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"Let me get this straight," Leanne says turning in her seat holding the eyeliner in her hand. "You like Alex not Matt, and now that Alex has Caroline you're stuck."

I nod turning off my curling iron and spraying hairspray in my hair. "Basically," I sigh. "I thought everything was going to be great but then I had to go and mess things up."

"I ship Rolex," Melanie blurts out popping a pizza roll into her mouth.

Leanne glares at her, "You're kidding right? Rott all the way. Matt is a much better choice in the end. If Alex really cared about her he wouldn't have run to Caroline after things went south."

"Are you on crack," Melanie argues back. Jane looks at me rolling her eyes. "It's fate. How can you argue with fate?"

Leanne is about to defend her opinion when my dad cracks open the door. "Am I interrupting something," He questions. My parents are still a bit roughed up about what happened earlier in the week. My mum didn't leave her room for a full forty-eight hours. When she finally did the way she acted was unexpected. She went on like nothing ever happened. Like she was never going to have a baby. That it never died. How she's handling it can't be helping.

Jane shakes her head, "It's fine Mr. Hemmings. Just talking."

"Great," He smiles. "Can I barrow my daughter for a minute?"

I get up from the floor and brush off my sweatpants. "Sure dad," I follow him out and close the door behind me. "What's up?"

He sighs folding his arms across his chest. "You know I'm still not very fond of your date, Maddie is it?"

"Matt," I laugh. He nods. "Yeah I know dad, mum's already gave me the talk you don't have to give it again. Birds and the bees drilled into my head." I chuckle tapping my head.

He shudders, "Not what I was reffering to but still good. As I was saying I know you really like this boy and there's no way I can stop you just know if he hurts you tell him I don't mind going back to prison."

I grab the door knob, "Thanks but I don't think you'll have to worry about him much longer."

"How so?"

"Uh-love you," I stand up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek rubbing it in. "We'll be changing soon so don't come in."




I smooth out the bottom of my tight fitting dress. It shimmers in the mirror and I can't help but smile. The pink color looks amazing with my black heels. "Ready," I say clamping in the last earing.

"Good I'm starving," Melanie comments getting up from my bed. Her dress is a dark red with lace sleeves, her hair is curled as well with her bangs pulled back. Her shoes are a shimmery silver.

Jane is still fixing her makeup after getting eyeliner on the tip of her nose. Her dress is white and strapless with a glitter overlay on the bottom. Her shoes are a cherry red.

Leanne puckers her lips one last time as she applies chapstick one final time. I'm in love with her dress. It's simple. Black, tight on the bottom, one long sleeve with cut outs and small gold studs. Her shoes are a shimery gold.

"Come on you divas you look great. Let's go eat some ribs," Melanie pesters already by my bedroom door.

"Let's go before Melanie dies of starvation," Jane laughs nearly falling as she stands.

The four of us head down the stairs hanging onto the rail as we carefully step. All of our parents wait at the bottom of the steps cameras ready.

"Stop right there," Melanie's dad says holding his professional camera up. "The light is perfect."

Melanie rolls her eyes, "Dad." She groans.

"Listen to your father Mel. Now smile and look pretty," Her mum glares.

While we stand in a line on the stairs smiling so big our cheeks hurt I look at my mum. She's in the back as dad takes pictures. Her brown hair is up in a very loose bun and she's wearing glasses that she got a few years ago. I haven't seen her wear them since the day she got contacts. We make eye contact and she smiles warmly and taps the bottom of her chin telling me to keep my chin up. I smile back tapping my own chin as well.

'Love you' she mouths.

"I love you too mum," I say out loud.



After a million pictures at my own house I'm now standing in front of Matt's fireplace for another million pictures. Matt has his arm around my waist smiling at his parents as they take photos. He looks good in a tux and a pink tie to match my dress. But I can't help but notice how fantastic Alex looks in his tux with a silver tie. Caroline and Alex are sitting directly behind the camera at the kitchen table feeding each other. What bothers me is the fact that Alex keeps looking over at me every chance he gets as if he's making sure I'm watching.

I sigh.

"What's wrong babe," Matt glances down at me for a second.

"Nothing just so many pictures. My mouth might be frozen like this forever."

Matt chuckles, "Alright. Mum enough with the pictures. I'm sure you've got plenty already."

Shelia blushes, "Sorry sweetheart. It's your first time going with a girl I actually like. Can't I be excited?"

There it is more guilt for the plan I have tonight.

I gulp. Looking over at Jane who sighs herself. She looks over to the kitchen table where Alex is now all alone. Caroline is talking to Leanne in the kitchen and I know I have a while because Leanne can talke for hours. I know what I have to do.

"Hey," I whisper sitting down next to him at the table.

He looks up but doesn't say a word.

"Are you going to keep this up forever and just forget there was ever anything going on between us?"

"That seems like a great option," He mumbles. "But I could never forget. Nor do I want to." 

Merry Christmas Eve! Well probably Merry Christmas now, it's in a few hours for me. But I figured I'd update for y'all. I'm going to try my hardest and update tomorrow as well but I can't promise anything.

This is important so read it carefully:

I will be gone the 26-29 in Chicago. That means no updates. I'll be able to get on my phone and talk to ya'll but that's it. So don't think I fell off the face of the earth or something like that.

Oh and now some amazing news! But anways a close family friend of mine, he's like an older brother to me, made the US men's olympic team. Like it's insane. They've already named him a 'heart throb' and I'm just laughing at it. He said an I quote, "I can be the winter Tom Daley".

Well that's all.

Happy Holidays!


Oh and I have to ask what did ya'll get for Christmas (or what do you want if you're reading this before Christmas)

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