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"Us? You're serious," Alex questions. I nod smiling before kissing him lightly. "What do we do for the seventeen days though?"

"Hang out. Get to know each other better. Hope that Matt gets over it," I say.

Alex has a goofy grin on his face, "I'm sure he'll get over it."

I'm not going to give up this easily.

Matt's voice rings through my head and I close my head trying to get it out.

"Rose is everything okay," Alex sounds scared.

I pop open my eyes and I'm squinting. "Yeah just another headache coming on," I mumble.

"Let's go then," He stands up brushing off his pants before extending a hand out. I take it helping to stand up.

We make our way down the hill slowly so we don't fall on our faces. Then we go to the kitchen and finish the rest of the dishes in silence. I get a Sprite from the fridge and some Tylenol as well. Even though I didn't really have a headache I know there will probably be one later.

"Back to my room?" I suggest. "Or the basement."

"Basement works," Alex shrugs as he heads down the stairs. Last time we were both down here was my party when Matt asked me to the dance.

Alex plops down on the couch stretching out his legs and leaning his back on the arm basically taking up the entire couch. 

"Okay but where am I supposed to sit? The floor," I laugh pushing his shoulder. 

"No silly. There's room," He lies on his side propping his head up with his arm creating space. 

Not wanting to argue I lay down my back pressed against his chest. It's actually quite cozy. I wasn't expecting it to be. 

"There isn't that better than the floor," He speaks lowly placing his left hand on my arm and rubs his thumb back and forth soothingly. "Favorite color," He randomly blurts out.

"Crimson," I reply mindlessly. My eyes are closed and my breathing is steady. "Yours?"

"Navy blue," He answers.

"Getting fancy," I laugh.

"And crimson isn't fancy enough for you?"

"Good point."

"Your turn."

I bite my lip thinking. "What do you want to be?"

"Professional football player but the chances of that are slim to none," Alex comments.

"You're really good. Don't sell yourself short," I tell him.

"I guess I can still dream," He chuckles his breath hitting the back of my neck. I shift my legs around and our legs end up entwined.

"I've always wanted to become a manager of an artist or band. Weird aspiration I know but I figure more chance of that than becoming an actual singer."

"Rose you are aware your father and uncle were apart of world famous groups," Alex laughs again.

"Yeah," I mummer starting to fall asleep. "I don't like the idea of using that to get what I want though," I explain yawning.

"Most people would jump at that kind of opportunity. Rachel for example. Her Dad is famous and he got her a deal at a record company," He reminds me. At the end of last school year Rachel made the announcement public that she was going to release an album within the next two years. I remember how much her popularity sky rocketed.

"You could say I'm not most people," I giggle copying his words from earlier.

"Alright I've kept you awake long enough. Get some sleep," He brushes hair out of my face kissing my cheek. He grabs the blanket that was hanging off the back of the couch behind him and lays it on top of us.


Alex and I were walking though the halls, simply talking nothing more. It was Monday and people kept asking me if I was okay and I felt drastically better. Although I don't remember much of Sunday.

Out of the blue Alex leans over and kisses me. People in the hall gasp. "What are you doing," I exclaim.

"I like you too much to keep it a secret screw Matt," He whispers very different from normal before kissing me again rough.

Who is this and what have they done with my Alex?

I push him off me and against the locker. "What has gotten into you?" I look at him disgusted.

"Are you ashamed of me? Is that why you're making me wait until November seventeenth? Or do you still like Matt," He looks angry and pissed off.

"No! Where is this coming from Alex? You were perfectly fine with it Saturday night," I feel like I'm about to cry.

"You mean the same day you were locking lips with Matt?"

I gulp. How does he know?

"When you fell asleep Matt texted me telling me what happened. Every detail. That the kisses were all you. You were all over him. When he tried to push you away you just kissed him harder. That you shoved your tongue down his throat. I mean come on how stupid do you think I am?"

"That's all a lie! A sick twisted lie!" I cry. I can't believe Matt did that.

"Who do I trust, the girl I've only really gotten to know for two weeks or my best friend from pre school? Hmm that's a tough one," He spits sarcasitically and it stings a little.

"I'm telling you he's lying," I can't control the tears anymore.

Alex turns away from me and lets out a sigh, "I never want to see your face again."

Then he left me. Sobbing my eyes out in the middle of the hallway.


"Rose," Someone is shaking me. "Rose wake up!" They shake me again.

My eyes snap open and I'm still in the basement with Alex.

"Everything is going to be okay it was just a dream,"  Alex sits us up and wraps his arms around me.

I can't stop crying, "It wasn't a dream it was a nightmare."

He only hugs me tighter, "Don't worry whatever scared you isn't real." Alex kisses my forehead and rocks us back and forth slowly.

I've calmed down a bit and only tears are rolling down my cheeks.

Little does he know my nightmare could very possible become a reality come Monday.

"I have something to confess," I whisper.

Sorry it is so late in the day! 

School probably isn't closed tomorrow, I'm actually excited to get back, we have a delay so I still get to sleep in a bit.

That is all my astronauts.


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