongi mumble. He decide to drag himself to the bathroom and takes a quick shower before going down stairs to found Jiae cooking him a lot of healthy and delicious food. She was serving him breakfast when he found her.

"You cook all of this?" Yoongi asked when he land his eyes on her. "Of course. Who else did?" Jiae said before dragging Yoongi to his sit, giving him his chop stick . "Go on, finish it all okay? And I won't tolerant if you leave the food unfinished". Jiae peck his right cheeks after, then dashing to their room to get her things to leave.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat with me?" Yoongi asked pouting as he watch his girl putting her shoes on. "I'm going to water my flowers and get some orders done. I will be back at one. Leave the dishes in the kitchen after you finished it. I'll wash it later."

Yoongi put his chop stick down and stands up from his sit, walking past the open dining room to Jiae who's about to open the front door. Yoongi grab her wrist and turn her body around to face him.

"What do you want? I already put you vitamin next to a glass of water on your side stand table." Jiae said crashing his cheeks. It was an always for them to take care of each other. It's not like they must to do it but, it becomes their habit to do so. Since both of them are grandpa and grandma. They just follow their own flow.

"I know." Yoongi said while hugging her close to him. "Take care okay? Answer my call when I call. Don't get yourself in trouble okay?" Jiae hums and returns his hug. "Be back at one." Jiae mumbles in his chest. Yoongi release the hug and kiss her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jiae peck his cheek and dash out. Yoongi sign and drag himself back in the dining room, digging his food. "Gosh she's making me fat." Yoongi laughs by his own. It was a miracle to have her. Looking back at himself almost a year ago when he barely eat his breakfast, often forgets diner or lunch. Drowning himself with work, he live his life repeatedly everyday. Empty, he felt empty. He's not sad and he's not happy. Even if he share laugh with the boys but that's it. nothing less and nothing more. But since she came back. He recalls his life back then on summer vacation. When he laughed with her, getting bored with her, walking slowly with her, talking some deep shit conversation. That time on the beach in.

"What are you doing here?"

"The same reason why you're here."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"What is it to talk about?"

"Stop playing games would you? I'm trying to help here."

"I don't know Yoongi... What will happen to us?"

"We're gonna be okay, I know that a lot of things changes this past week but, we're gonna be okay, okay?"

"You sure? You seems to look concern your own."

"I don't know my self but, we can make it sure if we believe to." "Yoongi you're smiling.."

"What if I'd smile?"

"Now you're laughing.."

"Why are you worrying the fact that I did smile and Laugh?"

"It's rare watching you share your smile and laugh with me."

"That should be a good thing right?"

"You're scaring me Yoongi.."

"Did I?"

"You did.."

"You said it in past so now I'm not scaring you right?"

"When will you stop playing this question game?"

"When you're not worried about things anymore."

Yoongi laughs as he recalls his first conversation with her. It was weird but he treasure it. "I took a picture of her that day. She was so pretty, she still is. If I didn't take her picture maybe I wouldn't fall for her."

Yoongi finish his breakfast and leave the dishes in the kitchen as Jiae told him. He look at the refrigerator door there's a picture of them, where jiae hugged him from his back in his studio, laughing. It was a cute candid Tony capture from his camera and sent it to Yoongi. Which he loves so much because they look so happy until he managed to printed it.

"Let's get this work finish Yoongi. And make her officially yours." Yoongi mumble by himself and drag his legs to his work place.  





Update before final exam T-T 

XOXO Sheix

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