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"Rose? Where's Matt," Caroline looks at me a little aggravated that I interrupted her. I would be too if I were in her shoes. But if I were in her shoes I wouldn't have insulted him.

Alex and I haven't broken eye contact we're still staring into each other's eyes. I see the gleam in his golden brown eyes. "He went to get some water," I tell her. "Alex I hope you don't mind if I steal you for one dance."

Caroline stomps her foot about to protest however Alex takes my hand before she has the chance to say anything. "I wouldn't mind at all."

A slow song already began, its from an old movie that's become very popular as of late. All the couples are pairing up and beginning dancing. I look up at Alex smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands are placed on my waist. Caroline pushes past us all worked up as she stomps away.

"I feel bad," I whisper looking away for the first time.

"Don't," He places a finger on my chin. "She just helped the pain numb. She'll get over it."

I feel like a jerk now. "I'm so sorry Alex. I made the worst mistake I could ever-"

"Not now," Alex shushes me pulling me close. I rest my head on his chest closing my eyes.

Everything is as it should be.

I'm happy for the first time tonight.

"Matt don't."



"It's alright."


Then I'm ripped from Alex's embrace. I feel the cold harsh reality wipe over me. "Rose! Why is Rachel Simpson suddenly interested in me? And why are you and Alex all close? What's going on?" Matt looks angry. I should of known this would happen. Caroline is standing by Alex smirking. "Without her telling me what happened I would have probably never found out," Matt grips on to my arm rather tight.

"Matt you're hurting me," I say trying to loosen his grip.

A crowd is starting to form.

"I thought you and I were happy. I thought things were going great," He looks like he's about to cry.

"I was happy Matt, it's just-"

"It's just what Rose? I'm not good enough for you? You and Alex have been hooking up this entire time while we were dating haven't you." His grip tightens even more. 

"Matt let her go. Can't you see you're hurting her," Alex steps forward pushing Matt's chest lightly.

"Alex. I don't even want to see your face right now," Matt spits pulling me closer to him.

"We're best friends I don't want any trouble," Alex tries talking him down.

"Exactly. We're BEST FRIENDS. Haven't you heard of the guy code," Matt grips harder with every word.

"Matt. You're really hurting me," I grimace.

"Come on Matt let Rose go. Then you can talk about it calmly," Jane steps up with Cody right behind her.

Matt shakes his head laughing. "None of you people get it. She cheated on me! With my best friend." He yells drawing an even bigger crowd. "What do you know about that Jane? You and Cody with your perfect relationship. Mind your own business." He pushes Jane hard backwards.

That was a mistake.

A big mistake.

Cody launches himself at Matt yelling a whole bunch of nasty things at him. Matt releases his grip on me and I can see the red mark even in the dark. Alex grabs me pulling me away from the punches. Jane is screaming at them to stop.

"Rose your arm," Alex mutters rubbing his hand over the mark.

I brush him off, "I"m fine. I have to stop this. It's all my fault." I kick off my heels before placing myself between Cody and Matt. I face Matt and place my hand on his chest. He's breathing heavily. Jane has Cody and is talking him down assessing any wounds he has. Matt and I lock eyes. "Stop. Please. Before any one does something they regret."

"God Rose." Matt runs his hands through his hair aggravated. "I really like you and I can't lose you."

I place my hand on the side of his face stroking his cheek with my thumb. "I know Matt."

He throws my hand off, "If you know why are you doing this to me." He shouts this time pushing me back.

"Don't touch her again," Alex raises his voice shoving Matt. Now they're punching each other. Matt lands several on Alex. His face a couple times and one to the gut.

"Stop! You're hurting him," I cry out trying to put myself between them like before. But I made a mistake. I jumped in at the worst time possible. Matt's fist was in mid swing and then it hits the side of my face, right by my eye, hard. Matt's face drops as he realizes what occured. Everything is happening slowly. Someone screams as I start falling over. Alex catches me before I hit the ground and is speaking to me but I can't hear a word. All that I hear is muffled talking and shouting above the music.

Then, like in all the movies, I black out.

50,000 reads. Over that actually. I love y'all so much its unreal. I didn't think this book would go anywhere honestly. I can't thank ya'll enough for making my life amazing. Honestly every day I can't get on Wattpad I'm really sad and I feel like apart of me is missing. You guys are like family to me.

Forever yours.


oh and please don't kill me over this chapter, kay? Thanks bye.

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