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If you haven't read She's the Man by BritishBums do not, I repeat, DO NOT read this. It will spoil the end of her spectacular book.

With a big grin on my face I basically sprint out of the house. Leanne is waiting for me outside in her sisters car. "Your dad actually let you come," She exclaims as I hop into the back of the car.

"I'm still a little shocked myself. I thought I'd have to sneak out," I laugh a little at my own joke. I'd never in a million years sneak out of the house.

Leanne's sister Holly pulls out of my driveway and begins speeding down the street. I lean forward turning up the radio. Holly has an amazing taste in music, never listens to radio always old CD's she finds at stores. This one happens to have the original Teenage Dirtbag.

"Rose didn't your dad cover this with his band," Holly asks combing through her firery red hair. Leanne and Holly are from Ireland and moved here a few years back. I nod rolling down my own window to get a better look at the gorgeous sunset.

"I heard you know who is going to be at the party," Leanne smirks at me in the mirror as we pull into Jane's to pick her up. I roll my eyes at her. She's referring to Matt, Matthew Evans. And to be even more specific, Matt the boy I've had a crush on since grade school. "Just don't forget your name this time Rose," Leanne reminds me of the horrid memory causing Holly to laugh.

After picking up Jane the party wasn't a far drive away. Holly let us out of her car before heading down the road to a different party for 'older more mature people' as she put it. The three of us walked up to the big house, inside you could tell it wasn't a small get together. As we walked into the house my eyes widened. I gulped, this is a house party. If my dad finds out I'm never leaving the house until I'm thirty.

"Rose," Matt comes up to us yelling over the loud party.

I probably resemble a deer in headlights right now.

I can't believe he's actually talking to me at a party, and not against his will either.

"Hey!" I replied smiling at him as he gives me a brief hug. Even though it was short it gave me butterflies. I'm not sure if its his perfect eyes or perfect smile but he's just amazing.

Leanne and Jane were giving me a look screaming at me to take a chance.

Of course being the awkward idiot I am, I only smile at him. I mentally face palmed

Matt chuckled, "So I'll see you around?"

"Err, yeah, totally," I say giving him a thumbs up and probably looking like an idiot once again.

Once he and his friends were out of ear shot my Leanne and Jane squealed. "Rose! He just talked to you," Leanne nearly screamed. She's always been the noisiest out of our group.

"I know," I shrieked with her having a heart attack.





It's been about an hour and I've noticed Matt staring at me a total of three times. Once he even winked at me! I about died right then and there. "Rose, truth or dare? Come on it's with the other girls from school," Jane begins dragging me towards a circle of just girls. I've noticed that throughout the party the guys and the girls have sort of separated themselves.

I sighed, "It's just risky you know?" There's no telling what some of these girls have ready for dares. 

"Well you've got to take risks," Melanie speaks up. She's the last person in our group and got to the party a little after us. "Come on don't tell me you're chicken?" She raises an eyebrow before making rather obnoxious chicken noises.

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